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Last active April 24, 2017 04:03
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Ravello Public Highly Available Load Balancer Failover Configuration


This gist provides a way to automatically move an associated Elastic IP between nodes of a cluster in case of failover. This is because the standard VIP infrastructure provided by VRRP is not necessarily transparently compatible with Ravello's public IP/NAT routing, so the private VIP is not routable.


  1. As explained in Ravello's Blog, configure a couple of Highly Available Load Balancers using Keepalived (check this blog article if in doubt).
  2. Make sure to enable cloud-init on the VM and configure your VM to export the environment variables described below according to your setup.
  3. Make sure you have python installed and install the script in such a way the keepalived daemon can execute it.
  4. Configure your keepalived.conf to invoke the when the node takes over as MASTER.

Manual test

Executing the following line in one of the nodes by hand should allow you to switch the Elastic IP between the nodes:

RAVELLO_CREDENTIALS="<>:<password>" \
RAVELLO_EVIP="<ip-address>" \
RAVELLO_VM_JSON=/etc/ravello/vm.json \

You shoudl see output similar to the following:

VM FQDNS: <node-host-name>
Querying application: 56131616 for current holder for EVIP: <ip-address>
- This VM: 	<this-vm-name>
- Master VM: 	<vm-that-currently-holds-the-elastic-ip>
*** Updating application to switch Elastic Virtual IP from "<original-vm-name>" to "<this-vm-name>" ***
- Done
vrrp_instance MyVRRPInstance {
import json
import os
import sys
from ravello_sdk import *
env_credentials = os.getenv('RAVELLO_CREDENTIALS', '')
env_evip = os.getenv('RAVELLO_EVIP', '')
env_vm_json = os.getenv('RAVELLO_VM_JSON', '')
if (not env_credentials or not env_evip or not env_vm_json):
"""Make sure the following environment variables are set:
""".format(env_credentials, env_evip, env_vm_json)
credentials = env_credentials.split(':', 2)
EVIP = env_evip
vm_json = env_vm_json
with open(vm_json) as data_file:
vm_data = json.load(data_file)
app_id = vm_data['appId'];
vm_fqdns = vm_data['fqdns'][0]
print('VM FQDNS: {0}'.format(vm_fqdns))
print('Querying application: {0} for current holder for EVIP: {1}'.format(app_id, EVIP))
client = RavelloClient()
client.login(credentials[0], credentials[1])
def get_app():
application = client.get_application(app_id)
vms = application['design']['vms']
this_vm = { 'name': None }
this_vm_ip_config = {}
master_vm = { 'name': None }
master_vm_ip_config = {}
for vm in vms:
for network_connection in vm['networkConnections']:
ip_config = network_connection['ipConfig']
if (ip_config.get('fqdn', '') == vm_fqdns):
this_vm = vm
this_vm_ip_config = ip_config
if (ip_config['needElasticIp'] and ip_config['elasticIpAddress'] == EVIP):
master_vm = vm
master_vm_ip_config = ip_config
return { 'application': application,
'vms': {
'this': { 'name': this_vm['name'], 'ip_config': this_vm_ip_config },
'master': { 'name': master_vm['name'], 'ip_config': master_vm_ip_config },
app = get_app()
if not app['vms']['this']['name'] == app['vms']['master']['name']:
print('*** Updating application to switch Elastic Virtual IP from "{0}" to "{1}" ***'.format(app['vms']['master']['name'], app['vms']['this']['name']))
app['vms']['master']['ip_config'].pop('elasticIpAddress', None)
app['vms']['master']['ip_config']['needElasticIp'] = False
app = get_app()
app['vms']['this']['ip_config']['elasticIpAddress'] = EVIP
app['vms']['this']['ip_config']['needElasticIp'] = True
print('- Done')
print('*** Will not update app, this VM is already associated with the Elastic Virtual IP ***')
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