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Python Implementation of Graham Cormode and S. Muthukrishnan's Effective Computation of Biased Quantiles over Data Streams in ICDE’05 (
Copyright 2013 (Matt T. Proud)
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Python Implementation of Graham Cormode and S. Muthukrishnan's Effective
Computation of Biased Quantiles over Data Streams in ICDE'05
import math
class Estimator(object):
"""Estimator estimates quantile values from sample streams in a time- and
memory-efficient manner subject to allowed error constraints.
def __init__(self, *invariants):
"""Initialize an Estimator.
Estimator is not concurrency safe.
invariants: A list of floating point doubles containing the target
quantile value and allowed error. [(0.5, 0.01), (0.99, 0.001)]
are the default if none are provided, signifying that the median
will be provided at a one percent error limit and the 99th
percentile at the a 0.1 percent error limit.
if not invariants:
self._invariants = [_Quantile(0.50, 0.01),
_Quantile(0.95, 0.001),
_Quantile(0.99, 0.001)]
self._invariants = [_Quantile(q, e) for (q, e) in invariants]
self._buffer = []
self._head = None
self._observations = 0
self._items = 0
def observe(self, value):
"""Samples an observation's value.
value: A numeric value signifying the value to be sampled.
if len(self._buffer) == _BUFFER_SIZE:
def query(self, rank):
"""Retrieves the value estimate for the requested quantile rank.
The requested quantile rank must be registered in the estimator's
invariants a priori!
rank: A floating point quantile rank along the interval [0, 1].
A numeric value for the quantile estimate.
current = self._head
if not current:
return 0
mid_rank = math.floor(rank * self._observations)
max_rank = mid_rank + math.floor(
self._invariant(mid_rank, self._observations) / 2)
rank = 0.0
while current._successor:
rank += current._rank
if rank + current._successor._rank + current._successor._delta > max_rank:
return current._value
current = current._successor
return current._value
def _flush(self):
"""Purges the buffer and commits all pending values into the estimator."""
self._buffer = []
def _replace_batch(self):
"""Incorporates all pending values into the estimator."""
if not self._head:
self._head, self._buffer = self._record(self._buffer[0], 1, 0, None), self._buffer[1:]
rank = 0.0
current = self._head
for b in self._buffer:
if b < self._head._value:
self._head = self._record(b, 1, 0, self._head)
while current._successor and current._value < b:
rank += current._rank
current = current._successor
if not current._successor:
current._successor = self._record(b, 1, 0, None)
current._successor = self._record(b, 1, self._invariant(rank, self._observations)-1, current._successor)
def _record(self, value, rank, delta, successor):
"""Catalogs a sample."""
self._observations += 1
self._items += 1
return _Sample(value, rank, delta, successor)
def _invariant(self, rank, n):
"""Computes the delta value for the sample."""
minimum = n + 1
for i in self._invariants:
delta = i._delta(rank, n)
if delta < minimum:
minimum = delta
return math.floor(minimum)
def _compress(self):
"""Prunes the cataloged observations."""
rank = 0.0
current = self._head
while current and current._successor:
if current._rank + current._successor._rank + current._successor._delta <= self._invariant(rank, self._observations):
removed = current._successor
current._value = removed._value
current._rank += removed._rank
current._delta = removed._delta
current._successor = removed._successor
rank += current._rank
current = current._successor
class _Quantile(object):
"""_Quantile is an internal representation of an estimation target
quantile: A floating point value for the requested quantile along the
[0, 1] interval.
inaccuracy: A floating point value for the allowed error for the
estimate along the [0, 1] interval.
def __init__(self, quantile, inaccuracy):
self._quantile = quantile
self._inaccuracy = inaccuracy
self._coefficient_i = (2.0 * inaccuracy) / (1.0 - quantile)
self._coefficient_ii = 2.0 * inaccuracy / quantile
"""Computes the delta for the observation."""
def _delta(self, rank, n):
if rank <= math.floor((self._quantile * n)):
return self._coefficient_i * (n - rank)
return self._coefficient_ii * rank
class _Sample(object):
"""_Sample models an observational value."""
def __init__(self, value, rank, delta, successor):
self._value = value
self._rank = rank
self._delta = delta
self._successor = successor
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