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Created January 16, 2012 20:43
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BT Customer Services get it all wrong
Rahul: Hello. I'm Rahul. Thanks for that information, I'll check it and get back to you in a moment.
Rahul: Hello Rob
Rob Elkin: Hi Rahul
Rahul: Good evening
Rob Elkin: I had a couple of questions
Rahul: Sure.
Rob Elkin: First, I understand you traffic shape p2p traffic in the evenings on your infinity product, do you traffic shape anything else?
Rahul: I am sorry but I need to transfer the chat to the technical team.
Rahul has disconnected.
John Michael : Hello. I'm John Michael . Thanks for that information, I'll check it and get back to you in a moment.
John Michael : Its a fibre optic connection from the exchange
John Michael : it gives you much faster speed than the normal broadband connection
Rob Elkin: yep, aware of that, currently have it installed with another provider
John Michael : Ok
Rob Elkin: interested in knowing if you shape anything apart from p2p?
John Michael : How much do you pay fopr the service
Rob Elkin: my current provider?
John Michael : yes
Rob Elkin: that shouldn't matter, I thought this was a technical team?
Rob Elkin: im interested in moving to bt, but need some technical questions answered first
John Michael : Like
Rob Elkin: do you shape any other traffic apart from p2p?
Rob Elkin: do you block any ports
John Michael : no ports are blocked
Rob Elkin: is there a FUP on your unlimited product, and if so what is it?
John Michael : And for up-load speed its 10gigs
John Michael : And yes there is fup for unlimited broadband
John Michael : its beyond 100 gigs
John Michael : You get warning
Rob Elkin: so is it 100 Gb? I've heard 300 Gb
John Michael : No iam afraid you have 2 options
John Michael : option 1 is for 40 gigs and option 2 is 100 gigs
John Michael : Are you there ?
Rob Elkin: but this page here:,402,424 doesn't give any indication of that limit?
Rob Elkin: and this is quoted : "Options with unlimited usage, like BT Total Broadband Option 3, allow you to upload and download as much as you want without worrying about whether you'll be charged for additional usage." on this page:
John Michael : It says unlimited but its actually capped to 100 gigs
Rob Elkin: so why are these limits not indicated anywhere? what happens if I go over the 100 Gb?
John Michael : its business rule
John Michael : any provider you go they will say unlimited but won't say its capped to certain gigs
John Michael : To be very frank its actually 100 gigs for any provider as in unlimited broadband option
Rob Elkin: well it is disingenuous to advertise one thing and do another
John Michael : As i said business rule
Rob Elkin: but that still doesn't tell me, what happens if I go over 100 Gb?
John Michael : For every gig above the limit you get charged for 5 pounds
Rob Elkin: £5 for every Gb? That doesn't match up to the information on this page (supplied before) :,402,424
John Michael : Can you please confirm your billing account number
Rob Elkin: I don't have a billing account number, as I said I'm potentially interested in moving suppliers to BT, and therefore have no broadband relationship with BT
John Michael : Can you please confirm your house name /number and postcode
Rob Elkin: You shouldn't need that information to be able to tell me why there is a difference, what do you need that for?
John Michael : you have bt landline connection with us
Rob Elkin: yes
John Michael : I would suggest to call our cots team and they will give you the information more precisely
John Michael : its 0800800150
Rob Elkin: what is cots?
John Michael : customer option team gives information about bt products
Rob Elkin: ok, will do
John Michael : Thank you for contacting bt ......................................bye
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