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Last active November 18, 2021 21:37
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Generated by XState Viz:
const machine = Machine({
id: "Workout",
type: "parallel",
context: {
timerSeconds: 60,
states: {
timer: {
id: "timer",
initial: "idle",
states: {
idle: {
on: {
"START TIMER": "counting down",
"counting down": {
on: {
PAUSE: "paused",
"STOP TIMER": "done timer",
after: {
"TIMER DELAY": "done timer",
paused: {
on: {
RESUME: "counting down",
"STOP TIMER": "done timer",
"done timer": {
on: { CLOSE: "idle" },
activity: {
initial: "pre-workout",
states: {
"pre-workout": {
on: {
"START WORKOUT": "warmup",
warmup: {
onDone: "workout",
initial: "intro",
states: {
intro: {
after: {
1000: "exercise 1",
"exercise 1": {
on: {
"NEXT EXERCISE": "exercise N",
"exercise N": {
on: {
"NEXT EXERCISE": "done warmup",
"done warmup": {
type: "final",
workout: {
initial: "intro",
states: {
intro: {
after: {
1000: "Back Squat",
"Back Squat": {
on: {
"NEXT EXERCISE": "Jump Rope",
"Jump Rope": {
states: {},
on: {
actions: assign({
timerSeconds: 5,
"NEXT EXERCISE": "done workout",
"done workout": {
type: "final",
delays: {
"TIMER DELAY": (context) => context.timerSeconds * 1000,
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