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Created September 22, 2022 23:10
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implementation of Efraimidis & Spirakis' Algorithm A-ExpJ in vanilla Scala
import scala.util.Random
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object ReservoirSampling {
* Use Efraimidis and Spirakis' "Algorithm A-ExpJ" for weighted reservoir sampling
* without replacement.
* [[see]]
* @param rng random generator
* @param population items with their non-negative numeric weight values
* @param k number of items to sample
* @return the population partitioned into a sample population and the remaining un-sampled population
def aExpJ[T](
rng: Random,
population: List[(T, Double)],
k: Int
): (List[(T, Double)], List[(T, Double)]) = {
if (population.lengthCompare(k) <= 0) (population, List.empty)
else {
// create a min priority queue over the weighted population
implicit val ord: Ordering[(T, Double)] = { case (_, w) => -w }
val reservoir = scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(T, Double)]()
// compute a key value for entry into the reservoir from an item weight
def computeKey(w: Double, t: Option[Double] = None): Double = {
val randomValue = t match {
case None => rng.nextDouble // random(0, 1) case
case Some(value) =>
val tValueTruncated = math.max(0.0, math.min(1.0, value))
if (tValueTruncated == 1.0) 1.0
else rng.between(tValueTruncated, 1.0) // random(t, 1) case
val pow = if (w == 0.0) 1.0 else 1.0 / w
math.pow(randomValue, pow)
// (re-)compute X via the min key value
def recomputeX(): Double = {
val (_, minKey) = reservoir.head
val x = math.log(rng.nextDouble) / math.log(math.max(1.0, minKey))
// fill the reservoir with an initial solution
val initialSolutionEntries = population.take(k).map { case (t, w) => (t, computeKey(w)) }
// step through the remaining population and make updates to the solution queue, keeping
// track of all discarded values in the "notSampled" collection
def _solve(
x: Double,
remaining: List[(T, Double)],
notSampled: List[(T, Double)] = List.empty
): List[(T, Double)] = {
remaining match {
case Nil => notSampled
case (nextItem, nextWeight) :: tail =>
val nextX = x - nextWeight
if (nextX > 0) _solve(nextX, tail, (nextItem, nextWeight) +: notSampled)
else {
// replace the min-weight value in the reservoir with this entry and reset X
val (_, minKey) = reservoir.head
val t = math.pow(minKey, nextWeight)
val nextKey = computeKey(nextWeight, Some(t))
val removedItem = reservoir.dequeue()
reservoir.addOne((nextItem, nextWeight))
val resetX = recomputeX()
_solve(resetX, tail, removedItem +: notSampled)
val notSampled = _solve(recomputeX(), population.drop(k))
(reservoir.toList, notSampled)
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