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Created July 1, 2018 20:39
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Allow weird stuff when reading Dhall, like redundant fields
module LambdaCI.CLI.Config where
import Prelude()
import Protolude
import System.Directory
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Dhall hiding (Text)
import Dhall.Pretty(prettyExpr, annToAnsiStyle)
import Dhall.Parser(exprFromText)
import Dhall.Import(load)
import Dhall.TypeCheck
import Dhall.Core
import Dhall.Diff
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc hiding ((<>))
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal as RT
inputOrWriteDefault :: forall a. (Interpret a, Inject a) => FilePath -> a -> IO a
inputOrWriteDefault path defaultTerm = do
whenM (not <$> doesFileExist path) $ do
T.writeFile path $ render $ prettyExpr $ embed inject defaultTerm
configText <- T.readFile path
unloadedExpr <- case exprFromText path configText of
Left e -> die $ show e
Right r -> pure r
expr <- load unloadedExpr
exprType <- case typeOf expr of
Left e -> die $ show e
Right r -> pure r
-- FIXME: also try typechecking as in
-- and if it succeeds we're done, else warn and continue lenient extraction below.
case extract auto (normalize expr) of
Just config -> do
putStrLn $ render $ prettyExpr $ embed inject (config :: a)
pure config
Nothing -> do
putMsgLn ""
putMsgLn "Lenient extraction failed."
putMsgLn ""
putMsgLn "Here's how you could change the type of your config. Note that"
putMsgLn "most actual removals are not necessary."
RT.renderIO stderr $ fmap annToAnsiStyle $ layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions $ diffNormalized exprType (expected (auto :: Type a))
die "Could not extract the configuration. See above message for details."
render :: Doc a -> Text
render = renderStrict . layoutPretty opts
where opts =
putMsgLn :: Text -> IO ()
putMsgLn = hPutStrLn stderr
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