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Last active January 26, 2024 05:26
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  • Save robertkirkman/a918e568bc7486ef9b62e4f3dc8d2489 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save robertkirkman/a918e568bc7486ef9b62e4f3dc8d2489 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Alternative player 1 on left player 2 on right solution (AKA "2PV", "SbS") using 3DToElse and vkBasalt. For any splitscreen game. Edit paths etc. to fit your needs
reshadeTexturePath = /home/tacokoneko/.local/share/reshade/Textures
reshadeIncludePath = /home/tacokoneko/.local/share/reshade/Shaders
3DToElse = /home/tacokoneko/.local/share/reshade/Shaders/3DToElse.fx
toggleKey = Home
effects = 3DToElse
//* Stereo Input Converter 1.2 *//
//* For Reshade 3.0 *//
//* -------------------------- *//
//* This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. *//
//* So you are free to share, modify and adapt it for your needs, and even use it for commercial use. *//
//* I would also love to hear about a project you are using it with. *//
//* *//
//* *//
//* Have fun, *//
//* Jose Negrete AKA BlueSkyDefender *//
//* *//
//* *//
//* --------------------------------- *//
//* *//
uniform bool SbS_Half_Full <
ui_label = "Half / Full";
ui_tooltip = "Switch Aspect Ratio From Half to Full for Side by Side Video.";
ui_category = "Stereoscopic Conversion";
> = false;
uniform int Stereoscopic_Mode_Input <
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Off\0Side by Side\0Top and Bottom\0Line Interlaced\0Checkerboard 3D\0Frame Sequential\0";
ui_label = "Stereoscopic Mode Input";
ui_tooltip = "Change to the proper stereoscopic input.";
ui_category = "Stereoscopic Conversion";
> = 2;
uniform int Stereoscopic_Mode <
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Side by Side\0Top and Bottom\0Line Interlaced\0Column Interlaced\0Checkerboard 3D\0Anaglyph\0";
ui_label = "3D Display Mode";
ui_tooltip = "Stereoscopic 3D display output selection.";
ui_category = "Stereoscopic Conversion";
> = 0;
uniform int Anaglyph_Colors <
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Anaglyph 3D Red/Cyan\0Anaglyph 3D Red/Cyan Dubois\0Anaglyph 3D Red/Cyan Anachrome\0Anaglyph 3D Green/Magenta\0Anaglyph 3D Green/Magenta Dubois\0Anaglyph 3D Green/Magenta Triochrome\0Anaglyph 3D Blue/Amber ColorCode\0";
ui_label = "Anaglyph Color Mode";
ui_tooltip = "Select colors for your 3D anaglyph glasses.";
ui_category = "Stereoscopic Conversion";
> = 0;
uniform int Perspective <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = -100; ui_max = 100;
ui_label = "Perspective Slider";
ui_tooltip = "Determines the perspective point.";
ui_category = "Stereoscopic Options";
> = 0;
uniform int Scaling_Support <
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = " 2160p\0 Native\0 1080p A\0 1080p B\0 1050p A\0 1050p B\0 720p A\0 720p B\0";
ui_label = "Scaling Support";
ui_tooltip = "Dynamic Super Resolution , Virtual Super Resolution, downscaling, or Upscaling support for Line Interlaced, Column Interlaced, & Checkerboard 3D displays.";
ui_category = "Stereoscopic Options";
> = 1;
uniform float2 Interlace_Anaglyph <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0;
ui_label = " Interlace & Anaglyph";
ui_tooltip = "Interlace Optimization is used to reduce aliasing in a Line or Column interlaced image. This has the side effect of softening the image.\n"
"Anaglyph Desaturation allows for removing color from an anaglyph 3D image. Zero is Black & White, One is full color.\n"
"Default for Interlace Optimization is 0.5 and for Anaglyph Desaturation is One.";
ui_category = "Stereoscopic Options";
> = float2(0.5,1.0);
uniform bool Eye_Swap <
ui_label = "Eye Swap";
ui_tooltip = "Left right image change.";
ui_category = "Stereoscopic Options";
> = true;
/////////////////////////////////////////////D3D Starts Here/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define TextureSize float2(BUFFER_WIDTH, BUFFER_HEIGHT)
uniform float frametime < source = "frametime";>;
uniform float timer < source = "timer"; >;
texture BackBufferTex : COLOR;
sampler BackBuffer
Texture = BackBufferTex;
MagFilter = POINT;
MinFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = POINT;
texture texCL { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8;};
texture texCR { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8;};
sampler SamplerCL
Texture = texCL;
AddressU = BORDER;
AddressV = BORDER;
AddressW = BORDER;
sampler SamplerCR
Texture = texCR;
AddressU = BORDER;
AddressV = BORDER;
AddressW = BORDER;
texture Current_BackBuffer_Tex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler CBackBuffer
Texture = Current_BackBuffer_Tex;
MagFilter = POINT;
MinFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = POINT;
texture PastSingleBackBuffer { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8;};
sampler PSBackBuffer
Texture = PastSingleBackBuffer;
MagFilter = POINT;
MinFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = POINT;
////////////////////////////////////////////////Left/Right Eye////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uniform uint framecount < source = "framecount"; >;
//Total amount of frames since the game started.
float fmod(float a, float b)
float c = frac(abs(a / b)) * abs(b);
return a < 0 ? -c : c;
//Stereo Texture grabber
float4 BB_Texture(float2 TC)
if(Stereoscopic_Mode_Input == 1)
TC.y = SbS_Half_Full ? TC.y * 0.5 + 0.25 : TC.y;
float4 Color = tex2Dlod(BackBuffer, float4(TC,0,0) ), Exp_Darks, Exp_Brights;
float3 AdaptColor = tex2Dlod(BackBuffer, float4(TC,0,0) ).rgb;
return float4(Color.rgb,max(AdaptColor.r, max(AdaptColor.g, AdaptColor.b)));
//Unilinear Left / Right
float4 U_LR(in float2 texcoord,in int Switcher)
float gridy = floor(texcoord.y*TextureSize.y); //Native
if(Switcher == 1)
return fmod(gridy,2) ? 0 : tex2Dlod(CBackBuffer, float4(texcoord,0,0) ) ;
return fmod(gridy,2) ? tex2Dlod(CBackBuffer, float4(texcoord,0,0) ) : 0 ;
float4 Uni_LR(in float2 texcoord,in int Switcher )
float4 tl = U_LR(texcoord, Switcher),
tr = U_LR(texcoord + float2(0.0,-pix.y), Switcher),
bl = U_LR(texcoord + float2(0.0, pix.y), Switcher);
float2 f = frac( texcoord * TextureSize );
float4 tA = lerp( tl, tr, f.x );
float4 tB = lerp( tl, bl, f.x );
float4 done = lerp( tA, tB, f.y ) * 2.0;//2.0 Gamma correction.
return done;
//Bilinear Left
float4 B_LR(in float2 texcoord,in int Switcher)
float gridy = floor(texcoord.y*(BUFFER_HEIGHT)); //Native
float gridx = floor(texcoord.x*(BUFFER_WIDTH)); //Native
if(Switcher == 1)
return fmod(gridy+gridx,2) ? 0 : tex2Dlod(CBackBuffer, float4(texcoord,0,0) ) ;
return fmod(gridy+gridx,2) ? tex2Dlod(CBackBuffer, float4(texcoord,0,0) ) : 0 ;
float4 Bi_LR(in float2 texcoord,in int Switcher )
float4 tl = B_LR(texcoord, Switcher);
float4 tr = B_LR(texcoord + float2( pix.x, 0.0 ), Switcher);
float4 bl = B_LR(texcoord + float2( 0.0 , pix.y), Switcher);
float4 br = B_LR(texcoord + float2( pix.x, pix.y), Switcher);
float2 f = frac( texcoord * TextureSize );
float4 tA = lerp( tl, tr, f.x );
float4 tB = lerp( bl, br, f.x );
float4 done = lerp( tA, tB, f.y ) * 2.0;//2.0 Gamma correction.
return done;
void PS_InputLR(in float4 position : SV_Position, in float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0, out float4 colorA : SV_Target0 , out float4 colorB: SV_Target1)
float4 Left, Right;
float P = Perspective * pix.x;
if(Stereoscopic_Mode_Input == 1) //SbS
Left = BB_Texture(float2((texcoord.x*0.5) + P,texcoord.y));
Right = BB_Texture(float2((texcoord.x*0.5+0.5)- P,texcoord.y));
else if(Stereoscopic_Mode_Input == 2) //TnB
Left = BB_Texture(float2(texcoord.x + P,texcoord.y*0.5));
Right = BB_Texture(float2(texcoord.x - P,texcoord.y*0.5+0.5));
else if(Stereoscopic_Mode_Input == 3) //Line_Interlaced Unilateral.
Left = Uni_LR(float2(texcoord.x + P,texcoord.y), 0);
Right = Uni_LR(float2(texcoord.x - P,texcoord.y), 1);
else if(Stereoscopic_Mode_Input == 4) //CB_3D Bilateral Reconstruction.
Left = Bi_LR(float2(texcoord.x + P,texcoord.y), 0);
Right = Bi_LR(float2(texcoord.x - P,texcoord.y), 1);
if(Stereoscopic_Mode_Input == 5) //Frame Sequential Conversion.
float OddEven = framecount % 2 == 0;
//Past Single Frame
Left = tex2D(PSBackBuffer,float2(texcoord.x + P,texcoord.y));
Right = tex2D(PSBackBuffer,float2(texcoord.x - P,texcoord.y));
//Current Single Frame
if (OddEven)
Left = BB_Texture(float2(texcoord.x+P,texcoord.y));
Right = BB_Texture(float2(texcoord.x-P,texcoord.y));
colorA = Left;
colorB = Right;
float4 toElse(float2 texcoord)
float4 image = 1, cL, cR, L, R, Out, accum;
float2 TCL, TCR, StoreTC = texcoord;
float P = 0;//Perspective * pix.x;
if (Stereoscopic_Mode == 0)
TCR.x = (texcoord.x*2-1) - P;
TCL.x = (texcoord.x*2) + P;
TCR.y = texcoord.y;
TCL.y = texcoord.y;
else if(Stereoscopic_Mode == 1)
TCR.x = texcoord.x - P;
TCL.x = texcoord.x + P;
TCR.y = (texcoord.y*2-1);
TCL.y = (texcoord.y*2);
TCR.x = texcoord.x - P;
TCL.x = texcoord.x + P;
TCR.y = texcoord.y;
TCL.y = texcoord.y;
//Optimization for line & column interlaced out.
if (Stereoscopic_Mode == 2)
TCL.y = TCL.y + (Interlace_Anaglyph.x * pix.y);
TCR.y = TCR.y - (Interlace_Anaglyph.x * pix.y);
else if (Stereoscopic_Mode == 3)
TCL.x = TCL.x + (Interlace_Anaglyph.x * pix.x);
TCR.x = TCR.x - (Interlace_Anaglyph.x * pix.x);
cL = tex2D(SamplerCL,float2(TCL.x,TCL.y));
cR = tex2D(SamplerCR,float2(TCR.x,TCR.y));
cL = tex2D(SamplerCR,float2(TCL.x,TCL.y));
cR = tex2D(SamplerCL,float2(TCR.x,TCR.y));
float2 gridxy;
if(Scaling_Support == 0)
gridxy = floor(float2(texcoord.x*3840.0,texcoord.y*2160.0));
else if(Scaling_Support == 1)
gridxy = floor(float2(texcoord.x*BUFFER_WIDTH,texcoord.y*BUFFER_HEIGHT));
else if(Scaling_Support == 2)
gridxy = floor(float2((texcoord.x*1920.0)*0.5,(texcoord.y*1080.0)*0.5));
else if(Scaling_Support == 3)
gridxy = floor(float2((texcoord.x*1921.0)*0.5,(texcoord.y*1081.0)*0.5));
else if(Scaling_Support == 4)
gridxy = floor(float2((texcoord.x*1680.0)*0.5,(texcoord.y*1050.0)*0.5));
else if(Scaling_Support == 5)
gridxy = floor(float2((texcoord.x*1681.0)*0.5,(texcoord.y*1051.0)*0.5));
else if(Scaling_Support == 6)
gridxy = floor(float2((texcoord.x*1280.0)*0.5,(texcoord.y*720.0)*0.5));
else if(Scaling_Support == 7)
gridxy = floor(float2((texcoord.x*1281.0)*0.5,(texcoord.y*721.0)*0.5));
if(Stereoscopic_Mode == 0)
Out = texcoord.x < 0.5 ? cL : cR;
else if(Stereoscopic_Mode == 1)
Out = texcoord.y < 0.5 ? cL : cR;
else if(Stereoscopic_Mode == 2)
Out = fmod(gridxy.y,2.0) ? cR : cL;
else if(Stereoscopic_Mode == 3)
Out = fmod(gridxy.x,2.0) ? cR : cL;
else if(Stereoscopic_Mode == 4)
Out = fmod(gridxy.x+gridxy.y,2.0) ? cR : cL;
else if(Stereoscopic_Mode == 5)
float Contrast = 1.0, DeGhost = 0.06, LOne, ROne;
float3 HalfLA = dot(cL.rgb,float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
float3 HalfRA = dot(cR.rgb,float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
float3 LMA = lerp(HalfLA,cL.rgb,Interlace_Anaglyph.y);
float3 RMA = lerp(HalfRA,cR.rgb,Interlace_Anaglyph.y);
float contrast = (Contrast*0.5)+0.5;
// Left/Right Image
float4 cA = float4(LMA,1);
float4 cB = float4(RMA,1);
if (Anaglyph_Colors == 0) // Anaglyph 3D Colors Red/Cyan
Out = float4(cA.r,cB.g,cB.b,1.0);
else if (Anaglyph_Colors == 1) // Anaglyph 3D Dubois Red/Cyan
float red = 0.437 * cA.r + 0.449 * cA.g + 0.164 * cA.b - 0.011 * cB.r - 0.032 * cB.g - 0.007 * cB.b;
if (red > 1) { red = 1; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; }
float green = -0.062 * cA.r -0.062 * cA.g -0.024 * cA.b + 0.377 * cB.r + 0.761 * cB.g + 0.009 * cB.b;
if (green > 1) { green = 1; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; }
float blue = -0.048 * cA.r - 0.050 * cA.g - 0.017 * cA.b -0.026 * cB.r -0.093 * cB.g + 1.234 * cB.b;
if (blue > 1) { blue = 1; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; }
Out = float4(red, green, blue, 0);
else if (Anaglyph_Colors == 2) // Anaglyph 3D Deghosted Red/Cyan Code From & by John Einselen
LOne = contrast*0.45;
ROne = contrast;
DeGhost *= 0.1;
accum = saturate(cA*float4(LOne,(1.0-LOne)*0.5,(1.0-LOne)*0.5,1.0));
image.r = pow(accum.r+accum.g+accum.b, 1.00);
image.a = accum.a;
accum = saturate(cB*float4(1.0-ROne,ROne,0.0,1.0));
image.g = pow(accum.r+accum.g+accum.b, 1.15);
image.a = image.a+accum.a;
accum = saturate(cB*float4(1.0-ROne,0.0,ROne,1.0));
image.b = pow(accum.r+accum.g+accum.b, 1.15);
image.a = (image.a+accum.a)/3.0;
accum = image;
image.r = (accum.r+(accum.r*DeGhost)+(accum.g*(DeGhost*-0.5))+(accum.b*(DeGhost*-0.5)));
image.g = (accum.g+(accum.r*(DeGhost*-0.25))+(accum.g*(DeGhost*0.5))+(accum.b*(DeGhost*-0.25)));
image.b = (accum.b+(accum.r*(DeGhost*-0.25))+(accum.g*(DeGhost*-0.25))+(accum.b*(DeGhost*0.5)));
Out = image;
else if (Anaglyph_Colors == 3) // Anaglyph 3D Green/Magenta
Out = float4(cB.r,cA.g,cB.b,1.0);
else if (Anaglyph_Colors == 4) // Anaglyph 3D Dubois Green/Magenta
float red = -0.062 * cA.r -0.158 * cA.g -0.039 * cA.b + 0.529 * cB.r + 0.705 * cB.g + 0.024 * cB.b;
if (red > 1) { red = 1; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; }
float green = 0.284 * cA.r + 0.668 * cA.g + 0.143 * cA.b - 0.016 * cB.r - 0.015 * cB.g + 0.065 * cB.b;
if (green > 1) { green = 1; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; }
float blue = -0.015 * cA.r -0.027 * cA.g + 0.021 * cA.b + 0.009 * cB.r + 0.075 * cB.g + 0.937 * cB.b;
if (blue > 1) { blue = 1; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; }
Out = float4(red, green, blue, 0);
else if (Anaglyph_Colors == 5)// Anaglyph 3D Deghosted Green/Magenta Code From & by John Einselen
LOne = contrast*0.45;
ROne = contrast*0.8;
DeGhost *= 0.275;
accum = saturate(cB*float4(ROne,1.0-ROne,0.0,1.0));
image.r = pow(accum.r+accum.g+accum.b, 1.15);
image.a = accum.a;
accum = saturate(cA*float4((1.0-LOne)*0.5,LOne,(1.0-LOne)*0.5,1.0));
image.g = pow(accum.r+accum.g+accum.b, 1.05);
image.a = image.a+accum.a;
accum = saturate(cB*float4(0.0,1.0-ROne,ROne,1.0));
image.b = pow(accum.r+accum.g+accum.b, 1.15);
image.a = (image.a+accum.a)*0.33333333;
accum = image;
image.r = accum.r+(accum.r*(DeGhost*0.5))+(accum.g*(DeGhost*-0.25))+(accum.b*(DeGhost*-0.25));
image.g = accum.g+(accum.r*(DeGhost*-0.5))+(accum.g*(DeGhost*0.25))+(accum.b*(DeGhost*-0.5));
image.b = accum.b+(accum.r*(DeGhost*-0.25))+(accum.g*(DeGhost*-0.25))+(accum.b*(DeGhost*0.5));
Out = image;
else if (Anaglyph_Colors == 6) // Anaglyph 3D Blue/Amber Code From & by John Einselen
LOne = contrast*0.45;
ROne = contrast;
float D[1];//The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena FIX I don't know why it works.......
DeGhost *= 0.275;
accum = saturate(cA*float4(ROne,0.0,1.0-ROne,1.0));
image.r = pow(accum.r+accum.g+accum.b, 1.05);
image.a = accum.a;
accum = saturate(cA*float4(0.0,ROne,1.0-ROne,1.0));
image.g = pow(accum.r+accum.g+accum.b, 1.10);
image.a = image.a+accum.a;
accum = saturate(cB*float4((1.0-LOne)*0.5,(1.0-LOne)*0.5,LOne,1.0));
image.b = pow(accum.r+accum.g+accum.b, 1.0);
image.b = lerp(pow(image.b,(DeGhost*0.15)+1.0),1.0-pow(abs(1.0-image.b),(DeGhost*0.15)+1.0),image.b);
image.a = (image.a+accum.a)*0.33333333;
accum = image;
image.r = accum.r+(accum.r*(DeGhost*1.5))+(accum.g*(DeGhost*-0.75))+(accum.b*(DeGhost*-0.75));
image.g = accum.g+(accum.r*(DeGhost*-0.75))+(accum.g*(DeGhost*1.5))+(accum.b*(DeGhost*-0.75));
image.b = accum.b+(accum.r*(DeGhost*-1.5))+(accum.g*(DeGhost*-1.5))+(accum.b*(DeGhost*3.0));
Out = saturate(image);
return Out;
void Current_BackBuffer(float4 position : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD, out float4 color : SV_Target)
color = BB_Texture(texcoord);
void Past_BackBuffer(float4 position : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD, out float4 PastSingle : SV_Target0)
PastSingle = tex2D(CBackBuffer,texcoord);
float4 Out(float4 position : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float3 Color = Stereoscopic_Mode_Input == 0 ? BB_Texture(texcoord).rgb : toElse(texcoord).rgb;
return float4(Color,1.);
// Vertex shader generating a triangle covering the entire screen
void PostProcessVS(in uint id : SV_VertexID, out float4 position : SV_Position, out float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD)
texcoord.x = (id == 2) ? 2.0 : 0.0;
texcoord.y = (id == 1) ? 2.0 : 0.0;
position = float4(texcoord * float2(2.0, -2.0) + float2(-1.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0);
//*Rendering passes*//
technique To_Else
pass PBB
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = Past_BackBuffer;
RenderTarget = PastSingleBackBuffer;
pass CBB
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = Current_BackBuffer;
RenderTarget = Current_BackBuffer_Tex;
pass StereoInput
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_InputLR;
RenderTarget0 = texCL;
RenderTarget1 = texCR;
pass StereoToElse
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = Out;
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Thank you for this!

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You're welcome FlySlime thank you for being the first user! if you need help with it let me know

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