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Created April 30, 2014 13:57
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Powershell Systemadmin Tasks
$DDrive = GWMI -CL Win32_LogicalDisk | Where {$_.DeviceId -Eq "D:"}
Echo "ERROR: Es existiert bereits ein D-Laufwerk. Vorgang wird abgebrochen."
$drive = GWMI -CL Win32_LogicalDisk | Where {$_.DeviceId -Eq "C:"}
if([int]$sizeGB -gt 160){
# Festplatte kann partitioniert werden
"select disk=system" | set-content -Encoding ASCII $t
"select volume=c" | Add-content -Encoding ASCII $t
"shrink"| Add-content -Encoding ASCII $t
"create partition primary"| Add-content -Encoding ASCII $t
"assign letter=D"| Add-content -Encoding ASCII $t
"format fs=ntfs quick"| Add-content -Encoding ASCII $t
"Diskpart File erstellt"
echo "-----------------------"
gc $t
start-process -wait -FilePath cmd.exe -ArgumentList "/c diskpart /s $t"
del $t
$drive = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter='D:'"
Set-WmiInstance -InputObject $drive -Arguments @{Label="DATA"}
echo "failed"
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