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Last active February 12, 2020 01:25
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# This is used to solve problem 1-2 of the problem set.
# ------------------------------------- #
# 6.009 LAB 6 Trie Implementation START #
# ------------------------------------- #
class Trie:
ALLOWED_TYPES = [str, tuple]
def __init__(self, type_=None):
self.value = None
self.children = {}
if type_ not in Trie.ALLOWED_TYPES and type_ is not None:
raise TypeError(f"Cannot initialize Trie with invalid type {str(type_)}")
self.type = type_
def _raise_if_invalid_type(self, key):
if type(key) != self.type:
if self.type is None:
raise TypeError("Invalid type for this Trie. (Type is None)")
raise TypeError("Invalid type for this Trie")
def has_children(self):
return len(self.children.keys()) > 0
def get_node(self, key, create=False):
if len(key) == 0:
return self
char, rest = key[:1], key[1:]
if char not in self.children:
if not create:
aslist = str(list(self))
raise KeyError(
f"Character {char} from key {key} is not in this Trie ({aslist})"
self.children[char] = Trie()
self.children[char].type = self.type
node = self.children[char]
return node.get_node(rest, create)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if self.type is None:
raise KeyError("Cannot get from an empty Trie")
node = self.get_node(key)
if node.value is None:
raise KeyError("This Trie doesn't have a value")
return node.value
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if type(key) not in Trie.ALLOWED_TYPES:
raise TypeError(f"The type {str(type(key))} is not allowed in Tries.")
if self.type is None:
self.type = type(key)
node = self.get_node(key, create=True)
node.value = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
node = self.get_node(key)
except KeyError:
node.value = None
def __contains__(self, key):
_ = self[key]
return True
except KeyError:
return False
except TypeError:
def __iter__(self):
if self.value is not None:
yield (self.type(), self.value)
for prefix in self.children:
for key, value in self.children[prefix]:
yield (prefix + key, value)
# ----------------------------------- #
# 6.009 LAB 6 Trie Implementation END #
# ----------------------------------- #
ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def load_words(length):
""" Load of words of length `length` and returns a Trie for them """
# These words are coming from:
with open("words.txt", "r") as words_f:
lines =
trie = Trie()
chrhex_map = char_to_hex_map()
for word in lines:
# we only care about alphanumeric words (i.e., those
# with characters in our alphabet).
if not word.isalpha():
if len(word) == length:
hexs = tuple(chrhex_map[c] for c in word.lower())
trie[hexs] = True
return trie
def gen_char_hexs():
# ord(x) converts strings `x` into a number representing the
# UTF-8 hex value. E.g., `ord("f") == 0x0066` returns `True`
return (ord(l) for l in (ALPHABET))
def get_char_hexs():
return list(gen_char_hexs())
def char_to_hex_map():
return dict(zip(ALPHABET, gen_char_hexs()))
def hex_to_char_map():
return dict(zip(gen_char_hexs(), ALPHABET))
def conv_hex_strs_to_int(hex_strings):
return [int(hex_s, 16) for hex_s in hex_strings]
def letter_pairs_with_xor_value(xor_value):
Returns a generator for which as a list would be a list
of pair hex values such that for each pair (x, y):
- x ^ y = xor_value
- x and y are in get_char_hexs()
- x <= y
for char1 in gen_char_hexs():
for char2 in gen_char_hexs():
if char1 > char2:
if char1 ^ char2 == xor_value:
yield (char1, char2)
def run_problem_two_part_a():
# first, grab the two cyphertexts and xor them together.
# this result will be placed inside m1xorm2
cypher_1 = "d3 a4 0a 3e 63 c2 13 3c 41 17 4d 57 85 bb"
cypher_2 = "d1 a3 07 26 72 c3 04 20 50 04 5c 50 89 ac"
cypher_1_ints = conv_hex_strs_to_int(cypher_1.split(" "))
cypher_2_ints = conv_hex_strs_to_int(cypher_2.split(" "))
# now, we have m1 xor m2. This gives us the difference for
# for each pairs of letters.
m1xorm2 = [a ^ b for a, b in zip(cypher_1_ints, cypher_2_ints)]
# so, if they were encoded with the same key, then those differences
# should give us a list of possible pairs of characters based on how
# different they are.
trie = load_words(14)
r1, r2 = solve_dfs(m1xorm2, trie, trie)
if r1 is not None:
print("message one:", "".join(MAP_HEX_CHR[c] for c in r1))
print("message two:", "".join(MAP_HEX_CHR[c] for c in r2))
print("Couldn't find any message one and two")
MAP_CHR_HEX = char_to_hex_map()
MAP_HEX_CHR = hex_to_char_map()
def solve_dfs(m1xorm2, trie_1, trie_2):
if len(m1xorm2) == 0:
assert trie_1.value is not None
assert trie_2.value is not None
return [], []
if (not trie_1.has_children()) or (not trie_2.has_children()):
return None, None
xor_value, rest_m1xorm2 = m1xorm2[0], m1xorm2[1:]
for first_char_1, first_char_2 in letter_pairs_with_xor_value(xor_value):
fc1 = (first_char_1,)
fc2 = (first_char_2,)
# try the first order fc1, fc2
if fc1 in trie_1.children and fc2 in trie_2.children:
fct_1 = trie_1.get_node(fc1)
fct_2 = trie_2.get_node(fc2)
assert fct_1 != trie_1
assert fct_2 != trie_2
rest_1, rest_2 = solve_dfs(rest_m1xorm2, fct_1, fct_2)
if (rest_1 is not None) and (rest_2 is not None):
return [fc1[0]] + rest_1, [fc2[0]] + rest_2
# try the second order fc2, fc1
# micro optimization if they are the same, just skip
if first_char_1 == first_char_2:
fc1, fc2 = fc2, fc1
if fc1 not in trie_1.children:
if fc2 not in trie_2.children:
fct_1 = trie_1.get_node(fc1)
fct_2 = trie_2.get_node(fc2)
rest_1, rest_2 = solve_dfs(rest_m1xorm2, fct_1, fct_2)
if (rest_1 is None) or (rest_2 is None):
return [fc1[0]] + rest_1, [fc2[0]] + rest_2
return None, None
def test_dfs_solve_1():
_m1xorm2 = [0x0, 0x4, 0x7]
_trie = Trie()
_trie[0x63, 0x61, 0x74] = 1
_trie[0x63, 0x65, 0x73] = 1
r1, r2 = solve_dfs(_m1xorm2, _trie, _trie)
print(r1, r2)
if r1 is None:
raise ValueError("DFS Solve didn't work!")
ew1 = "cat"
ew2 = "ces"
w1 = "".join(MAP_HEX_CHR[c] for c in r1)
w2 = "".join(MAP_HEX_CHR[c] for c in r2)
result = {w1, w2}
if ew1 not in result:
raise ValueError(f"DFS Solve didn't work correctly! It got: {result}")
if ew2 not in result:
raise ValueError(f"DFS Solve didn't work correctly! It got: {result}")
print(f"DFS Solve test 2 Passed with {result}")
def test_dfs_solve_2():
m1xorm2 = [0x2, 0x1A, 0x8]
trie = load_words(3)
r1, r2 = solve_dfs(m1xorm2, trie, trie)
if r1 is None:
raise ValueError("DFS Solve didn't work!")
ew1 = "xui"
ew2 = "zoa"
w1 = "".join(MAP_HEX_CHR[c] for c in r1)
w2 = "".join(MAP_HEX_CHR[c] for c in r2)
result = {w1, w2}
if ew1 not in result:
# fail only if m1xorm2 is wrong.
if tuple(a ^ b for a, b in zip(r1, r2)) != tuple(m1xorm2):
raise ValueError(f"DFS Solve didn't work correctly! It got: {result}")
if ew2 not in result:
# fail only if m1xorm2 is wrong.
if tuple(a ^ b for a, b in zip(r1, r2)) != tuple(m1xorm2):
raise ValueError(f"DFS Solve didn't work correctly! It got: {result}")
print(f"DFS Solve test 2 Passed with {result}")
def test_dfs_solve_3():
m1xorm2 = [0xc, 0xd, 0xf, 0xd, 0x1b, 0x9, 0x1c]
trie = load_words(7)
r1, r2 = solve_dfs(m1xorm2, trie, trie)
if r1 is None:
raise ValueError("DFS Solve didn't work!")
ew1 = "allergy"
ew2 = "machine"
w1 = "".join(MAP_HEX_CHR[c] for c in r1)
w2 = "".join(MAP_HEX_CHR[c] for c in r2)
result = {w1, w2}
if ew1 not in result:
# fail only if m1xorm2 is wrong.
if tuple(a ^ b for a, b in zip(r1, r2)) != tuple(m1xorm2):
raise ValueError(f"DFS Solve didn't work correctly! It got: {result}")
if ew2 not in result:
# fail only if m1xorm2 is wrong.
if tuple(a ^ b for a, b in zip(r1, r2)) != tuple(m1xorm2):
raise ValueError(f"DFS Solve didn't work correctly! It got: {result}")
print(f"DFS Solve test 3 Passed with {result}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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