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Created May 3, 2019 13:31
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Rails Service - import_pnotes_service.rb
require 'csv'
require 'nokogiri'
# Invoke: >
class ImportPnotesService
def call
log ='log/import_pnotes.log')
puts "\n What is the program ID?"
pgm_title = STDIN.gets.chomp
markers_array = []
fcpmarkers_list = ""
start_offset = 216384168/60000
in_time = ""
out_time = ""
csv_text ='db', 'seeds', 'pnotes', 'pnotes.csv'))
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true, :encoding => 'ISO-8859-1')
csv.each do |row|
# Types = 'In','Out','Todo','Note','Chapter'
case row['type']
when 'In'
in_time = row['time']
when 'Out'
out_time = row['time']
cleaned_note = row['note'].delete('"').delete("''") # quotes in the notes will mess with xml parsing
markers_array << {time: row['time'], note: cleaned_note, type: row['type']}
end markers_array
markers_array.each.with_index(1) do |marker, idx|
marker_tc = Timecode.parse(marker[:time], fps = 59.94)
marker_seconds = marker_tc.to_seconds
marker_elapsed = (marker_seconds - tc_in.to_seconds) + start_offset
fcpmarkers_list << fcpxml_marker(marker, marker_elapsed, idx)
open("tmp/#{pgm_title}-Markers.fcpxml", 'w') { |f|
f.puts build_fcpxml(pgm_title, fcpmarkers_list)
def fcpxml_marker(marker, marker_elapsed, idx)
rational_seconds = "#{(marker_elapsed * 60000).round} /60000"
marker_string = "\n" + %q( <marker start=") + rational_seconds + %q(s" duration="1001/60000s" value=") + idx.to_s + %q(. ) + marker[:note] + %q( [) + marker[:time] + %q(]" completed="0"/>)
def build_fcpxml(program_id, fcpmarkers_list)
fcpxml_string = <<END
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE fcpxml>
<fcpxml version="1.7">
<format id="r1" name="FFVideoFormat1080p5994" frameDuration="1001/60000s" width="1920" height="1080" colorSpace="1-1-1 (Rec. 709)"/>
<effect id="r2" name="Basic Title" uid=".../Titles.localized/Bumper:Opener.localized/Basic Title.localized/Basic Title.moti"/>
<library location="">
<event name="Assets" uid="">
<project name="#{program_id} Markers" uid="" modDate="">
<sequence duration="208799591/60000s" format="r1" tcStart="0s" tcFormat="DF" audioLayout="stereo" audioRate="48k" renderFormat="FFRenderFormatProRes422LT">
<gap name="Gap" offset="0s" duration="208799591/60000s" start="215999784/60000s">
<title name="Post-Production Working Copy - #{program_id}" lane="1" offset="215999784/60000s" ref="r2" duration="417599182/120000s" start="216075860/60000s" enabled="0">
<param name="Position" key="9999/999166631/999166633/1/100/101" value="-36.8896 407.999"/>
<param name="Flatten" key="9999/999166631/999166633/2/351" value="1"/>
<param name="Alignment" key="9999/999166631/999166633/2/354/999169573/401" value="1 (Center)"/>
<text-style ref="ts1">Post-Production Working Copy</text-style>
<text-style-def id="ts1">
<text-style font="Helvetica" fontSize="94" fontFace="Regular" fontColor="0.999993 1 1 0.3183" alignment="center"/>
<smart-collection name="Projects" match="all">
<match-clip rule="is" type="project"/>
<smart-collection name="All Video" match="any">
<match-media rule="is" type="videoOnly"/>
<match-media rule="is" type="videoWithAudio"/>
<smart-collection name="Audio Only" match="all">
<match-media rule="is" type="audioOnly"/>
<smart-collection name="Stills" match="all">
<match-media rule="is" type="stills"/>
<smart-collection name="Favorites" match="all">
<match-ratings value="favorites"/>
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