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Last active December 26, 2019 14:50
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A toy example of a DAG definition file in Airflow
A DAG docstring might be a good way to explain at a high level
what problem space the DAG is looking at.
Links to design documents, upstream dependencies etc
are highly recommended.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from airflow.models import DAG # Import the DAG class
from airflow.operators.sensors import NamedHivePartitionSensor
from airflow.operators.hive_operator import HiveOperator
### You can import more operators as you see fit!
# from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
# from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
# setting some default arguments for the DAG
default_args = {
'owner': 'you',
'depends_on_past': False,
'start_date': datetime(2018, 2, 9),
# Instantiate the Airflow DAG
dag = DAG(
description="This describes my DAG",
schedule_interval=timedelta(days=1)) # This is a daily DAG.
# Put upstream dependencies in a dictionary
wf_dependencies = {
'wf_upstream_table_1': 'upstream_table_1/ds={{ ds }}',
'wf_upstream_table_2': 'upstream_table_2/ds={{ ds }}',
'wf_upstream_table_3': 'upstream_table_3/ds={{ ds }}',
# Define the sensors for upstream dependencies
for wf_task_id, partition_name in wf_dependencies.iteritems():
# Put the tasks in a list
tasks = [
('hql', 'task_1'),
('hql', 'task_2'),
# Define the operators in the list above
for directory, task_name in tasks:
hql='{0}/{1}.hql'.format(directory, task_name),
# Put the dependencies in a map
deps = {
'task_1': [
'task_2': [
# Explicitly define the dependencies in the DAG
for downstream, upstream_list in deps.iteritems():
for upstream in upstream_list:
dag.set_dependency(upstream, downstream)
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