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PepinTEEN 2020 - Atelier SQL - Robert Nițu Teme
Mai jos sunt toate temele pentru atelier.
CREATE database biblioteca
_id tinyint unsigned not null auto_increment,
titlu varchar(32) not null,
nr_pagini int not null,
editura varchar(32) not null,
an_aparitie int not null,
constraint pk_carti primary key(_id)
_id tinyint unsigned not null auto_increment,
nume varchar(32) not null,
prenume varchar(32) not null,
data_nastere date not null,
tara varchar(16) not null,
constraint pk_autori primary key(_id)
INSERT INTO carti (titlu, nr_pagini, editura, an_aparitie) VALUES ("Povestea Mea", 624, "Litera", 2018);
INSERT INTO autori (nume, prenume, data_nastere, tara) VALUES ("Michelle", "Obama", '1967-01-17', "Chicagho");
INSERT INTO carti (titlu, nr_pagini, editura, an_aparitie) VALUES ("Prietena mea geniala", 334, "Pandora M", 2018);
INSERT INTO autori (nume, prenume, data_nastere, tara) VALUES ("Elena", "Ferrante", '1943-10-10', "Italia");
INSERT INTO carti (titlu, nr_pagini, editura, an_aparitie) VALUES ("Invatare. Memorii", 448, "Narator", 2019);
INSERT INTO autori (nume, prenume, data_nastere, tara) VALUES ("Tara", "Westover", '1986-09-27', "S.U.A");
INSERT INTO carti (titlu, nr_pagini, editura, an_aparitie) VALUES ("Foc si Sange", 52, "Nemira", 2014);
INSERT INTO autori (nume, prenume, data_nastere, tara) VALUES ("George", "Martin", '1948-09-20', "S.U.A");
INSERT INTO carti (titlu, nr_pagini, editura, an_aparitie) VALUES ("Idioata", 75, "Curtea Veche", 2016);
INSERT INTO autori (nume, prenume, data_nastere, tara) VALUES ("Elif", "Batunam", '1977-06-07', "S.U.A");
UPDATE autori SET tara = 'S.U.A' WHERE nume = 'Michelle' LIMIT 1;
SELECT * FROM autori;
SELECT * FROM carti WHERE (nr_pagini > 50 AND nr_pagini < 80) ORDER BY nr_pagini ASC, titlu DESC;
SELECT * FROM autori WHERE (2020 - date_format(data_nastere, "%y") > 20) ORDER BY nume ASC;
USE northwind;
-- ex) 5
SELECT * FROM employees;
SELECT EmployeeID, concat(LastName, ' ', FirstName) as NumeIntreg,
WHEN EmployeeID = 1 THEN 'Level 1'
WHEN EmployeeID = 2 THEN 'Level 2'
WHEN EmployeeID = 3 THEN 'Level 3'
ELSE 'Other Level' END as Status
FROM employees;
-- ex) 6
SELECT * FROM northwind.`order details`;
SELECT OrderID, ProductID,
if(UnitPrice >= 0 AND UnitPrice <= 29, "Intervalul 0-29", if(UnitPrice >= 30 AND UnitPrice <= 59, "Intervalul 30-59", "Peste 60")) as Status
FROM orderdetails;
-- ex) 7
SELECT * FROM customers;
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName,
if(isnull(Region), City, Region) as VerificareUnu,
if(isnull(Region), "No", "Yes") as Completat
FROM customers;
-- ex) 8
SELECT date_add(curdate(), INTERVAL -1 year) as AcumUnAn,
date_format(curdate(), '%m') as Luna,
date_format(curdate(), '%d') as Zi,
datediff(curdate(), date_add(curdate(), INTERVAL -1 year)) as DiferentaInZile,
now() as Acum;
-- ex) 9
SELECT * FROM customers;
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName,
INSTR(ContactName, ' ') as CaracterSpatiu_Pozitie,
UPPER(left(ContactName, INSTR(ContactName, ' '))) as NumeMajuscule_Contact,
UPPER(right(ContactName, INSTR(ContactName, ' '))) as PrenumeMajuscule_Contact,
length(ContactName) as LungimeContactName,
concat(left(ContactName, INSTR(ContactName, ' ')), ',', right(ContactName, INSTR(ContactName, ' '))) as Nume_Despartit
FROM customers;
-- ex) 10
SELECT * FROM orders;
SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, RequiredDate,
if(datediff(RequiredDate, OrderDate) > 10, "Termen Depasit", "La timp") as StatusComanda
FROM orders;
-- ex) 11
sum(O.UnitPrice * O.Quantity) as VanzareProdus,
sum(P.UnitPrice * P.QuantityPerUnit) as CumparareProdus,
if(sum(P.UnitPrice * P.QuantityPerUnit) > sum(O.UnitPrice * O.Quantity), 'Profit', 'Pierdere') as Statuus,
if(abs((sum(P.UnitPrice * P.QuantityPerUnit) - sum(O.UnitPrice * O.Quantity))) < 1950, 'Mic', 'Mare') as StatusAles,
lower(ProductName) as CategoriiMici
FROM Products as P
inner join orderdetails as O on P.ProductID = O.ProductID GROUP BY P.ProductID;
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