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Last active May 3, 2024 15:28
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Fetching auction data from the Hypixel API
* Robust function to fetch all auction pages from If the auctions update during the time that
* this function is executing, then it will restart in order to fetch the latest data.
* @returns {Promise<Object[], Error>} Array of JSON responses from the API, with each entry being a page of auction results. The results are not necessarily in order.
* @reject {Error} Network error
* @reject {Error} If the function restarts more than five times due to updates or an API response with "success" set to false.
* @license MIT
* @author
* @see {@link} Source
async function fetchAllAuctionPages() {
let allPages = []
let tries = 0;
while(allPages.length === 0) {
// After five failed attempts, presumably more attempts aren't going to solve the problem.
if(tries++ >= 5) {
throw new Error("Tried to fetch auction results five times, but all attempts failed. This could be a Hypixel API error, " +
"or responses are not coming in fast enough to keep up with the updating results.")
const firstPage = await (await fetch("")).json()
// Last updated timestamp is used to restart the process if results update between now and when we finish all page requests
const lastUpdated = firstPage.lastUpdated;
const abortController = new AbortController();
// Request each following page concurrently
const promises = [];
for(let i = 1; i < firstPage.totalPages; i++) {
promises.push((async () => {
try {
const res = await fetch(`${i}`, {
signal: abortController.signal
const page = await res.json();
// Abort and restart if the results have updated or API says request failed. Wait a moment to give the
// error some time to resolve itself.
if((page.lastUpdated !== lastUpdated || res.status === 404 || page.success === false)) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1000));
return page;
} catch(e) {
if( === "AbortError") {
throw e;
// Await all of the page requests to complete, and add their responses to an array with the first page
allPages = [firstPage, ...await Promise.all(promises)]
// Aborted due to failure or updated list, restart by deleting the responses
if(abortController.signal.aborted) {
allPages = [];
return allPages;
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