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Created June 25, 2024 11:58
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Example for retrieving Storyblok stories via translated slugs and managing cache via StoryblokClient (and also with fetch function)
import StoryblokClient from "storyblok-js-client";
const at = process.env.STORYBLOK_ACCESS_TOKEN;
// initalizing the StoryblokClient using the cache option.
// The cache option affect the caching for the response
// if the cache type is set to memory,
// the response from the API call is cached internally
// to the StoryblokClient.
// The lifecycle of the response cache is the same of the StoryblokClient instance
// The response cache can be flushed via the `flushCache()` method
// The cache option in the StoryblokClient doesn't affect the cv parameter behaviour
const Storyblok = new StoryblokClient({
accessToken: at,
cache: {
type: "memory",
// initialize the cv parameter as 0 or undefined in order to obtain a new CV
let cvStoredForFetch = 0;
// fetching an article via fetch (calling directly the HTTP API, managing manually the parameters)
setInterval(getArticleByFetch, 1000);
Fetching an article via StoryblokClient:
- automatically retry in case of Rate Limit;
- managing cached response if cache option is set,
- store automatically the CV parameter
setInterval(getArticle, 1000);
setInterval(getHomeStory, 1000);
// Cleaning the cache every X seconds
setInterval(cleanCache, 5000);
async function refreshCv() {
/* 2 options for retrieving a new CV parameter
- using the spaces/me endpoint (the commented solution)
- setting the cache version as undefined, so that allows the next request to retrieve the CV paramenter
// First option via spaces/me
//const response = await Storyblok.get("cdn/spaces/me");
//console.log("Resetting CV with " +;
// Second option via resetting the cache version
// and here i'm resetting the manual CV i have to manage becasue the use case i want to
//call directly the API via the JS fetch method:
cvStoredForFetch = 0;
function cleanCache() {
console.log("🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹 Cache cleaned");
async function getHomeStory() {
console.time("APICALL getHomeStory");
const response = await Storyblok.get("cdn/stories/home", {
version: "published",
console.timeEnd("APICAL getHomeStory");
console.log("Storyblok.cacheVersions():", Storyblok.cacheVersion());
console.log("HIT:", response.headers["x-cache"]);
console.log("AGE:", response.headers.age);
function getTranslatedSlugByLang(array, lang) {
return array.find((element) => element.lang === lang);
async function getArticle() {
console.time("APICALL getArticle");
// Getting the translated slug (set also the language params in the case you need to retrieve via translatedSlug)
const translatedSlug = "/articles/benvenuti";
const language = "it";
const response = await Storyblok.get(`cdn/stories${translatedSlug}`, {
version: "published",
language: language,
console.timeEnd("APICALL getArticle");
console.log("Storyblok.cacheVersions():", Storyblok.cacheVersion());
console.log("HIT:", response.headers["x-cache"]);
console.log("AGE:", response.headers.age);
"Translated slug (StoryblokClient)",
getTranslatedSlugByLang(, language)
getTranslatedSlugByLang(, language)
async function getArticleByFetch() {
console.time("APICALL getArticleByFetch");
const slug = "/articles/benvenuti";
const params = new URLSearchParams({
token: at,
language: "it",
version: "published",
cv: cvStoredForFetch,
const url = `${slug}?${params}`;
const response = await fetch(url);
const responseJson = await response.json();
console.timeEnd("APICALL getArticleByFetch");
cvStoredForFetch =;
console.log("HIT:", response.headers.get("x-cache"));
console.log("AGE:", response.headers.get("age"));
"Translated slug ()via fetch()",
getTranslatedSlugByLang(responseJson.story.translated_slugs, "it").path,
getTranslatedSlugByLang(responseJson.story.translated_slugs, "it").name,
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