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Created June 10, 2011 15:51
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Full-Text Search stored procedure
create or replace function p_search(search_query text, search_limit int default 10, search_page int default 1)
returns table (
id int,
model varchar,
search_rank real,
headlined_name text,
headlined_description text,
headlined_blank text
) as $$
search_offset int default 0;
-- ensure that more then 100 records are not returned
if search_limit > 100
then search_limit := 100;
end if;
-- ensure that search_page is always a positive number
if search_page < 1
then search_page := 1;
end if ;
-- calculate the offset by using page and limit
search_offset := search_limit * (search_page - 1);
-- run the search query and return the result
return query
select as id,
sr.model as model,
ts_rank(sr.tsterms, tsquery) as search_rank,
ts_headline(, tsquery) as headlined_name,
ts_headline(sr.description, tsquery) as headlined_description,
ts_headline(sr.blank, tsquery) as headlined_blank
from search_results sr, to_tsquery('pg_catalog.english', search_query) as tsquery
where tsterms @@ tsquery
order by search_rank desc
limit search_limit offset search_offset;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
create or replace function search(text, int default 10, int default 0)
returns table (
id int,
model varchar,
search_rank real,
headlined_name text,
headlined_description text,
headlined_blank text
) as $$
ts_rank(tsterms, tsquery) as search_rank,
ts_headline(name, tsquery) as headlined_name,
ts_headline(description, tsquery) as headlined_description,
ts_headline(blank, tsquery) as headlined_blank
from search_results, to_tsquery('pg_catalog.english', $1) as tsquery
where tsterms @@ tsquery
order by search_rank desc
limit $2 offset $3;
$$ language 'sql';
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