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Last active June 27, 2022 09:58
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WordPress Remote Users Sync - use Action Scheduler during WooCommerce checkout
// Replace my_prefix with something else, includes AS Group
* @param string $endpoint
* @param \Wprus_Api_Abstract $object
function _my_prefix_wp_notify_remote_after_init_notification_hooks( $endpoint, $object ) {
if( !function_exists( 'as_enqueue_async_action' ) )
if( $object instanceof \Wprus_Api_Create ) {
if( isset( $_GET[ 'wc-ajax' ] ) && $_GET[ 'wc-ajax' ] === 'checkout' ) {
remove_action( 'user_register', [ $object, 'notify_remote' ], PHP_INT_MAX, 1 );
add_action( 'user_register', function( $user_id ) {
as_enqueue_async_action( 'my_prefix_wp_notify_remote_user_register', [ $user_id ], 'my_prefix' );
add_action( 'my_prefix_wp_notify_remote_user_register', function( $user_id ) use ( $object ) {
$object->notify_remote( $user_id );
if( $object instanceof \Wprus_Api_Update ) {
if( isset( $_GET[ 'wc-ajax' ] ) && $_GET[ 'wc-ajax' ] === 'checkout' ) {
remove_action( 'profile_update', [ $object, 'notify_remote' ], PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
remove_action( 'add_user_role', [ $object, 'notify_remote' ], PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
remove_action( 'remove_user_role', [ $object, 'notify_remote' ], PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
remove_action( 'set_user_role', [ $object, 'notify_remote' ], PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
add_action( 'profile_update', function( $user_id, $old_userdata ) {
as_enqueue_async_action( 'my_prefix_wp_notify_remote_user_update', [ $user_id, $old_userdata ], 'my_prefix' );
}, PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
add_action( 'add_user_role', function( $user_id, $old_userdata ) {
as_enqueue_async_action( 'my_prefix_wp_notify_remote_user_update', [ $user_id, $old_userdata ], 'my_prefix' );
}, PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
add_action( 'remove_user_role', function( $user_id, $old_userdata ) {
as_enqueue_async_action( 'my_prefix_wp_notify_remote_user_update', [ $user_id, $old_userdata ], 'my_prefix' );
}, PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
add_action( 'set_user_role', function( $user_id, $old_userdata ) {
as_enqueue_async_action( 'my_prefix_wp_notify_remote_user_update', [ $user_id, $old_userdata ], 'my_prefix' );
}, PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
add_action( 'my_prefix_wp_notify_remote_user_update', function( $user_id, $old_userdata ) use ( $object ) {
$response = $object->notify_remote( $user_id, $old_userdata );
}, 100, 2 );
add_action( 'wprus_after_init_notification_hooks', '_my_prefix_wp_notify_remote_after_init_notification_hooks', 100, 2 );
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