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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save robgaston/ef5e1aeea1e3aaa42a38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save robgaston/ef5e1aeea1e3aaa42a38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
testing a mapbox gl style...
"version": 7,
"name": "Mapbox Outdoors",
"constants": {
"@name": "{name_en}",
"@sans_lt": "Open Sans Regular, Arial Unicode MS Regular, Arial Unicode MS Bold",
"@sans": "Open Sans Semibold, Arial Unicode MS Bold",
"@sans_italic": "Open Sans Semibold Italic, Arial Unicode MS Bold",
"@land": "#808080",
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"@crop": "#808080",
"@grass": "#808080",
"@scrub": "#808080",
"@wood": "#cee2bd",
"@snow": "#f4f8ff",
"@rock": "#ddd",
"@sand": "#ffd",
"@cemetery": "#edf4ed",
"@pitch": "#fff",
"@park": "#d4e4bc",
"@piste": "blue",
"@school": "#e8dfe0",
"@hospital": "#f8eee0",
"@parking": "#bfbfbf",
"@builtup": "#f6faff",
"@case": "#fff",
"@motorway": "#cda0a0",
"@main": "#ddc0b9",
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"@pitch_night": "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)",
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"@text2_stroke_night": "rgba(1,69,89,0.8)",
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"@street_night": "#0186ac",
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"@contour_night": "#ffff80",
"@river_canal_width": {
"stops": [[10, 0.5], [20, 6]]
"@stream_width": {
"stops": [[13, 0.75], [20, 4]]
"@motorway_width": {
"base": 1.25,
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"stops": [[9, 0.9], [11, 1], [14, 1.5]]
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"@service_casing_width": 1,
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"@tunnel_dasharray": [4, 1.5],
"@major_rail_hatching_width": {
"stops": [[12, 5], [20, 10]]
"@major_rail_hatching_dasharray": [0.05, 10],
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"stops": [[12, 0.8], [20, 5]]
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"stops": [[12, 0.6], [17, 1]]
"@aerialway_hatching_width": {
"base": 1.2,
"stops": [[12, 5], [20, 15]]
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"@admin_l3_width": {
"stops": [[5, 0.6], [20, 6]]
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"stops": [[16, 0.6], [20, 1.4]]
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"stops": [[15, 0.6], [20, 2]]
"@barrier_line_land_width": {
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"@road_label_2_size": {
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"@road_label_3_size": {
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"@poi_label_1-2_size": {
"stops": [[14, 10], [16, 12]]
"@poi_label_3_size": {
"stops": [[15, 10], [16, 11]]
"sources": {
"mapbox": {
"type": "vector",
"url": "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2,mapbox.mapbox-streets-v6"
"sprite": "",
"glyphs": "mapbox://fontstack/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"layers": [{
"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"paint": {
"background-color": "@land"
"paint.night": {
"background-color": "@land_night"
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