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Last active December 28, 2015 16:45
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Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
@ cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3
@ core.cljs:6025cljs.core.get.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3
@ core.cljs:1728(anonymous function)
@ core.cljs:9424(anonymous function)
@ core.cljs:4869(anonymous function)
@ core.cljs:4869cljs.core.PersistentVector.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3
@ core.cljs:4873cljs.core.reduce.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3
@ core.cljs:2197cljs$core$group_by
@ next.cljs:1130om$next$db__GT_tree
@ next.cljs:1110XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
@ xhrio.js:351michelangelo.client.util.transit_post
@ next.cljs:1308om$next$protocols$add_root_BANG_
@ next.cljs:700om$next$add_root_BANG_
@ next.cljs:694om$next$add_root_BANG_
@ next.cljs:687(anonymous function)
@ client.cljs:69
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{:title "CAPS - Physics and Chemistry Grade 10",
:slug "caps-science-grade-10",
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{:title "Rethink Grade 11",
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{:title "CAPS - Mathematics Grade 11",
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{:title "Rethink Grade 12",
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{:title "CAPS - Mathematics Grade 12",
:slug "caps-maths-grade-12",
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{:title "CAPS - Physics Grade 12",
:slug "caps-physics-grade-12",
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{:title "Rethink Grade 8 and 9",
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[{:title "CAPS - Mathematics Grade 8 and 9",
:slug "caps-maths-grade-8-and-9",
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:type :bundle,
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:type :bundle,
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:order 3}],
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:slug "loose-suites",
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{:title "Era 3 Sales",
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{:title "HBR Workshops",
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:order 2}
{:title "Skills Development: People Management",
:slug "cci-skills-people-management",
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:order 3}
{:title "Skills Development: Relationship Management",
:slug "cci-skills-relationship-management",
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:order 4}
{:title "Skills Development: Self-management",
:slug "cci-skills-self-management",
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:order 5}
{:title "Skills Development: Task Management",
:slug "cci-skills-task-management",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 6}
{:title "The CCI Values",
:slug "cci-organisational-values",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 7}
{:title "Value Chain Academy",
:slug "tracc-value-chain-academy",
:status :draft,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 8}],
:order 0}),
:loose? true,
:type :collection,
:order 1}]}
;; output of @reconciler in cljs repl
[[:content-item/by-slug "rethink-high-school-suites"]
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{:title "CAPS - Physics and Chemistry Grade 10",
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:children [],
:order 1},
{:title "CAPS - Chemistry Grade 12",
:slug "caps-chemistry-grade-12",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 0},
{:title "CAPS - Natural Science Grade 8 and 9",
:slug "caps-natural-science-grade-8-and-9",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 1},
{:title "CAPS - Chemistry Grade 11",
:slug "caps-chemistry-grade-11",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 0},
{:title "Rethink Grade 10",
:slug "rethink-grade-10",
:status :active,
:type :suite,
[[:content-item/by-slug "caps-maths-grade-10"]
[:content-item/by-slug "caps-science-grade-10"]],
:order 0},
{:title "CAPS - Mathematics Grade 12",
:slug "caps-maths-grade-12",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 1},
{:title "Rethink High School Suites",
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:status :active,
:type :collection,
[[:content-item/by-slug "rethink-grade-10"]
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{:title "CAPS - Physics Grade 11",
:slug "caps-physics-grade-11",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 2},
{:title "CAPS - Mathematics Grade 11",
:slug "caps-maths-grade-11",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 1},
{:title "Rethink Grade 11",
:slug "rethink-grade-11",
:status :active,
:type :suite,
[[:content-item/by-slug "caps-chemistry-grade-11"]
[:content-item/by-slug "caps-maths-grade-11"]
[:content-item/by-slug "caps-physics-grade-11"]],
:order 1},
{:title "Loose suites",
:slug "loose-suites",
({:title "CCI Skills Development",
:slug "cci-skills-development",
:status :active,
:type :suite,
[{:title "CCI Products Strategy",
:slug "cci-products-strategy",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 0}
{:title "Era 3 Sales",
:slug "cci-era-3-sales",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 1}
{:title "HBR Workshops",
:slug "cci-hbr-workshops",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 2}
{:title "Skills Development: People Management",
:slug "cci-skills-people-management",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 3}
{:title "Skills Development: Relationship Management",
:slug "cci-skills-relationship-management",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 4}
{:title "Skills Development: Self-management",
:slug "cci-skills-self-management",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 5}
{:title "Skills Development: Task Management",
:slug "cci-skills-task-management",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 6}
{:title "The CCI Values",
:slug "cci-organisational-values",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 7}
{:title "Value Chain Academy",
:slug "tracc-value-chain-academy",
:status :draft,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 8}],
:order 0}),
:loose? true,
:type :collection,
:order 1},
{:title "Rethink Grade 12",
:slug "rethink-grade-12",
:status :active,
:type :suite,
[[:content-item/by-slug "caps-chemistry-grade-12"]
[:content-item/by-slug "caps-maths-grade-12"]
[:content-item/by-slug "caps-physics-grade-12"]],
:order 2},
{:title "CAPS - Physics Grade 12",
:slug "caps-physics-grade-12",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 2},
{:title "CAPS - Mathematics Grade 10",
:slug "caps-maths-grade-10",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 0},
{:title "CAPS - Mathematics Grade 8 and 9",
:slug "caps-maths-grade-8-and-9",
:status :active,
:type :bundle,
:children [],
:order 0},
{:title "Rethink Grade 8 and 9",
:slug "rethink-grade-8-and-9",
:status :active,
:type :suite,
[[:content-item/by-slug "caps-maths-grade-8-and-9"]
[:content-item/by-slug "caps-natural-science-grade-8-and-9"]],
:order 3}}, #{:content-item/by-slug}}
(ns michelangelo.client.parser
(:require [ :as om]))
;;; parsing
(defmulti mutate om/dispatch)
(defmethod mutate 'content-item/expand
[{:keys [state]} _ {:keys [slug]}]
(fn []
(swap! state update-in
[:content-item/by-slug slug :expanded?] (constantly true)))})
(defmethod mutate 'content-item/contract
[{:keys [state]} _ {:keys [slug]}]
(fn []
(swap! state update-in
[:content-item/by-slug slug :expanded?] (constantly false)))})
(defmulti read (fn [env k params]
(prn "READ" k)
(defmethod read :builder/content-list [{:keys [state query] :as env} _ _]
(let [st @state]
(if-let [v (get st :builder/content-list)]
{:value (om/db->tree query v st) :remote true}
{:remote true})))
(ns michelangelo.client
(:require [devtools.core :as devtools]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
[michelangelo.client.parser :as parser]
[michelangelo.client.util :as util]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]))
;;(devtools/set-pref! :install-sanity-hints true)
(declare content-item)
(defui ContentItem
static om/Ident
(ident [this {:keys [slug]}]
[:content-item/by-slug slug])
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:title :slug :status :type {:children '...}])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [title slug status type children expanded?] :as props} (om/props this)]
[:pre (pr-str props)]
[:li title " [" (if expanded? "expanded" "contracted") "]"
(when children
(cond (= :to-load children)
[:li [:a {:on-click
#(om/transact! this
(if expanded?
`[(content-item/contract ~props)]
`[(content-item/expand ~props)]))
:href "javascript:"}
"Load more..."]]
(seq children)
(map content-item children))])]]))))
(def content-item (om/factory ContentItem {:key :slug}))
(defui Root
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[{:builder/content-list (om/get-query ContentItem)}])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [builder/content-list]} (om/props this)]
[:.ui.text.container {:style {:padding "2em 1em"}}
[:h1.ui.dividing.header "Michelangelo"]
(map content-item content-list)]]))))
(def reconciler
{:state {}
:normalize true
:merge-tree (fn [a b] (println "|merge" a b) (merge a b))
:parser (om/parser {:read parser/read :mutate parser/mutate})
:send (util/transit-post "/api")}))
(om/add-root! reconciler Root (gdom/getElement "app"))
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