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Last active October 3, 2021 09:57
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Ugly Folds

This is a strict, somewhat efficient implementation of something between Data.List.partition and Beautiful Folding.

It allows a (pure or ST) stream of values to be processed into multiple fields, using a nice 'Applicative' interface.

Beautiful Folding allocates O(#fields * #inputs), whereas this allocates O(#fields + #inputs).

Time complexity may still be O(#fields * #inputs), because of the nested tuple reads, but presumably with a lower constant factor than Beautiful Folding. It would take a clever compiler to see that the m type can be represented by a flat data structure instead of a heterogeneous linked list composed of 2-tuples.

Unlike partition, it does not guarantee that a value only occurs in one field; it is a generalization after all. Partitioner should probably be renamed because of this.

I wrote this module out of curiosity as a sort of feasibility study in case I had to optimize a pure implementation of this concept, which has the same interface but just looks a lot like a simpler Beautiful Folding on the inside.

{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-- | This is a strict, somewhat efficient implementation of something between 'Data.List.partition' and Beautiful Folding.
-- It allows a (pure or ST) stream of values to be processed into multiple fields, using a nice 'Applicative' interface.
-- Beautiful Folding allocates O(#fields * #inputs), whereas this allocates O(#fields + #inputs).
-- Time complexity may still be O(#fields * #inputs), because of the nested tuple reads, but presumably with a lower constant factor than Beautiful Folding. It would take a clever compiler to see that the @m@ type can be represented by a flat data structure instead of a heterogeneous linked list composed of 2-tuples.
-- Unlike 'Data.List.partition', it does not guarantee that a value only occurs in one field; it is a generalization after all.
module Data.Functor.Partitioner where
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import Data.Foldable (for_, toList)
import Data.Monoid (Ap (Ap))
import Data.STRef (modifySTRef, newSTRef, readSTRef)
import Prelude
newtype Partitioner a b = Partitioner (forall s. PartitionerST s a b)
deriving (Functor)
data PartitionerST s a b = forall m.
{ pstInit :: ST s m,
pstIteration :: a -> m -> ST s (),
pstFinish :: m -> ST s b
-- | Based on the 'Applicative', via 'Ap'
deriving via (Ap (Partitioner a) b) instance Semigroup b => Semigroup (Partitioner a b)
-- | Based on the 'Applicative', via 'Ap'
deriving via (Ap (Partitioner a) b) instance Monoid b => Monoid (Partitioner a b)
-- | Based on the 'Applicative', via 'Ap'
deriving via (Ap (Partitioner a) b) instance Num b => Num (Partitioner a b)
-- | Based on the 'Applicative', via 'Ap'
deriving via (Ap (Partitioner a) b) instance Eq b => Eq (Partitioner a b)
-- | Based on the 'Applicative', via 'Ap'
deriving via (Ap (Partitioner a) b) instance Ord b => Ord (Partitioner a b)
-- | Core interface
instance Applicative (Partitioner a) where
pure a = Partitioner (pure a)
Partitioner p <*> Partitioner q = Partitioner (p <*> q)
partitionList :: Partitioner a b -> [a] -> b
partitionList p as = runST $ case p of
Partitioner PartitionerST {pstInit = pinit, pstIteration = piter, pstFinish = pfin} -> do
m <- pinit
for_ as $ \a ->
piter a m
pfin m
part :: Foldable f => (a -> f b) -> Partitioner a [b]
part f = parts (\a -> toList (f a))
parts :: (a -> [b]) -> Partitioner a [b]
parts f =
($ []) <$> Data.Functor.Partitioner.foldl (\bs a -> bs . (f a ++)) id
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Partitioner a b
foldl op nul =
{ pstInit = newSTRef nul,
pstIteration = \a ref -> modifySTRef ref (\b -> op b a),
pstFinish = \b -> readSTRef b
instance Functor (PartitionerST s a) where
fmap f (PartitionerST pinit piter pfin) =
{ pstInit = pinit,
pstIteration = piter,
pstFinish = fmap f . pfin
instance Applicative (PartitionerST s a) where
pure a = PartitionerST {pstInit = pure (), pstIteration = mempty, pstFinish = const (pure a)}
PartitionerST {pstInit = pinit, pstIteration = piter, pstFinish = pfin}
<*> PartitionerST {pstInit = qinit, pstIteration = qiter, pstFinish = qfin} =
{ pstInit = (,) <$> pinit <*> qinit,
pstIteration = \a (mi, mj) -> piter a mi *> qiter a mj,
pstFinish = \(mi, mj) -> pfin mi <*> qfin mj
-- instance Profunctor Partitioner
-- ...
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