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Last active February 20, 2024 12:11
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Security Pin Dialog UI Template for Node-Red-Dashboard

Custom UI-template (with example usage) that shows a Dialog that asks the user to insert a 4 digits PIN.

This flow can be used as middleware to authorize actions.

Allowed PINS are saved in an array of stings in the node "verify_pin", this can be customized by saving authorized pins in a file or others safer ways.

The ui-group that contains the dialog template must have the property "Display group name" unchecked; it will not be visible in dashboard so do not place anything else in this ui-group.

UI Preview


Any suggestion to improve this flow is welcome.


[{"id":"1936b658.43326a","type":"ui_button","z":"83ed406e.f53e8","name":"","group":"160ddf0a.756f41","order":0,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":false,"label":"Unlock_door","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"lock","payload":"true","payloadType":"bool","topic":"show","x":190,"y":580,"wires":[["67060ec.9d7f1f"]]},{"id":"67060ec.9d7f1f","type":"ui_template","z":"83ed406e.f53e8","group":"4f3d9279.22b82c","name":"Pin_Unlock","order":0,"width":"0","height":"0","format":"<div ng-init=\"init()\" id=\"pin_insert\" class=\"dialog\">\n \n <div class=\"dialog_content\">\n \n <div class=\"dialog_header\">\n <span ng-click=\"closeDialog()\" class=\"close\">&times;</span>\n <h2 style=\"margin:10px\">Insert PIN</h2>\n </div>\n \n <div class=\"dialog_body\">\n\n <div layout=\"row\" layout-align=\"center\">\n <div class=\"number_placeholder\">\n {{passcode.substring(0, 1)}}\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_placeholder\">\n {{passcode.substring(1, 2)}}\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_placeholder\">\n {{passcode.substring(2, 3)}}\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_placeholder\">\n {{passcode.substring(3, 4)}}\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div layout=\"column\" layout-align=\"center\" style=\"margin-top: 10px\">\n <div layout=\"row\" layout-align=\"center\">\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(1)\">1</md-button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(2)\">2</md-button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(3)\">3</md-button>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div layout=\"row\" layout-align=\"center\">\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(4)\">4</md-button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(5)\">5</md-button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(6)\">6</md-button>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div layout=\"row\" layout-align=\"center\">\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(7)\">7</md-button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(8)\">8</md-button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(9)\">9</md-button>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div layout=\"row\" layout-align=\"center\">\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"confirm()\">\n <ng-md-icon icon=\"done\" style=\"color:#fff;\"></ng-md-icon>\n </md-button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"add(0)\">0</md-button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"number_box\">\n <md-button class=\"pin\" ng-click=\"delete()\">\n <ng-md-icon icon=\"arrow_back\" style=\"color:#fff;\"></ng-md-icon>\n </md-button>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div> \n \n </div> <!--dialog_body-->\n </div> <!--dialog_content-->\n</div> <!--dialog-->\n\n\n<style>\n\n/* The Dialog (background) */\n.dialog {\n display: none; /* Hidden by default */\n position: fixed; /* Stay in place */\n z-index: 9999; /* Sit on top */\n left: 0;\n top: 0;\n width: 100%; /* Full width */\n height: 100%; /* Full height */\n overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */\n background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */\n background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */\n -webkit-transform: translateZ(0px);\n -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);\n -webkit-perspective: 1000;\n}\n\n.dialog_content {\n position: absolute;\n background-color: #fff;\n left: calc(50% - 170px);\n top: 30px;\n border-radius: 10px;\n padding: 0;\n width: 340px;\n box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2),0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19);\n -webkit-animation-name: animatetop;\n animation-name: animatetop;\n animation-duration: 0.4s;\n}\n\n/* Media query for smartphones (to Fix?) */\n@media only screen and (min-device-width : 375px) and (max-device-width : 667px) { \n .dialog_content {\n margin-top: 5%;\n margin-left: 5%;\n}\n}\n\n/* Add Animation */\n@-webkit-keyframes animatetop {\n from {top: -300px; opacity: 0} \n to {top: 0; opacity: 1}\n}\n\n@keyframes animatetop {\n from {top: -300px; opacity: 0}\n to {top: 0; opacity: 1}\n}\n\n/* Dialog Header */\n.dialog_header {\n padding: 2px 16px;\n background-color: #03A9F4;\n border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;\n color: white;\n}\n\n/* Dialog Body */\n.dialog_body {padding: 5px;}\n\n/* The Close Button */\n.close {\n color: #fff;\n float: right;\n font-size: 28px;\n font-weight: bold;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.close:hover,\n.close:focus {\n color: #1565C0;\n text-decoration: none;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n/* __ */\n.number_placeholder{\n width: 50px;\n height: 34px;\n margin: 10px;\n font-size: 20pt;\n text-align: center;\n border-bottom: 1px solid black;\n}\n\n/* Number container */\n.number_box{\n margin: 5px;\n}\n\n/* Buttons style */\ {\n min-height: 50px;\n min-width: 50px;\n font-weight: bold;\n margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;\n box-shadow: 4px 4px 6px 0 #dadada;\n background-color: #29B6F6;\n color: #fff;\n}\n\[disabled]):hover {\n background-color: #03A9F4;\n}\n\n.btn1 {\n color : rgb(49, 46, 46);\n background-color: rgba(255, 222, 121, 0.96);\n border-radius: 10px 0 0 10px;\n font-size: 16px;\n}\n\n.btn1:not([disabled]):hover {\n background-color: rgba(107, 103, 91, 0.96);\n color: white;\n}\n\n.btn1[disabled] {\n color : rgb(187, 187, 187);\n background-color: rgba(230, 230, 229, 0.96);\n}\n\n</style>\n\n<script>\n\n/**\n * pin_dialog.js\n * Node-Red UI template for Node-Red Dashboard. \n * Custom dialog that asks for a PIN to allow actions\n * Enjoy it :). \n * -- Daniel\n *\n *\n * @license The Unlicense,\n * @version 0.2\n * @author Daniel Lando,\n * @updated 2019-03-18\n * @link ----\n *\n *\n */\n\nvar dialog;\n\n/* ==== */\n(function(scope) {\n \n scope.passcode = \"\";\n scope.payload = \"\";\n scope.inited = false;\n \n scope.init = function() {\n scope.passcode = \"\";\n //Hide the md-panel\n $('#pin_insert').parent().parent().css(\"display\", \"none\");\n //This trick make it works on smartphones too :)\n dialog = $('#pin_insert').detach();\n //remove any previously added pin dialog\n $('.dialog').remove();\n }\n \n scope.showDialog = function() {\n dialog.appendTo(document.body);\n dialog.css(\"display\", \"block\");\n }\n \n scope.closeDialog = function(){\n dialog.css(\"display\", \"none\");\n }\n \n scope.add = function(value) {\n if(scope.passcode.length < 4) {\n scope.passcode = scope.passcode + value;\n if(scope.passcode.length == 4) {\n console.log(\"The four digit code was entered\");\n \n }\n }\n }\n \n scope.delete = function() {\n if(scope.passcode.length > 0) {\n scope.passcode = scope.passcode.substring(0, scope.passcode.length - 1);\n }\n }\n \n scope.confirm = function() {\n if(scope.passcode.length == 4) {\n scope.send({passcode: scope.passcode, payload : scope.payload});\n scope.closeDialog();\n scope.passcode = \"\";\n scope.payload = \"\";\n }\n }\n\n scope.$watch('msg', function(data) {\n if(data && data.topic){\n switch(data.topic){\n case \"show\":\n if(scope.inited){\n scope.payload = data.payload;\n scope.showDialog();\n }\n else\n scope.inited = true;\n break;\n case \"close\": \n scope.closeDialog(); \n break;\n }\n }\n });\n})(scope);\n\n</script>\n","storeOutMessages":false,"fwdInMessages":false,"templateScope":"local","x":375.3750343322754,"y":579.9642696380615,"wires":[["797ddf5e.2b5ab"]]},{"id":"797ddf5e.2b5ab","type":"function","z":"83ed406e.f53e8","name":"verify_pin","func":"var pins = [\"2136\"];\nvar verified = false;\n\nfor(var i=0;i<pins.length;i++){\n if(msg.passcode == pins[i]){\n verified = true;\n break;\n }\n}\n\nmsg.verified = verified;\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":540,"y":580,"wires":[["41443642.dd9aa8"]]},{"id":"41443642.dd9aa8","type":"switch","z":"83ed406e.f53e8","name":"check","property":"verified","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"true"},{"t":"false"}],"checkall":"false","outputs":2,"x":690,"y":580,"wires":[["4a288444.8cbf0c"],["39892ab3.134bf6"]]},{"id":"4a288444.8cbf0c","type":"function","z":"83ed406e.f53e8","name":"pin_ok","func":"var msg2 = {};\nmsg2.topic = \"Pin successfully verified!\";\nmsg2.payload = \"\";\n \nreturn [msg, msg2];","outputs":"2","noerr":0,"x":855.8749961853027,"y":559.9999942779541,"wires":[["d2bfadda.bb314"],["2a87f426.517a6c"]]},{"id":"39892ab3.134bf6","type":"function","z":"83ed406e.f53e8","name":"pin_error","func":" msg.topic = \"Wrong PIN\";\n msg.payload = \"\";\n \nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":865.8749961853027,"y":599.9999942779541,"wires":[["2a87f426.517a6c"]]},{"id":"d2bfadda.bb314","type":"debug","z":"83ed406e.f53e8","name":"do_Something","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"payload","x":1065.8749961853027,"y":519.9999942779541,"wires":[]},{"id":"2a87f426.517a6c","type":"ui_toast","z":"83ed406e.f53e8","position":"top right","displayTime":"3","outputs":0,"ok":"OK","cancel":"","topic":"","name":"","x":1074,"y":573,"wires":[]},{"id":"160ddf0a.756f41","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Secure","tab":"f83ce942.20d488","disp":true,"width":"6"},{"id":"4f3d9279.22b82c","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"pin","tab":"f83ce942.20d488","disp":false,"width":"1"},{"id":"f83ce942.20d488","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Home","icon":"home","order":1}]
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Awesome thank you! I appreciate your help. One other thing I have been battling with the last few days is having multiple of them. Forgive me as this is probably an easy fix, but what do I have to alter to have multiple of them operating with their own passcodes? They seem to be interacting with each other the way I have them.

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Unfortunaly having multiple of them is not easy, you should change the unique ids of the elements created on each template if there are more then one in a single page

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Gotcha. Also, I worded my first question wrong. As opposed to having it superimposed over the rest of the dashboard, can I have it on the dashboard just like any other group gauge/widget would be? Sorry for the confusion

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can I have it on the dashboard just like any other group gauge/widget would be? Sorry for the confusion

Everything is possible but I have no time to show you how. ATM the tricky part of the template is that it detouch the html element of the pin dialog from the panel to show it full screen, you should remove all the code that hides the group element and detouches the dialog

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The first time I load the page I have to click twice the login button to show the pin panel. Anyone?

It's on purpose, without that check it opens on every deploy

Is there a way to deactivate that check? I dont deploy that often and would like to have the keypad open on the first click.
Thank you for this code btw!

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@Blind228 Just remove the init check

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I assume this would be very complicated, but for our application we would ideally like the end user to be able to manually enter new PINs that would be acceptable. For example, is it possible through the dashboard to enter a new 4 digit code that can be somehow put into the function node behind the scenes therefor making that entered code a new acceptable passcode for the pinpad.

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@paulsalibe sure, you could set that pin into flow context var using flow.set and then in the pin check use flow.get to retrive the pin

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Unfortunaly having multiple of them is not easy, you should change the unique ids of the elements created on each template if there are more then one in a single page

I am currently revisiting this issue so sorry for asking again...but what would be an example of some of the unique ids of the elements created? Does this mean each button would have to be renamed, or just things like scope.payload, scope.passcode, etc.

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I'm speaking about html ids

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Is the only html id in this the pin_insert? Or does this also include all the "column" or "add(1)" etc.

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Everything that has id="***" in html eleents now I don't remember how many there are pin_insert is the main one to change, also you need to change any reference in the code of #pin_insert selectors.

BTW like I said I see no reason to use multiple pin dialogs in a single page, you can use the same for multiple validations

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Thank you so much for this pin lock screen that I've been using as a copy/paste user. I use it as "bring your own pin lock screen". Basically a QR code stuck on a door. The person scans the QR code, type the PIN and the door opens. This avoids having an actual QR Code screen on the door.

I had a look at this template ( liked it for a few reasons:

  • nice look and feel
  • obfuscation of pin code in the code
  • numbers do not show on the web page
  • no need to validate when the correct number of digits is entered.

But after a few days of twicking, I have to admit that I am not able to adapt the template to nodered. Here are the problems:

  • the template shows up but I can't find how to make the flow move to the next box in node red. Maybe do I need to close the dialog when code is validated?

Also, for my usage, this would be interesting to close the browser tab after a few seconds when correct code is entered? I am not sure browser tabs can be closed at all.

I know that this request if somehow wide but I wanted also to share usage and possible evolution. Thanks again for the work.

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@Christian-Me that templete looks very nice! Unfortunately I have no time to invest in this right now, let me know If you end up with somethig

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FrantaD commented Feb 20, 2024

@robertsLando Hi,
Trying to use this feature 2x in one project, but each time the second one doesn't work. Is there a procedure I need to follow?


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