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Last active December 20, 2015 04:49
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Save robhurring/6074149 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Angular weather service using -- not fully tested. (uses gist:
app.factory("WeatherService", ['$q', '$http', function($q, $http) {
var request = function(path) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$http.jsonp(SERVICE_ENDPOINT + path + JSON_P_SUFFIX).
success(function(data, status, headers, config){
error(function(data, status, headers, config){
return deferred.promise;
var normalizeDays = function(days) {
var d = days;
if(days === undefined || days === null || parseInt(days) < 1) d = 7;
if(d > 14) d = 14; // max 14 days
return d;
return {
current: {
byPosition: function(lat, lng){
var path = "/weather?lat="+lat+"&lon="+lng;
return request(path);
byCity: function(cityName){
var path = "/weather?q="+cityName;
return request(path);
byCityId: function(cityId){
var path = "/weather?id="+cityId;
return request(path);
forecast: {
byPosition: function(lat, lng, days, units) {
var u = units || 'imperial'; // internal, metric, or imperial
var d = normalizeDays(days);
var path = "/forecast/daily?lat="+lat+"&lon="+lng+"&cnt="+d+"&mode=json";
return request(path);
byCity: function(cityName, days, units) {
var u = units || 'imperial'; // internal, metric, or imperial
var d = normalizeDays(days);
var path = "/forecast/daily?q="+cityName+"&cnt="+d+"&mode=json";
return request(path);
byCityId: function(cityId, days, units) {
var u = units || 'imperial'; // internal, metric, or imperial
var d = normalizeDays(days);
var path = "/forecast/daily?id="+cityId+"&cnt="+d+"&mode=json";
return request(path);
app.controller('MainCtrl', [
function ($scope, $window, geolocation, weather){
$scope.position = null;
$ = null
$scope.forecast = null;
// SEE:
geolocation().then(function(position) {
$scope.position = position;
$scope.$watch('position', function(position){
if(!position) return;
weather.current.byPosition(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude).then(function(data){
$ = data;
weather.forecast.byPosition(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude).then(function(data){
$scope.forecast = data;
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