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Last active December 1, 2022 20:05
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autosetupmerge = true
editor = gedit --wait --new-window
pager = less -x1,5
whitespace = trailing-space,space-before-tab,tabwidth=4
ui = auto
branch = auto
[color "diff"]
whitespace = green reverse
[color "grep"]
filename = normal dim
linenumber = normal dim
separator = normal dim
[color "status"]
untracked = yellow
template = ~/.git/templates/commit-msg
renames = copies
mnemonicprefix = true
renameLimit = 9999
[filter "trimWhitespace"]
clean = git-stripspace
lineNumber = true
extendedRegexp = true
templatedir = ~/.git/templates
decorate = short
date = iso
abbrevCommit = true
tool = meld
# conflictstyle = diff3
# stat = true
# diffFilter = diff-highlight
# log = ~/.git/diff-highlight | less
# show = ~/.git/diff-highlight | less
# diff = ~/.git/diff-highlight | less
rebase = true
default = simple
autosquash = true
autostash = true
enabled = true
short = true
branch = true
sort = version:refname
# Short aliases
aa = add -A
ama = !git amend-all
ama-no-edit = !git amend-all-no-edit
amn = !git amend-no-edit
aman = !git amend-all-no-edit
au = add -u
bl = blame
br = branch
c = commit
ca = commit -a
cam = commit -a -m
ci = commit
cm = commit -m
co = checkout
cob = checkout -b
cp = cherry-pick
cs = commit --squash=@
cf = commit --fixup=@
dc = !git discard
di = diff
diw = diff --color-words
ds = diff --staged
fc = !git cf
fu = !git fubar
fuc = !git fubar-clean
ir = rebase -i
l = !git last
mg = merge
mr = merge
ol = !git oneline
pl = pull
prc = !git pr-check
ps = push
psf = push --force-with-lease
ref = reflog
r = rebase
rb = rebase
ri = rebase -i
rw = !git reword
sa = stash apply
sc = !git cs
sl = stash list
sq = !git cs
ss = stash save
st = !"git -c color.status=always status --long | sed -r 's/Changes to be committed.*/Staged:/' | sed -r 's/Changes not staged.*/Unstaged:/' | sed -r 's/Untracked.*/Untracked:/' | egrep -v '^\\s+\\(use.*$' | egrep '^\\s+.*$|Staged:|Unstaged:|Untracked:|nothing to commit.*'"
# Basics
discard = checkout --
delete = !git rm $(git ls-files -d)
undelete = unstage --
unstage = reset HEAD
untrack = reset HEAD
undo = reset --soft
fubar = reset --hard
fubar-clean = !git reset --hard && git clean -fd
force-pull = !git fetch ${1:-origin} $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) && git fu $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u})
force-push = push --force-with-lease
amend = commit --amend
amend-all = commit -a --amend
amend-all-no-edit = commit -a --amend --no-edit
amend-no-edit = commit --amend --no-edit
reword = commit --amend
blame-precise = blame -w -M -CC
save = stash save --keep-index
load = stash apply
pop = stash pop
stashes = stash list
branches = branch --list --all -vv
remotes = remote -vv
pickaxe-string = log -p --all -S
pickaxe-s = !git pickaxe-string
pickaxe-regex = log -p --all -G
pickaxe-r = !git pickaxe-regex
pickaxe-g = !git pickaxe-regex
# Diff
diff-word = diff --color-words
# Log
oneline = log --abbrev-commit --date=short --format=format:'%C(yellow)%h %C(reset)%C(cyan)%ad %C(reset)%s %C(magenta)[%an]%C(reset)'
current = log -1
last = !git oneline -8
latest = !git last
log-diff = log -u
log-graph = log --graph --oneline
# Ignore
assume = update-index --assume-unchanged
ignore = !git skip
skip = update-index --skip-worktree
unassume = update-index --no-assume-unchanged
unignore = !git unskip
unskip = update-index --no-skip-worktree
assume-all = "!git st -s | awk {'print $2'} | xargs git assume"
ignore-all = !git skip-all
skip-all = !git st -s | awk {'print $2'} | xargs git skip
unassume-all = "!git list-assumed | xargs git update-index --no-assume-unchanged"
unignore-all = !git unskip-all
unskip-all = !cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" && git ls-files -v | grep '^S' | awk {'print $2'} | xargs git unskip
assumed = "!git ls-files -v | grep ^h | cut -c 3-"
ignored = !git skip-list
skipped = !git ls-files -v --full-name | grep '^S'
# Recover
recover-stage = !"find $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.git/objects/ -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td %TH:%TM %P\n' | sort -r | sed 's#/##g' | more -10"
# Merge conflicts
conflicts = diff --name-only --diff-filter=U
ours = "!f() { git co --ours $@ && git add $@; }; f"
theirs = "!f() { git co --theirs $@ && git add $@; }; f"
redo-merge = checkout -m
# Pull requests
pr = "!f() { git fetch -fu ${2:-origin} +pull/$1/head:pr/$1 && git checkout pr/$1; }; f"
pr-check = "!f() { git pr $1 ${3:-origin} && git reset $(git merge-base HEAD ${3:-origin}/${2:-master}) && git add .; }; f"
format-code = "!f() { git checkout $1 && git reset --soft $(git merge-base @ $2) && echo 'Sync your project with gradle and format the code. Do not add the formatted files to the staging area! Press enter to continue...' && read 'foo' && git reset $(git rev-list @{1} -1); }; f"
guilt = !git-guilt -w
guilt-merge-base = !sh -c 'git guilt $(git merge-base $0 @) @'
# Utils
root = rev-parse --show-toplevel
find = !git ls-files | grep -i
grep-pretty = "!f() { git grep --break --heading $@ $(git rev-list --all); }; f"
check-for-spaces = -c core.whitespace=indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,space-before-tab,tabwidth=4 diff --check
check-for-tabs = -c core.whitespace=tab-in-indent,trailing-space,space-before-tab,tabwidth=4 diff --check
ls-files = ls-files
rev-list = rev-list
merge-base = merge-base
merge-bases = "!f() { git rev-list $1..${2:-@} | while read line ; do echo $(git log --oneline -1 $(git merge-base $1 $line)) ; done | uniq; }; f"
# Workflow-Utils
done = !git fetch origin HEAD && git rebase -i --autosquash origin/HEAD && git rebase origin/HEAD
# Typos
ad = add
comit = commit
dff = diff
dif = diff
statis = status
lats = last
pul = pull
# sourced from ~/.bash_aliases
source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git
# Typos
alias g='git '
__git_complete g _git
alias gut='git '
__git_complete gut _git
alias got='git '
__git_complete got _git
alias gt='git '
__git_complete got _git
# Better autocomplete for aliases
function _git_guilt() {
function _git_pr() {
function _git_squash() {
function _git_fu() {
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