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Created March 26, 2011 23:25
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Step-by-step processes of creating an OAuth Authorization Header
require 'uri'
require 'base64'
require 'openssl'
# NOTE: Oauth uses a specific unreserved character list for URL encoding.
def url_encode(input)
unreserved = '-._~0-9A-Za-z' # These are the only characters that should not be encoded.
def random_bytes(number)
# 1. Define the HTTP method and base URI.
http_method = 'PUT'
base_uri = ''
# 2. Define the shared secrets used in the OAuth request.
consumer_secret = 'b74fz2auZKLQ3gc/6wqow48rB0h8RVLuqgT2/uD8BDJyUwqhewXzRalb7EE+'
token_secret = 'C8ZYYdk5//WMD6KinpQOOSHff6bsAtQFw+/UJ7Gf9UPj0+hppye6qxpRh3in'
# 3. Define OAuth parameters.
# NOTE: If an oauth_callback is defined, ensure it is URL encoded.
# NOTE: Only OAuth parameters can begin with 'oauth_', URL parameters and post data cannot begin with 'oauth_'.
oauth_params = {
'oauth_consumer_key' => 'YDfH8SrZauEo2oNrM1qkAP6sOJtEe7uF',
'oauth_nonce' => random_bytes(45),
'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'oauth_timestamp' => '1272323042',
'oauth_token' => 'coCibK069AdgisqZ3xfXOfrs12McTAIv',
'oauth_version' => '1.0'
# 4. Define URL parameters.
url_params = {
# 5. Define post data, but only if it is of type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
post_params = {
# 6. Combine OAuth parameters, URL parameters and post data.
params = oauth_params.merge(url_params).merge(post_params)
# 7. UTF-8 encode parameter characters, which is a bit difficult within Ruby.
# 8. Separately URL encode the key and value of each parameter and join them with a URL encoded '='.
params = do |pair|
url_encode(pair[0]) + '%3D' + url_encode(pair[1])
# 9. Sort parameters by key. If duplicate keys are defined, sort by key and then by value.
params = params.to_a.sort do |a, b|
a <=> b
# 10. Join parameters with a URL encoded '&'.
params = params.join('%26')
# 11. Construct the base signature string by joining the HTTP method, URL encoded base URI, and parameter list with an '&'.
string = http_method + '&' + url_encode(base_uri) + '&' + params
# 12. Setup the SHA-1 HMAC algorithim and composite signing key by joining the consumer secret and token secret with an '&'.
sha1 ='sha1')
key = consumer_secret + '&' + token_secret
# 13. HMAC and Base64 encode the base signature string with the composite signing key to make the OAuth signature.
signature = Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(sha1, key, string)).chomp # NOTE: Ensure '\n' is removed after Base64 encode.
# 14. URL encode the OAuth signature and add it to OAuth parameters.
oauth_params['oauth_signature'] = url_encode(signature)
# 15. Format the HTTP OAuth Authorization header .
header = do |k|
header = 'OAuth ' + header.join(', ')
# 16. Finished.
puts 'Signature Base String'
puts string
puts 'Composite Signing Key'
puts key
puts 'OAuth Signature'
puts signature
puts 'OAuth Authorization Header'
puts header
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