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Robert Lisaru robertlisaru

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robertlisaru /
Last active August 30, 2023 23:00
My fundamental masteries as a software engineer and why I think they are important

🐒 My fundamental masteries as a software engineer and why I think they are important:

masteries graph

What is popular in the tech world changes constantly, but these are some fundamental masteries that I think will always make a software engineer valuable. Here's why:

  • 📖 Base computer science knowledge: You learn new technologies, and adapt more efficiently with a solid base of core knowledge to build upon (algorithms, data structures, network protocols, the operating system, low level mechanisms, binary operations, etc). Formal education in Computer Science is the best way to build this base, in my opinion.
  • 🎯 Common sense and reasoning: It's important to know patterns, clean code, optimizations, and abstractions. But it's more important to know when to apply them. Applying them wrong, or at the wrong time, is often worse than not applying them a
robertlisaru /
Last active August 19, 2023 18:52
Download pictures at full resolution from Strava activities


  1. Open the page of the Strava activity you wish to download the pictures from
  2. Select the entire line of code below, then drag and drop it onto your bookmarks toolbar to create a new bookmark, or create a new bookmark manually
  3. The URL field of the bookmark should contain this code, and the Name can be anything, for example "Strava photo download"
javascript:(function(){for(var i = 0; i<document.scripts.length; i++){   if(document.scripts[i].text.includes('photosJson')){  console.log ([...document.scripts[i].text.matchAll(/"large":"(.*?)"/g)].map( (x) =>[1]) )) } }})();
  1. Now all you have to do is click this bookmark while on the Strava activity page
  2. The photos in the activity will then open automatically in new tabs
robertlisaru /
Last active August 14, 2023 11:13
Questions that arose in my mind when studying Elm.


Questions that arose in my mind when studying Elm.

  1. Can Elm do == on references and also object data (shallow vs deep comparison)?
  2. What does main : Html msg type annotation syntax mean exactly? What keywords are there?
  3. Elm does not have objects, has records instead. How does comparison work on records?
  4. What's the difference between these 2 lines?
    import Browser  

import Html exposing (..)