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Last active March 30, 2021 08:18
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Plutus Playground Smart Contract
-- Factoring challenge contract implemented using the [[Plutus]] interface.
-- Based on Plutus Playground Crowd Funding example.
import Control.Applicative (Applicative (pure))
import Control.Monad (void)
import Language.Plutus.Contract
import qualified Language.Plutus.Contract.Constraints as Constraints
import qualified Language.Plutus.Contract.Typed.Tx as Typed
import qualified Language.PlutusTx as PlutusTx
import Language.PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (Applicative (..), Semigroup (..))
import Ledger (PubKeyHash, TxInfo (..), Validator, ValidatorCtx (..),
pubKeyHash, txId, valueSpent)
import qualified Ledger as Ledger
import qualified Ledger.Ada as Ada
import qualified Ledger.Contexts as V
import qualified Ledger.Interval as Interval
import qualified Ledger.Scripts as Scripts
import Ledger.Slot (Slot, SlotRange)
import qualified Ledger.Typed.Scripts as Scripts
import Ledger.Value (Value)
import qualified Ledger.Value as Value
import Playground.Contract
import Prelude (Semigroup (..))
import qualified Prelude as Haskell
import qualified Wallet.Emulator as Emulator
-- | A factoring challenge.
data Challenge = Challenge
{product :: Integer -- The integer to be factored.
, deadline :: Slot -- The date by which the integer must be factored.
} deriving (Generic, Show, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeIsData ''Challenge
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Challenge
-- | Used to claim the prize.
data Factor = Factor
{ factor :: Integer -- A non-trivial factor of the product.
} deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeIsData ''Factor
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Factor
-- | Actions that can be taken to redeem funds from this contract.
data Action = Claim Factor | Refund
PlutusTx.makeIsData ''Action
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Action
type FactorChallengeSchema =
.\/ Endpoint "contribute" Contribution
.\/ Endpoint "claim" Factor
data Contribution = Contribution
{ contribValue :: Value -- How much to contribute.
} deriving (Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeIsData ''Contribution
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Contribution
-- | The 'SlotRange' during which a refund may be claimed.
refundRange :: Challenge -> SlotRange
refundRange challenge = Interval.from (deadline challenge)
data FactorChallenge
instance Scripts.ScriptType FactorChallenge where
type instance RedeemerType FactorChallenge = Action
type instance DatumType FactorChallenge = PubKeyHash
scriptInstance :: Challenge -> Scripts.ScriptInstance FactorChallenge
scriptInstance challenge = Scripts.validator @FactorChallenge
($$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkValidator ||]) `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode challenge)
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @PubKeyHash @Action
validRefund :: Challenge -> PubKeyHash -> TxInfo -> Bool
validRefund challenge contributor txinfo =
-- Check that the transaction falls in the refund range of the challenge
Interval.contains (refundRange challenge) (txInfoValidRange txinfo)
-- Check that the transaction is signed by the contributor
&& (txinfo `V.txSignedBy` contributor)
validClaim :: Challenge -> Factor -> Bool
validClaim Challenge{product} Factor{factor} = 1 < factor && factor < product && product `modulo` factor == 0
mkValidator :: Challenge -> PubKeyHash -> Action -> ValidatorCtx -> Bool
mkValidator c actor action p = case action of
Claim factor -> validClaim c factor
Refund -> validRefund c actor (valCtxTxInfo p)
-- | The validator script.
contributionScript :: Challenge -> Validator
contributionScript = Scripts.validatorScript . scriptInstance
-- | The address of a [[Challenge]]
challengeAddress :: Challenge -> Ledger.ValidatorHash
challengeAddress = Scripts.validatorHash . contributionScript
-- | The contract for the 'FactorChallenge'.
factorChallenge :: AsContractError e => Challenge -> Contract FactorChallengeSchema e ()
factorChallenge c = contribute c `select` claim c
-- | The "contribute" branch of the contract for a specific 'Challenge'. Exposes
-- an endpoint that allows the user to enter their public key and the
-- contribution. Then waits until the Challenge is over, and collects the
-- refund if the challenge was not met.
contribute :: AsContractError e => Challenge -> Contract FactorChallengeSchema e ()
contribute challenge = do
Contribution{contribValue} <- endpoint @"contribute"
contributor <- pubKeyHash <$> ownPubKey
let inst = scriptInstance challenge
tx = Constraints.mustPayToTheScript contributor contribValue
<> Constraints.mustValidateIn (Ledger.interval 1 (deadline challenge))
txid <- fmap txId (submitTxConstraints inst tx)
utxo <- watchAddressUntil (Scripts.scriptAddress inst) (deadline challenge)
-- 'utxo' is the set of unspent outputs at the challenge address at the
-- collection deadline. If 'utxo' still contains our own contribution
-- then we can claim a refund.
let flt Ledger.TxOutRef{txOutRefId} _ = txid Haskell.== txOutRefId
tx' = Typed.collectFromScriptFilter flt utxo Refund
<> Constraints.mustValidateIn (refundRange challenge)
<> Constraints.mustBeSignedBy contributor
if Constraints.modifiesUtxoSet tx'
then void (submitTxConstraintsSpending inst utxo tx')
else pure ()
-- | Collects the reward if a proper factor is given.
claim :: AsContractError e => Challenge -> Contract FactorChallengeSchema e ()
claim challenge = do
let inst = scriptInstance challenge
factor <- endpoint @"claim"
unspentOutputs <- utxoAt (Scripts.scriptAddress inst)
let tx = Typed.collectFromScript unspentOutputs (Claim factor)
void $ submitTxConstraintsSpending inst unspentOutputs tx
endpoints :: AsContractError e => Contract FactorChallengeSchema e ()
endpoints = factorChallenge Challenge{product = 15, deadline = 60}
mkSchemaDefinitions ''FactorChallengeSchema
$(mkKnownCurrencies [])
[0,[{"simulationWallets":[{"simulatorWalletWallet":{"getWallet":1},"simulatorWalletBalance":{"getValue":[[{"unCurrencySymbol":""},[[{"unTokenName":""},10]]]]}},{"simulatorWalletWallet":{"getWallet":2},"simulatorWalletBalance":{"getValue":[[{"unCurrencySymbol":""},[[{"unTokenName":""},10]]]]}}],"simulationName":"Simulation 1","simulationId":1,"simulationActions":[{"caller":{"getWallet":1},"argumentValues":{"endpointDescription":{"getEndpointDescription":"contribute"},"argument":{"contents":[["contribValue",{"getValue":[[{"unCurrencySymbol":""},[[{"unTokenName":""},9]]]],"tag":"FormValueF"}]],"tag":"FormObjectF"}},"tag":"CallEndpoint"},{"blocks":10,"tag":"AddBlocks"},{"caller":{"getWallet":2},"argumentValues":{"endpointDescription":{"getEndpointDescription":"claim"},"argument":{"contents":[["factor",{"s":1,"e":0,"c":[5],"tag":"FormIntegerF"}]],"tag":"FormObjectF"}},"tag":"CallEndpoint"},{"blocks":10,"tag":"AddBlocks"}]}]]
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