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Created June 15, 2009 10:19
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Grails script that checks the versions of plugins you have installed and notifies you when newer versions are available
import groovy.xml.dom.DOMCategory
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsInit")
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsPlugins")
def getAvailablePluginVersions = {
def plugins = [:]
eachRepository {repo, url ->
use(DOMCategory) {
pluginsList.'plugin'.each {plugin ->
def name = plugin.'@name'
def version
if (plugin.'@latest-release') {
version = plugin.'@latest-release'
else if (plugin.'release'.size() > 0) {
// determine latest release by comparing version names in lexicografic order
version = plugin.'release'[0].'@version'
plugin.'release'.each {
if (!"${it.'@version'}".endsWith("SNAPSHOT") && "${it.'@version'}" > version) version = "${it.'@version'}"
plugins."$name" = version
return plugins
def getInstalledPluginVersions = {
def plugins = [:]
def pluginXmls = readAllPluginXmlMetadata()
for (p in pluginXmls) {
def name = p.@name.text()
def version = p.@version.text()
plugins."$name" = version
return plugins
target('default': "Checks installed plugin versions against latest releases on repositories") {
def availablePluginVersions = getAvailablePluginVersions()
def installedPluginVersions = getInstalledPluginVersions()
boolean headerDisplayed = false
if (installedPluginVersions) {
installedPluginVersions.each { name, version ->
def availableVersion = availablePluginVersions."$name"
if (availableVersion != version) {
if (!headerDisplayed) {
println """
Plugins with available updates are listed below:
<Plugin> <Current> <Available>"""
headerDisplayed = true
println "${name.padRight(20, " ")}${version.padRight(16, " ")} ${availableVersion}"
if (!headerDisplayed) {
println "\nAll plugins are up to date."
} else {
println "\nYou do not have any plugins installed."
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