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Created November 21, 2021 18:01
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drop table if exists change_events;
drop type if exists change_types;
drop table if exists kingdom_ranks;
drop table if exists external_identifiers;
drop table if exists external_identifier_authorities;
drop table if exists authority_owners;
drop table if exists house_seat_incumbencies;
drop table if exists peerage_holdings;
drop table if exists house_seats;
drop table if exists law_lord_incumbencies;
drop table if exists royal_office_holder_incumbencies;
drop table if exists peerages;
drop table if exists jurisdictions;
drop table if exists peerage_types;
drop table if exists special_remainder_types;
drop table if exists letters_patents;
drop table if exists people_parliamentary_blocs;
drop table if exists house_seat_end_reasons;
drop table if exists house_seat_incumbency_end_reasons;
drop table if exists houses;
drop table if exists rank_labels;
drop table if exists bishopric_incumbencies;
drop table if exists bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_incumbencies;
drop table if exists people;
drop table if exists peerage_ranks;
drop table if exists parliamentary_bloc_affiliation_types;
drop table if exists parliamentary_blocs;
drop table if exists political_parties;
drop table if exists kingdoms;
drop table if exists genders;
drop table if exists letters_patent_times;
drop table if exists constituency_groups;
drop table if exists bishopric_parliamentary_seniorities;
drop table if exists winning_candidates;
drop table if exists bishoprics;
drop table if exists royal_office_holder_positions;
drop table if exists constituency_areas;
drop table if exists english_regions;
drop table if exists countries;
drop table if exists boundary_sets;
create type change_types as enum ('insert', 'update', 'delete');
create table change_events (
id serial,
table_name varchar(255) not null,
row_id int not null,
change_type change_types not null,
change_at timestamp not null,
primary key (id)
create table boundary_sets (
id serial,
name varchar(255) not null,
applies_from date not null,
end_on date,
brought_into_being_by varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table countries (
id serial,
name_en varchar(255),
name_cy varchar(255),
ons_code varchar(255) not null,
geometry text,
primary key (id)
create table english_regions (
id serial,
name varchar(255) not null,
start_on date not null,
end_on date,
ons_code varchar(255) not null,
geometry text,
country_id int not null,
constraint fk_country foreign key (country_id) references countries(id),
primary key (id)
create table constituency_areas (
id serial,
name varchar(255) not null,
ons_code varchar(255) not null,
geometry text,
english_region_id int,
country_id int not null,
boundary_set_id int not null,
constraint fk_english_region foreign key (english_region_id) references english_regions(id),
constraint fk_country foreign key (country_id) references countries(id),
constraint fk_boundary_set foreign key (boundary_set_id) references boundary_sets(id),
primary key (id)
create table royal_office_holder_positions (
id serial,
name varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table bishoprics (
id serial,
title varchar(255) not null,
diocese varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table letters_patent_times (
id serial,
label varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table genders (
id serial,
label varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table kingdoms (
id serial,
name varchar(50) not null,
start_on date,
end_on date,
primary key (id)
create table houses (
id serial,
name varchar(50) not null,
primary key (id)
create table people (
id serial,
year_of_birth smallint null,
month_of_birth smallint null,
day_of_birth smallint null,
year_of_death smallint null,
month_of_death smallint null,
day_of_death smallint null,
gender_id int,
constraint fk_gender foreign key (gender_id) references genders(id),
primary key (id)
create table letters_patents (
id serial,
patent_on date not null,
ordinality_on_date int not null,
previous_rank varchar(255),
previous_of_title boolean default false,
previous_title varchar(255),
person_id int not null,
kingdom_id int not null,
previous_kingdom_id int,
letters_patent_time_id int,
constraint fk_person foreign key (person_id) references people(id),
constraint fk_kingdom foreign key (kingdom_id) references kingdoms(id),
constraint fk_previous_kingdom foreign key (previous_kingdom_id) references kingdoms(id),
constraint fk_letters_patent_time_id foreign key (letters_patent_time_id) references letters_patent_times(id),
primary key (id)
create table special_remainder_types (
id serial,
description varchar(1000) not null,
primary key (id)
create table peerage_ranks (
id serial,
label varchar(255),
degree smallint not null,
primary key (id)
create table peerage_types (
id serial,
label varchar(255),
primary key (id)
create table peerages (
id serial,
of_title boolean default false,
title varchar(255) not null,
territorial_designation varchar(255) not null,
extinct_on date default null,
last_number int default null,
peerage_rank_id int not null,
special_remainder_type_id int not null,
letters_patent_id int not null,
peerage_type_id int not null,
kingdom_id int not null,
constraint fk_peerage_rank foreign key (peerage_rank_id) references peerage_ranks(id),
constraint fk_special_remainder_type foreign key (special_remainder_type_id) references special_remainder_types(id),
constraint fk_letters_patent foreign key (letters_patent_id) references letters_patents(id),
constraint fk_peerage_type foreign key (peerage_type_id) references peerage_types(id),
constraint fk_kingdom foreign key (kingdom_id) references kingdoms(id),
primary key (id)
create table jurisdictions (
id serial,
label varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table law_lord_incumbencies (
id serial,
appointed_on date not null,
end_on date not null,
peerage_id int not null,
jurisdiction_id int not null,
constraint fk_peerage foreign key (peerage_id) references peerages(id),
constraint fk_jurisdiction foreign key (jurisdiction_id) references jurisdictions(id),
primary key (id)
create table peerage_holdings (
id serial,
start_on date not null,
end_on date not null,
ordinal_number int not null,
person_id int not null,
peerage_id int not null,
constraint fk_person foreign key (person_id) references people(id),
constraint fk_peerage foreign key (peerage_id) references peerages(id),
primary key (id)
create table parliamentary_bloc_affiliation_types (
id serial,
label varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table political_parties (
id serial,
name varchar(255) not null,
abbreviation varchar(10) not null,
primary key (id)
create table parliamentary_blocs (
id serial,
name varchar(255) not null,
abbreviation varchar(10) not null,
background_colour char(6) null,
text_colour char(6) null,
low_res_logo bytea null,
low_res_logo_mime_type varchar(20) null,
high_res_logo bytea null,
high_res_logo_mime_type varchar(20) null,
political_party_id int null,
constraint fk_political_party foreign key (political_party_id) references political_parties(id),
primary key (id)
create table people_parliamentary_blocs (
id serial,
start_on date null,
end_on date null,
person_id int not null,
whip_withdrawn boolean default false,
resigned_whip boolean default false,
notes varchar(255) null,
parliamentary_bloc_id int not null,
parliamentary_bloc_affiliation_type_id int not null,
constraint fk_person foreign key (person_id) references people(id),
constraint fk_parliamentary_bloc foreign key (parliamentary_bloc_id) references parliamentary_blocs(id),
constraint fk_parliamentary_bloc_affiliation_type foreign key (parliamentary_bloc_affiliation_type_id) references parliamentary_bloc_affiliation_types(id),
primary key (id)
create table rank_labels (
id serial,
label varchar(255) not null,
gender_id int not null,
peerage_rank_id int not null,
constraint fk_gender foreign key (gender_id) references genders(id),
constraint fk_peerage_rank foreign key (peerage_rank_id) references peerage_ranks(id),
primary key (id)
create table house_seat_end_reasons (
id serial,
label varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table constituency_groups (
id serial,
name varchar(255) not null,
start_on date,
end_on date,
constituency_area_id int,
constraint fk_constituency_area foreign key (constituency_area_id) references constituency_areas(id),
primary key (id)
create table bishopric_parliamentary_seniorities (
id serial,
rank int not null,
primary key (id)
create table house_seats (
id serial,
start_on date not null,
end_on date not null,
house_seat_end_reason_id int null,
house_id int not null,
constituency_group_id int,
bishopric_id int,
bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_id int,
peerage_id int null,
royal_office_holder_position_id int,
constraint fk_house foreign key (house_id) references houses(id),
constraint fk_house_seat_end_reason foreign key (house_seat_end_reason_id) references house_seat_end_reasons(id),
constraint fk_contituency_group foreign key (constituency_group_id) references constituency_groups(id),
constraint fk_bishopric foreign key (bishopric_id) references bishoprics(id),
constraint fk_bishopric_parliamentary_seniority foreign key (bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_id) references bishopric_parliamentary_seniorities(id),
constraint fk_peerage foreign key (peerage_id) references peerages(id),
constraint fk_royal_office_holder_position foreign key (royal_office_holder_position_id) references royal_office_holder_positions(id),
primary key (id)
create table house_seat_incumbency_end_reasons (
id serial,
label varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table winning_candidates (
id serial,
primary key (id)
create table bishopric_incumbencies (
id serial,
start_on date not null,
end_on date,
bishopric_id int not null,
person_id int not null,
constraint fk_bishopric foreign key (bishopric_id) references bishoprics(id),
constraint fk_person foreign key (person_id) references people(id),
primary key (id)
create table bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_incumbencies (
id serial,
start_on date not null,
end_on date,
bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_id int not null,
person_id int not null,
constraint fk_bishopric_parliamentary_seniority foreign key (bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_id) references bishopric_parliamentary_seniorities(id),
constraint fk_person foreign key (person_id) references people(id),
primary key (id)
create table royal_office_holder_incumbencies (
id serial,
start_on date not null,
end_on date not null,
royal_office_holder_position_id int not null,
person_id int not null,
constraint fk_royal_office_holder_position foreign key (royal_office_holder_position_id) references royal_office_holder_positions(id),
constraint fk_person foreign key (person_id) references people(id),
primary key (id)
create table house_seat_incumbencies (
id serial,
start_on date not null,
end_on date,
house_seat_incumbency_end_reason_id int null,
person_id int not null,
house_seat_id int not null,
winning_candidate_id int,
bishopric_incumbency_id int,
bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_incumbency_id int,
peerage_holding_id int,
royal_office_holder_incumbency_id int,
constraint fk_house_seat_incumbency_end_reason foreign key (house_seat_incumbency_end_reason_id) references house_seat_incumbency_end_reasons(id),
constraint fk_person foreign key (person_id) references people(id),
constraint fk_house_seat foreign key (house_seat_id) references house_seats(id),
constraint fk_winning_candidate foreign key (winning_candidate_id) references winning_candidates(id),
constraint fk_bishopric_incumbency foreign key (bishopric_incumbency_id) references bishopric_incumbencies(id),
constraint fk_bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_incumbency foreign key (bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_incumbency_id) references bishopric_parliamentary_seniority_incumbencies(id),
constraint fk_peerage_holding foreign key (peerage_holding_id) references peerage_holdings(id),
constraint fk_royal_office_holder_incumbency foreign key (royal_office_holder_incumbency_id) references royal_office_holder_incumbencies(id),
primary key (id)
create table authority_owners (
id serial,
name varchar(255) not null,
primary key (id)
create table external_identifier_authorities (
id serial,
name varchar(255) not null,
authority_owner_id int not null,
constraint fk_authority_owner foreign key (authority_owner_id) references authority_owners(id),
primary key (id)
create table external_identifiers (
id serial,
value varchar(255) not null,
uri varchar(255) null,
external_identifier_authority_id int not null,
political_party_id int null,
parliamentary_bloc_id int null,
person_id int null,
peerage_id int null,
house_id int null,
letters_patent_id int null,
special_remainder_type_id int null,
jurisdiction_id int null,
law_lord_incumbency_id int null,
peerage_type_id int null,
peerage_rank_id int null,
peerage_holding_id int null,
constraint fk_external_identifier_authority foreign key (external_identifier_authority_id) references external_identifier_authorities(id),
constraint fk_political_party foreign key (political_party_id) references political_parties(id),
constraint fk_parliamentary_bloc foreign key (parliamentary_bloc_id) references parliamentary_blocs(id),
constraint fk_person foreign key (person_id) references people(id),
constraint fk_peerage foreign key (peerage_id) references peerages(id),
constraint fk_house foreign key (house_id) references houses(id),
constraint fk_letters_patent foreign key (letters_patent_id) references letters_patents(id),
constraint fk_special_remainder_type foreign key (special_remainder_type_id) references special_remainder_types(id),
constraint fk_jurisdiction foreign key (jurisdiction_id) references jurisdictions(id),
constraint fk_law_lord_incumbency foreign key (law_lord_incumbency_id) references law_lord_incumbencies(id),
constraint fk_peerage_type foreign key (peerage_type_id) references peerage_types(id),
constraint fk_peerage_rank foreign key (peerage_rank_id) references peerage_ranks(id),
constraint fk_peerage_holding foreign key (peerage_holding_id) references peerage_holdings(id),
primary key (id)
create table kingdom_ranks (
id serial,
peerage_rank_id int not null,
kingdom_id int not null,
constraint fk_peerage_rank foreign key (peerage_rank_id) references peerage_ranks(id),
constraint fk_kingdom foreign key (kingdom_id) references kingdoms(id),
primary key (id)
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