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Last active December 17, 2015 08:49
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Functional programming isn't scary: Notes

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;; define a vector [] of maps {key value} at the symbol 'the-watch'
(def the-watch
[{:name "Samuel Vimes" :species "Human" :rank "Commander"}
{:name "Carrot Ironfoundersson" :species "Human, Dwarf (honorary)" :rank "Captain"}
{:name "Fred Colon" :species "Human" :rank "Sergeant"}
{:name "C. W. St J. (Nobby) Nobbs" :species "Human (licensed)" :rank "Lance-Corporal"}
{:name "Angua von Überwald" :species "Werewolf" :rank "Lance-Corporal"}
{:name "Detritus" :species "Troll" :rank "Lance-Corporal"}])
;; all expressions return a value. this one, a call to the 'count'
;; function, returns the count of the elemnts in 'the-watch'.
(count the-watch)
;; defines a function at the symbol 'has-species? with two arguments.
(defn has-species?
[species character]
;; re-find matches regular expressions to strings.
(re-find species
;; keywords are also functions when given a map!
;; will return the value at ':species' key.
(:species character)))
;; partial composes a function with an argument 'baked' in.
;; gives us a new function to use directly.
;; regular expressions are written as strings with a # prefix.
(def human? (partial has-species? #"Human"))
;; filter composes a predicate - a true/false function - with a
;; collection. returns only those which match the predicate.
(filter human? the-watch)
;; compose a string representation of a character
(defn stringify
(str (:rank character) " "
(:name character) ", "
(:species character)))
;; run each character through the stringify function
(map stringify the-watch)
;; putting it all together to do something meaninful:
;; println - our first 'impure' function!
(println (clojure.string/join "\n"
(concat (list "The Watch:"
(map stringify the-watch))))
;; make it readable by using '->>', a 'threading' macro, which
;; reorganises code during compilation.
;; semantically identical to the previous version.
(->> the-watch
(map stringify)
(concat (list "The Ankh-Morpork Watch:"
(clojure.string/join "\n")
;; filter non-humans!
(->> the-watch
;; complement makes a function that returns the opposite boolean
;; value to the function it is passed
(filter (complement human?))
(map stringify)
(concat (list "The Ankh-Morpork Watch:"
(clojure.string/join "\n")
(def a "this is a")
(println a)
;; bind [1 2 3] to 'a' for the duration of this let form's contents
(let [a [1 2 3]]
(println a)
;; rebind a
(let [a [4 5 6]]
(println a))
(println a))
(println a)
;; an example that actually does something:
(let [content (slurp "/Users/robert/quote.edn")]
(println content)
(let [content (read-string content)]
(println (str "\n\t'" (:quote content) "' - " (:author content) "\n")))
(println content))
(println content)
{:quote "Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual."
:author "Terry Pratchett"}
this file left intentionally blank, because Gist doesn't have a delete-file function!
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