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Last active December 16, 2015 13:19
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def obtenerpicos(vechisto, valormax):
umbmin = min(vechisto)
umbmax = max(vechisto)
corde = []
sumaminmax = umbmax + umbmin
umbral = (sumaminmax)/2
for i in range(1, len(vechisto) - 1):
if valormax = 1:
if (vechisto[i] > vechisto[i-1]) and (vechisto[i] > vechisto[i+1]):
if vechisto[i] > umbral: corde.append(i)
elif valormin = 0:
if (vechisto[i] < vechisto[i-1]) and (vechisto[i] < vechisto[i+1]):
if vechisto[i] > umbral: corde.append(i)
return corde
def dibujar(image, vertical, horizontal):
ancho, altura = image.size
image =[1])
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
pixeles = image.load()
conta = 1
total = ancho*altura
areas = []
for j in horizontal:
for i in vertical:
(pos1, pos3), (pos2, pos4) = (i-(tamanoagujero/2), j-(tamanoagujero/2)), (i+(tamanoagujero/2), j+(tamanoagujero/2))
aceptado, start = areafucion(image, (pos1, pos3), (pos2, pos4))
if aceptado:
if start is not (None, None):
popin, coordenads = bfs(image, start, (255, 0, 0))
suma = [sum(x) for x in zip(*coordenads)]
centro = (suma[0] / len(coordenads), suma[1] / len(coordenads))
pixeles[centro] = (255, 255, 0)
draw.ellipse(((centro[0]-tamanoagujero/2, centro[1]-tamanoagujero/2), (centro[0]+tamanoagujero/2, centro[1]+tamanoagujero/2)), outline = morado('relleno'),
fill = morado('bordclar'))
draw.text(centro, "%s"%conta, fill = (0, 0, 0))
conta += 1
for i in range(len(areas)):
print "ID # %s area: %0.2f%%"%(i, 100.0*(areas[i]/float(total)))'salida.png', 'PNG')
def morado(borde_o_relleno):
if borde_o_relleno == 'bordclar':
return (random.randint(85, 100), random.randint(33, 50), random.randint(100, 115))
elif borde_o_relleno == 'relleno':
return (random.randint(74, 78), random.randint(33, 35), random.randint(100, 104))
def areafucion(image, (pos1, pos3), (pos2, pos4)):
ancho, altura = image.size
pixeles = image.load()
area = abs(pos2 - pos1) * abs(pos4 - pos3)
contador = 0
i, j = (None, None)
for x in range(pos1, pos2):
for y in range(pos3, pos4):
if x > 0 and x < ancho and y > 0 and y < altura:
if pixeles[x, y] == (0, 0, 0):
i, j = x, y
contador += 1
if contador > area * 0.2:
return True, (i, j)
return False, (i, j)
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