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Created July 6, 2022 03:14
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Checking the "Boxes puzzle" solution strategy via stochastic simulation
# Checking the "Boxes puzzle" solution strategy via stochastic simulation.
# 2022
using Random # We need randperm below
# Fill N boxes by getting a random permutation of length N.
fillboxes(N) = randperm(N)
# Given a strategy, simulate its use by N people and return true iff strategy
# worked for them all.
function simulate_strategy(strategy::Function, N::Int)
boxes = fillboxes(N)
for p in 1:N
if !strategy(boxes, p)
return false # strategy didn't work for person p, so we abort
return true
# Now simulate many times and calculate the ratio of successful simulations.
function ratio_from_multiple_simulations(strategy::Function, N::Int, numiterations = 10000)
numsuccesses = 0
for simnum in 1:numiterations
if simulate_strategy(strategy, N)
numsuccesses += 1
return numsuccesses/numiterations
# We must find our own number within floor(Int, 0.5*N)
maxchecks(N::Int) = floor(Int, 0.5*N)
maxchecks(boxes::Vector) = maxchecks(length(boxes))
# A very bad strategy is that each person checks a random selection of boxes
function bad_random_strategy(boxes, person)
order = randperm(length(boxes))
for check in 1:maxchecks(boxes)
box = order[check]
if boxes[box] == person
return true
return false # if we come here we failed in finding our own number
# Proposed solution strategy is that each person starts by checking her
# box and then uses the number in the box to determine which box to check
# next.
function good_strategy(boxes, person)
box = person # We start by checking our "own" box
for check in 1:maxchecks(boxes)
if boxes[box] == person
return true
box = boxes[box] # next box to check is the one in the current box
return false # if we come here we failed in finding our own number
# Run once to ensure everything compiled
ratio_from_multiple_simulations(bad_random_strategy, 100, 1000) # should be 0.0!
ratio_from_multiple_simulations(good_strategy, 100, 1000)
# Now run for all even N from 2 to 102 and ensure they are all > 0.30.
# To be fancy and use our shiny multi-core CPU we run threads in parallel... :)
Nrange = 2:2:102
allratios = zeros(Float64, length(Nrange))
@time Threads.@threads for i in 1:length(Nrange)
n = 2*i
allratios[i] = ratio_from_multiple_simulations(good_strategy, n, 100_000)
end # takes about 1.6 seconds on my MB Pro with M1 Max, using 8 threads
@assert all(r -> r > 0.30, allratios)
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Background, analysis and pointers to proof of optimality of the good_strategy can be found here:

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