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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save robertsosinski/11200006 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save robertsosinski/11200006 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My JSHint Options
"browser": true, // specifies globals exposed by modern browsers
"strict": true, // specifies that restricted JavaScript is used
"indent": 2, // indentation should consistently be 2 spaces
"nonew": true, // prevents using constructers for side effects
"noarg": true, // prevents using deprecated caller,callee methods
"eqeqeq": true, // prevents equality == and != operators from being used
"bitwise": true, // prevents bitwise & and | operators from being used
"plusplus": true, // prevents unary x++ and x-- operators from being used
"nonbsp": true, // prevents non-breaking-spaces from being used
"noempty": true, // prevents empty blocks from being used
"trailing": true, // prevents trailing whitespace at the end of a statement
"newcap": true, // ensures that constructers start with uppercase letter
"forin": true, // ensures that for loops filter inherited methods
"immed": true, // ensures immediate function invocations are wrapped in parantheses
"curly": true, // ensures all code blocks are wrapped in braces
"undef": true, // ensures that all variables are defined before they are used
"latedef": true, // ensures that a variable definition comes before usage
"onevar": true, // ensures functions can only define variables once
"unused": true // ensures that variables defined must be used
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