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Created September 9, 2011 05:16
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  • Save robertpateii/1205535 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save robertpateii/1205535 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
example code from CoffeeScript by Trevor Burnham with a few errors left in of my own making.
inRange = (x, y) ->
0 <= x < GRID_SIZE and 0 <= y < GRID_SIZE
fs = require 'fs'
owl2 = fs.readFileSync 'OWL2.txt', 'utf8'
wordList = owl2.match /^(\w+)/mg
wordList = (word for word in wordList when word.length <= GRID_SIZE)
isWord = (string) ->
string in wordList
# taken from scrabble
tileCounts =
A: 9, B: 2, C: 2, D: 4, E: 12, F: 2, G: 3, H: 2, I: 9, J: 1, K: 1, L: 4, M: 2, N: 6, O: 8, P: 2, Q: 1, R: 6, S: 4, T: 6, U: 4, V: 2, W: 2, X: 1, Y: 2, Z: 1
totalTiles = 0
totalTiles += count for letter, count of tileCounts
alphabet = (letter for letter of tileCounts).sort()
randomLetter = ->
randomNumber = Math.ceil Math.random() * totalTiles
x = 1
for letter in alphabet
x += tileCounts[letter]
return letter if x > randomNumber
# grid is a 2D array: grid[col][row], where 0, 0 is the upper-left corner
grid = for x in [0...GRID_SIZE]
for y in [0...GRID_SIZE]
printGrid = ->
#Transpose the grid so we can draw rows
rows = for x in [0...GRID_SIZE]
for y in [0...GRID_SIZE]
rowStrings = (' ' + row.join(' | ') for row in rows)
rowSeparator = ('-' for i in [1...GRID_SIZE * 4]).join('')
console.log '|n' + rowStrings.join("\n#{rowSeparator}\n") + '\n'
tileValues =
A: 1, B: 3, C:3, D:2, E:1, F:4, G:2, H:4, I:1, J:8, K:5, L:1, M:3, N:1, O:1, P:3, Q:10, R:1, S:1, T:1, U:1, V:4, W:4, X:8, Y:4, Z:10
moveCount = 0
score = 0
usedWords = []
#scoring function
scoreMove = (grid, swapCoordinates) ->
{x1, x2, y1, y2} = swapCoordinates
# error happens on this line
words = wordsThroughTile(grid, x1, y1).concat wordsThroughTile(grid, x2, y2)
moveScore = multiplier = 0
newWords = []
for word in words when word not in usedWords and word not in newWords
moveScore += tileValues[letter] for letter in word
newWords.push word
usedWords = usedWords.concat newWords
moveScore *= multiplier
{moveScore, newWords}
#find the words throughout the tiles
wordsThroughTile = (grid, x, y) ->
strings = []
for length in [MIN_WORD_LENGTH..GRID_SIZE]
range = length -1
addTiles = (func) ->
strings.push (func(i) for i in [0..range]).join ''
for offset in [0...length]
# Vertical
if inRange(x - offset, y) and inRange(x - offset + range, y)
addTiles (i) -> grid[x - offset + i][y]
# Horizontal
if inRange(x, y - offset) and inRange(x, y - offset + range)
addTiles (i) -> grid[x][y - offset + i]
# Diagonal (upper left to lower right)
if inRange(x - offset, y - offset) and
inRange(x - offset + range, y - offset + range)
addTiles (i) -> grid[x - offset + i][y - offset + i]
# Diagonal (lower-left to upper right)
if inRange(x - offset, y + offset) and
inRange(x - offset + range, y + offset - range)
addTiles (i) -> grid[x - offset + i][y + offset - i]
str for str in strings when isWord str
# error in here somewhere
console.log "Welcome to 5x5!"
for x in [0...GRID_SIZE]
for y in [0...GRID_SIZE]
scoreMove grid, {x1: x, x2: x, y1: y, y2: y}
# error above somehere
unless usedWords.length is 0
console.log """
Initially used words:
#{usedWords.join(', ')}
console.log "Please choose a tile in the form (x,y)."
promptForTile1 = ->
console.log "Please enter coordinates for the first tile."
inputCallback = (input) ->
{x, y} = strToCoordinates input
catch e
console.log e
promptForTile2 x, y
promptForTile2 = (x1, y1) ->
console.log "Please enter coordinates for the second tile."
inputCallback = (input) ->
{x: x2, y: y2} = strToCoordinates input
catch e
console.log e
if x1 is x2 and y1 is y2
console.log "The second tile must be different from the first."
console.log "Swapping (#{x1}, #{y1}) with (#{x2}, #{y2})..."
x1--; x2--; y1--; y2--; # convert 1 based indices to 0 based
[grid[x1][y1], grid[x2][y2]] = [grid[x2][y2], grid[x1][y1]]
{moveScore, newWords} = scoreMove grid, {x2, y1, x2, y2}
unless moveScore is 0
console.log """
you formed the following word(s):
#{newWords.join(', ')}
score += moveScore
console.log "Your score after #{moveCount} moves: #{score}"
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1st error is "TypeError: number is not a function" with no line number specified.
2nd error is a runtime error: the list of initially used words is "ZZZ," and ", ," a bunch of times.

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