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Created July 22, 2015 13:17
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CountMinSketch is an implementation of the count min sketch algorithm that probabilistically counts string frequencies.
from __future__ import division
from xxhash import xxh32
import numpy as np
DTYPE = np.int64
class CountMinSketch(object):
def __init__(self, _w=None, _d=None, _delta=None, _epsilon=None):
CountMinSketch is an implementation of the count min sketch
algorithm that probabilistically counts string frequencies.
You must either supply w and d directly, or let them be calculated form error,
delta, and epsilon. If You choose the latter, then w = ceil(error/epsilon) and
d = ceil(ln(1.0/delta)) where the error in answering a query is within a factor
of epsilon with probability delta.
w : the number of columns in the count matrix
d : the number of rows in the count matrix
delta : (not applicable if w and d are supplied) the probability of query error
epsilon : (not applicable if w and d are supplied) the query error factor
bits : The size of the hash output space
For the full paper on the algorithm, see the paper
"An improved data stream summary: the count-min sketch and its -
applications" by Cormode and Muthukrishnan, 2003.
if _w is not None and _d is not None:
self.w = _w
self.d = _d
elif _delta is not None and _epsilon is not None:
self.w = np.ceil(np.e / _epsilon)
self.d = np.ceil(np.log(1./_delta))
raise Exception(
"You must either supply both w and d or delta and epsilon.")
self.count = np.zeros((self.d, self.w), dtype=DTYPE)
self.rows = np.arange(self.d)
self.shift_by = np.ceil(np.log(self.w) / np.log(2))
def get_columns(self, a):
a_string = str(a)
hashes = np.zeros(self.d, dtype=DTYPE)
h = xxh32(a_string).intdigest()
for i in xrange(self.d):
hashes[i] = h % self.w
h >>= self.shift_by
if h < self.w and i < self.d:
cur_string = str(i) + a_string
h = xxh32(cur_string).intdigest()
return hashes
def update(self, a, val=1):
h = self.get_columns(a)
self.count[self.rows, h] += val
def query(self, a):
h = self.get_columns(a)
return self.count[self.rows, h].min()
def __getitem__(self, a):
return self.query(a)
def __setitem__(self, a, val):
cur = self.query(a)
self.update(a, val - cur)
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