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Created December 19, 2014 10:34
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Save robertobarreda/ede01dd9bfb5badec8af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
mysql to postresql schema converter
#!/usr/bin/env python
Fixes a MySQL dump made with the right format so it can be
imported to a Redshift database.
Dump using:
mysqldump --compatible=postgresql --default-character-set=utf8 -r databasename.mysql -u root databasename tablename
import re
import sys
import os
import time
import getopt
def file_len(filename):
Returns the equivalent of wc - l
:param filename: file name
:return: number of lines in the file
with open(filename) as f:
i = 0
for i, l in enumerate(f):
return i + 1
def parse(input_filename, output_filename, table_name, distribution_key, redshift_sort_keys, type_map):
# State storage
Feed it a mysqldump file, and it'll output a redshift equivalent one.
Optional params specified here are designed for mysqldump containing only one table definition
:rtype : void
:param input_filename: input mysqldump file
:param output_filename:
:param table_name: optional. generated table name for the first table encountered, else the same as input.
:param distribution_key: optional. distribution key column in redshift for the first table encountered.
:param redshift_sort_keys: optional. sort key(s) column(s) in redshift for the first table encountered.
:param type_map: optional. override type conversion from mysql to redshift.
tinyint(1):smallint,char(35):varchar(70),bigint(20) unsigned:bigint
:param insert_mode: optional.
Determines how to handle pre-existing data in the target table that overlaps with rows in the data to be loaded.
if insert_mode is OVERWRITE_EXISTING and distribution_key not specified, first primary key is set as dist key.
if input_filename == "-":
num_lines = -1
num_lines = int(file_len(input_filename))
tables = {}
current_table = None
creation_lines = []
foreign_key_lines = []
num_inserts = 0
started = time.time()
table_primary_key_not_done = True
# Open output file and write header. Logging file handle will be std out
# unless we're writing output to std out, in which case NO PROGRESS FOR YOU.
if output_filename == "-":
output = sys.stdout
logging = open(os.devnull, "w")
output = open(output_filename, "w")
logging = sys.stdout
if input_filename == "-":
input_fh = sys.stdin
input_fh = open(input_filename)
output.write("-- Converted by MySql to Redshift db converter\n")
output.write("START TRANSACTION;\n")
for i, line in enumerate(input_fh):
time_taken = time.time() - started
percentage_done = (i + 1) / float(num_lines)
secs_left = (time_taken / percentage_done) - time_taken
logging.write("\rLine %i (of %s: %.2f%%) [%s tables] [%s inserts] [ETA: %i min %i sec]" % (
i + 1,
((i + 1) / float(num_lines)) * 100,
secs_left // 60,
secs_left % 60,
line = line.decode("utf8").strip()
# Ignore comment lines
if line.startswith("--") or line.startswith("/*") or line.startswith("LOCK TABLES") or line.startswith(
"DROP TABLE") or line.startswith("UNLOCK TABLES") or not line:
# Outside of anything handling
if current_table is None:
# Start of a table creation statement?
if line.startswith("CREATE TABLE"):
# current_table is the table name in MySQL
current_table = line.split('"')[1]
if table_name and not table_name.isspace():
logging.write("\rLine %i [Encountered table %s ] [Generated table name %s]" % (
i + 1, current_table, table_name))
current_table = table_name
table_name = None
tables[current_table] = {"columns": []}
creation_lines = []
table_primary_key_not_done = True
# Inserting data into a table?
elif line.startswith("INSERT INTO"):
output.write(line.encode("utf8").replace("'0000-00-00 00:00:00'", "NULL") + "\n")
num_inserts += 1
# ???
print "\n ! Ignore. Unknown line in main body: %s" % line
# Inside-create-statement handling
# Is it a column?
if line.startswith('"'):
useless, name, definition = line.strip(",").split('"', 2)
sql_type, extra = definition.strip().split(" ", 1)
# This must be a tricky enum
if ')' in extra:
sql_type, extra = definition.strip().split(")")
except ValueError:
sql_type = definition.strip()
extra = ""
# check if extra contains unsigned
unsigned = "unsigned" in extra.lower()
# remove unsigned now
extra = re.sub("CHARACTER SET [\w\d]+\s*", "", extra.replace("unsigned", ""))
extra = re.sub("COLLATE [\w\d]+\s*", "", extra.replace("unsigned", ""))
extra = extra.replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "")
extra = extra.replace("SERIAL", "")
extra = extra.replace("ZEROFILL", "")
extra = extra.replace("UNSIGNED", "")
sql_type = sql_type.lower()
if type_map is not None and sql_type in type_map:
red_type = type_map[sql_type]
elif type_map is not None and unsigned and sql_type+ " unsigned" in type_map:
red_type = type_map[sql_type+ " unsigned"]
elif sql_type == "tinyint(1)":
red_type = "boolean"
elif sql_type.startswith("tinyint("):
red_type = "smallint"
elif sql_type.startswith("smallint("):
if unsigned:
red_type = "integer"
red_type = "smallint"
elif sql_type.startswith("mediumint("):
red_type = "integer"
elif sql_type.startswith("int("):
if unsigned:
red_type = "bigint"
red_type = "integer"
elif sql_type.startswith("bigint("):
if unsigned:
red_type = "varchar(80)"
red_type = "bigint"
elif sql_type.startswith("float"):
red_type = "real"
elif sql_type.startswith("double"):
red_type = "double precision"
elif sql_type.startswith("decimal"):
# same decimal
red_type = sql_type
elif sql_type.startswith("char("):
size = int(sql_type.split("(")[1].rstrip(")"))
red_type = "varchar(%s)" % (size * 4)
elif sql_type.startswith("varchar("):
size = int(sql_type.split("(")[1].rstrip(")"))
red_type = "varchar(%s)" % (size * 4)
elif sql_type == "longtext":
red_type = "varchar(max)"
elif sql_type == "mediumtext":
red_type = "varchar(max)"
elif sql_type == "tinytext":
red_type = "text(%s)" % (255 * 4)
elif sql_type == "text":
red_type = "varchar(max)"
elif sql_type.startswith("enum(") or sql_type.startswith("set("):
red_type = "varchar(%s)" % (255 * 2)
elif sql_type == "blob":
red_type = "varchar(max)"
elif sql_type == "mediumblob":
red_type = "varchar(max)"
elif sql_type == "longblob":
red_type = "varchar(max)"
elif sql_type == "tinyblob":
red_type = "varchar(255)"
elif sql_type.startswith("binary"):
red_type = "varchar(255)"
elif sql_type == "date":
# same
red_type = sql_type
elif sql_type == "time":
red_type = "varchar(40)"
elif sql_type == "datetime":
red_type = "timestamp"
elif sql_type == "year":
red_type = "varchar(16)"
elif sql_type == "timestamp":
# same
red_type = sql_type
# all else, e.g., varchar binary
red_type = "varchar(max)"
# Record it
creation_lines.append('"%s" %s %s' % (name, red_type, extra))
tables[current_table]['columns'].append((name, red_type, extra))
# Is it a constraint or something?
elif line.startswith("PRIMARY KEY"):
#composite primary key not supported in redshift
if table_primary_key_not_done:
#aws datapipeline redshift copy only supports 1 primary key. remove this restriction after that is fixed
first_pkey = line.rstrip(",").rstrip(")").lstrip("PRIMARY KEY").lstrip("(\"").split(",")[0].rstrip("\"")
pkey_line ='PRIMARY KEY("' + first_pkey + '")'
if not distribution_key:
distribution_key = first_pkey
table_primary_key_not_done = False
elif line.startswith("CONSTRAINT"):
# Try adding foreign key in a different transaction. If it fails, no big deal.
current_table, line.split("CONSTRAINT")[1].strip().rstrip(",")))
# No need for index on foreign key column as Redshift does not support indexes
elif line.startswith("UNIQUE KEY"):
creation_lines.append("UNIQUE (%s)" % line.split("(")[1].split(")")[0])
elif line.startswith("FULLTEXT KEY"):
# No indexes in Redshift
elif line.startswith("KEY"):
# Is it the end of the table?
elif line == ");":
output.write("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"%s\" (\n" % current_table)
for j, outline in enumerate(creation_lines):
output.write(" %s%s\n" % (outline, "," if j != (len(creation_lines) - 1) else ""))
if distribution_key and not distribution_key.isspace():
output.write('distkey(%s)\n' % distribution_key)
distribution_key = None
if redshift_sort_keys and not redshift_sort_keys.isspace():
output.write('sortkey(%s)\n' % redshift_sort_keys)
redshift_sort_keys = None
current_table = None
# ???
print "\n ! Ignore. Unknown line inside table creation: %s" % line
# Finish file
#output.write("START TRANSACTION;\n")
# Write FK constraints out
#output.write("\n-- Foreign keys --\n")
#for line in foreign_key_lines:
# output.write("%s;\n" % line)
# Finish file
print ""
def usage():
print("Usage: %s -i input -o output [-t table_name] [-d DistKey] [-s SortKey1,SortKey2...] "
"[-m MySQL1:RedType1,MySQL2:RedType2...]" % sys.argv[0])
if __name__ == "__main__":
input_file = ''
output_file = ''
gen_table_name = None
dist_key = None
sort_keys = None
map_types = None
insert_mode = None
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "i:o:t:d:s:m:n:",
["input_file=", "output_file=", "table_name=", "dist_key=", "sort_keys=",
"map_types=", "insert_mode="])
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
print (str(e))
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-i", "--input_file"):
input_file = arg
elif opt in ("-o", "--output_file"):
output_file = arg
elif opt in ("-t", "--table_name"):
gen_table_name = arg
elif opt in ("-d", "--dist_key"):
dist_key = arg
elif opt in ("-s", "--sort_keys"):
sort_keys = arg
elif opt in ("-m", "--map_types"):
map_types = arg
elif opt in ("-n", "--insert_mode"):
insert_mode = arg
map_types_dict = None
if map_types and not map_types.isspace():
map_types_dict_temp = dict([arg.split(':') for arg in map_types.lower().lstrip().split(',')])
#sanitize keys to strip whitespaces
map_types_dict = dict()
for key in map_types_dict_temp:
map_types_dict[key.lstrip().rstrip()] = map_types_dict_temp[key]
parse(input_file, output_file, gen_table_name, dist_key, sort_keys, map_types_dict)
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