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Last active May 30, 2019 15:30
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# Output when running this script:
# ICSE 2019 attendees per million capita:
# 1. Luxembourg, 15, 25.126
# 2. Canada, 330, 8.852
# 3. Sweden, 41, 4.078
# 4. Ireland, 16, 3.301
# 5. Switzerland, 27, 3.137
# 6. Singapore, 17, 2.897
# 7. Norway, 15, 2.777
# 8. Netherlands, 32, 1.868
# 9. Belgium, 19, 1.643
# 10. USA, 491, 1.492
# 11. Germany, 107, 1.298
# 12. Korea, 64, 1.247
# 13. Australia, 30, 1.196
# 14. UK, 73, 1.09
# 15. Italy, 47, 0.794
# 16. Spain, 22, 0.474
# 17. Japan, 60, 0.473
# 18. France, 27, 0.412
# 19. Brazil, 79, 0.372
# 20. China, 111, 0.078
# 21. India, 26, 0.019
# Based on PC chairs slide presented at ICSE19 opening May 29th 2019:
ICSE19Participants = Dict(
"USA" => 491,
"Canada" => 330,
"China" => 111,
"Germany" => 107,
"Brazil" => 79,
"UK" => 73,
"Korea" => 64,
"Japan" => 60,
"Italy" => 47,
"Sweden" => 41,
"Netherlands" => 32,
"Australia" => 30,
"France" => 27,
"Switzerland" => 27,
"India" => 26,
"Spain" => 22,
"Belgium" => 19,
"Singapore" => 17,
"Ireland" => 16,
"Luxembourg" => 15,
"Norway" => 15
# Taken 2019-05-30 from
CountryInhabitants = Dict(
"USA" => 329093110,
"Canada" => 37279811,
"China" => 1420062022,
"Germany" => 82438639,
"Brazil" => 212392717,
"UK" => 66959016,
"Korea" => 51339238,
"Japan" => 126854745,
"Italy" => 59216525,
"Sweden" => 10053135,
"Netherlands" => 17132908,
"Australia" => 25088636,
"France" => 65480710,
"Switzerland" => 8608259,
"India" => 1368737513,
"Spain" => 46441049,
"Belgium" => 11562784,
"Singapore" => 5868104,
"Ireland" => 4847139,
"Luxembourg" => 596992,
"Norway" => 5400916
ICSE19AttendeesPerMCapita = []
for (country, n) in ICSE19Participants
push!(ICSE19AttendeesPerMCapita, (country, 1e6*n/CountryInhabitants[country]))
sort!(ICSE19AttendeesPerMCapita, by = t -> t[2], rev = true)
println("ICSE 2019 attendees per million capita:")
for i in eachindex(ICSE19AttendeesPerMCapita)
country, apc = ICSE19AttendeesPerMCapita[i]
na = ICSE19Participants[country]
println("$(i). $(country), $(na), $(round(apc, digits = 3))")
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Thanks, fixed.

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