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Created June 27, 2021 11:34
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Simplicial stuff
import order.category.NonemptyFinLinOrd
import category_theory.skeletal
import category_theory.types
import data.finset.sort
import data.fintype.basic
import data.set.basic
import order.rel_iso
import data.fin_enum
import set_theory.cardinal
import init
import algebraic_topology.simplex_category
import tactic.linarith
universe variables u
open category_theory
open_locale simplicial
namespace simplex_category
namespace epi_mono
lemma mono_iff_function_is_injective {u v : simplex_category} {f: u ⟶ v} : (category_theory.mono f) ↔ (function.injective ⇑(f.to_preorder_hom)):= begin
{intros m x y h,
set n := u.len with def_n,
set m := v.len with def_m,
set cx : [0] ⟶ u := const u x with h_cx,
set cy : [0] ⟶ u := const u y with h_cy,
have H : (cx ≫ f = cy ≫ f) := by {
rw h,
rw (cancel_mono f) at H,
have from_constant_function : (∀ (z : fin(u.len + 1)), (z = (const u z).to_preorder_hom.to_fun 0)) := by {
intro z,
rw [from_constant_function x, from_constant_function y,←h_cx,←h_cy,H],
intro H,
intros Z g h hyp_eq,
apply_fun hom.to_preorder_hom at hyp_eq,
dsimp at hyp_eq,
apply_fun preorder_hom.to_fun at hyp_eq,
replace hyp_eq := (congr_fun hyp_eq x),
rw [hom.to_preorder_hom_mk, hom.to_preorder_hom_mk] at hyp_eq,
rw [preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe] at hyp_eq,
rw [preorder_hom.comp_coe, preorder_hom.comp_coe] at hyp_eq,
dsimp at hyp_eq,
have last_hyp := H hyp_eq,
rw last_hyp,
lemma epi_iff_function_is_surjective {u v : simplex_category} {f: u ⟶ v} : (category_theory.epi f) ↔ (function.surjective ⇑f.to_preorder_hom) := begin
{intro hyp_f_epi,
intro x,
set n := u.len with def_n,
set m := v.len with def_m,
by_contradiction h_ab,
rw not_exists at h_ab,
set chi_1 : v ⟶ [1] := ⟨λ u, if u ≤ x then 0 else 1, by {
intros a b a_leq_b,
by_cases a ≤ x,
simp [h],
simp [h],
have b_ge_x : ¬(b ≤ x) := by {
by_contra b_leq_x,
have a_leq_x : a ≤ x := by {
transitivity b,
exact a_leq_b,
exact b_leq_x,
exact h a_leq_x,
simp [b_ge_x],
}⟩ with def_chi_1,
set chi_2 : v ⟶ [1] := ⟨λ u, if u < x then 0 else 1, by {
intros a b a_leq_b,
by_cases (a = b),
rw h,
rename h a_neq_b,
have a_lt_b : a < b := by {
cases nat.eq_or_lt_of_le a_leq_b,{
exact a_neq_b (subtype.eq h),
exact h,
by_cases a < x,
simp [h],
simp [h],
have b_geq_x : ¬(b < x) := by {
by_contra b_leq_x,
have a_lt_x : a < x := by {
transitivity b,
exact a_lt_b,
exact b_leq_x,
exact h a_lt_x,
simp [b_geq_x],
}⟩ with def_chi_2,
have f_compo_chi_i : f ≫ chi_1 = f ≫ chi_2 := by {
rw [hom.to_preorder_hom_mk, hom.to_preorder_hom_mk, preorder_hom.comp_coe],
rw [hom.to_preorder_hom_mk, hom.to_preorder_hom_mk, preorder_hom.comp_coe],
rw [function.comp_app, function.comp_app],
have f_x_1_ne_x : ¬((f.to_preorder_hom) x_1 = x) := by {
exact h_ab x_1,
by_cases ((f.to_preorder_hom) x_1) ≤ x,
have f_x_1_lt_x : ((f.to_preorder_hom) x_1) < x := by {
cases nat.eq_or_lt_of_le h,
replace h_1 := subtype.eq h_1,
exact f_x_1_ne_x h_1,
exact h_1,
simp [f_x_1_lt_x, h],
have n_f_x_1_lt_x : ¬(((f.to_preorder_hom) x_1) < x) := by {
erw not_iff_not_of_iff nat.lt_iff_le_not_le,
rw not_and,
intro h3, exfalso,
refine h h3,
simp [n_f_x_1_lt_x, h],
rw category_theory.cancel_epi f at f_compo_chi_i, rename f_compo_chi_i eq_chi_i,
apply_fun hom.to_preorder_hom at eq_chi_i,
apply_fun preorder_hom.to_fun at eq_chi_i,
replace eq_chi_i := congr_fun eq_chi_i x,
dsimp at eq_chi_i,
have chi_1_x : (hom.to_preorder_hom chi_1) x = 0 := by {
have chi_2_x : (hom.to_preorder_hom chi_2) x = 1 := by {
rw [chi_1_x, chi_2_x] at eq_chi_i,
refine nat.zero_ne_one (fin.veq_of_eq eq_chi_i),
intro hyp_surj,
refine ⟨ by{
intros l g h h_eq_comp,
dsimp at *,
set y := Exists.some (hyp_surj x) with d_y,
have y_eq_f_x : x = f.to_preorder_hom y := by {
rw d_y,
exact (Exists.some_spec (hyp_surj x)).symm,
apply_fun hom.to_preorder_hom at h_eq_comp,
apply_fun preorder_hom.to_fun at h_eq_comp,
replace h_eq_comp := congr_fun h_eq_comp y,
dsimp at h_eq_comp,
rw [hom.to_preorder_hom_mk, preorder_hom.comp_coe, function.comp_app] at h_eq_comp,
rw [hom.to_preorder_hom_mk, preorder_hom.comp_coe, function.comp_app] at h_eq_comp,
rw ←y_eq_f_x at h_eq_comp,
refine fin.veq_of_eq h_eq_comp,
lemma mono_le_length {x y : simplex_category} {f : x ⟶ y} : (category_theory.mono f) → (x.len ≤ y.len) := begin
set n := x.len with def_n,
set m := y.len with def_m,
intro hyp_f_mono,
have f_inj : function.injective f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun := mono_iff_function_is_injective.elim_left (hyp_f_mono),
have card_leq := fintype.card_le_of_injective f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun f_inj,
simp at card_leq,
exact card_leq,
lemma mono_le_card {n m : ℕ} {f : [n] ⟶ [m]} : (category_theory.mono f) → (n ≤ m) := by {refine @mono_le_length [n] [m] f}
lemma epi_ge_length {x y : simplex_category} {f : x ⟶ y} : (category_theory.epi f) → (x.len ≥ y.len) := begin
intro hyp_f_epi,
have f_surj : function.surjective f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun := epi_iff_function_is_surjective.elim_left (hyp_f_epi),
have card_geq := fintype.card_le_of_surjective f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun f_surj,
simp at card_geq,
exact card_geq,
lemma epi_ge_card {n m : ℕ} {f : [n] ⟶ [m]} : (category_theory.epi f) → (n ≥ m) := by {refine @epi_ge_length [n] [m] f}
end epi_mono
namespace image
-- variables {x y: simplex_category.{u}}
def range_nb {x y : simplex_category} (f : x ⟶ y) : ℕ := fintype.card (set.range f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun) - 1
--variable f : x ⟶ y
-- #check (mono_equiv_of_fin (set.range (f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun)) (by obviously)).to_fun
def f_to_range_f_inv {x y : simplex_category} (f : x ⟶ y) : fin ((range_nb f) + 1) ≃o (set.range (f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun)) := (mono_equiv_of_fin (set.range (f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun)) (by {
rw range_nb,
rw nat.sub_add_cancel,
rw nat.add_one_le_iff,
rw fintype.card_pos_iff,
exact set.range.nonempty f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun,
lemma same_range_implies_same_range_nb {x y z: simplex_category} {f : x ⟶ y} {g : z ⟶ y} (h : (set.range ⇑(f.to_preorder_hom)) = (set.range ⇑(g.to_preorder_hom))) : (range_nb f = range_nb g) :=
rw range_nb,
rw range_nb,
rw [preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe],
have eq_coe : ↥(set.range ⇑(hom.to_preorder_hom f)) = ↥(set.range ⇑(hom.to_preorder_hom g)) := by {obviously},
rw fintype.card_congr (@equiv.cast (set.range ⇑(f.to_preorder_hom)) (set.range ⇑(g.to_preorder_hom)) eq_coe),
end image
namespace epi_mono
-- In this section, we prove that any morphism in the simplex category admits a unique epi-mono factorization
def epi_component {x y : simplex_category} (f : x ⟶ y) : (x ⟶ [image.range_nb f]) := ( ⟨((image.f_to_range_f_inv f).symm.to_order_embedding) ∘ (set.range_factorization f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun),
monotone.comp (((image.f_to_range_f_inv f).symm.to_order_embedding).monotone) (by {
intros a b a_le_b,
rw set.range_factorization,
have monotone_f : monotone f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun := f.to_preorder_hom.monotone,
exact monotone_f a_le_b,
instance epi_component_is_epi {x y : simplex_category} (f : x ⟶ y) : epi (epi_component f) := begin
have e_surj : function.surjective (epi_component f).to_preorder_hom := by {
apply function.surjective.comp,
exact (image.f_to_range_f_inv f).symm.surjective,
exact set.surjective_onto_range,
exact epi_iff_function_is_surjective.elim_right e_surj
def mono_component {x y : simplex_category} (f : x ⟶ y) : ([image.range_nb f] ⟶ y) := ⟨
(order_embedding.subtype (set.range (f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun))) ∘ (image.f_to_range_f_inv f).to_order_embedding,
monotone.comp (order_embedding.subtype (set.range (f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun))).monotone (image.f_to_range_f_inv f).to_order_embedding.monotone
instance mono_component_is_mono {x y : simplex_category} (f: x ⟶ y) : mono (mono_component f) := begin
rw [mono_iff_function_is_injective, mono_component],
simp [hom.to_preorder_hom_mk],
apply function.injective.comp,
exact subtype.coe_injective,
exact (image.f_to_range_f_inv f).to_order_embedding.injective
lemma epi_mono_factorization_is_factorization {x y : simplex_category} (f : x ⟶ y) : f = (epi_component f) ≫ (mono_component f) := begin
apply hom.ext,
rw hom.to_preorder_hom_mk,
apply preorder_hom.ext,
rw [preorder_hom.comp_coe, epi_component, mono_component],
conv {
erw function.comp.assoc,
congr, skip,
rw [function.comp_apply, function.comp_apply, function.comp_apply, order_iso.apply_symm_apply],
lemma epi_mono_factorization {x y : simplex_category} {f : x ⟶ y} : ∃! (z : simplex_category) (m : z ⟶ y) (e : x ⟶ z) (m_mono : category_theory.mono m) (e_epi: category_theory.epi e), (f = e ≫ m) := begin
split, rotate, exact [image.range_nb f],
use (mono_component f),
use (epi_component f),
use epi_mono.mono_component_is_mono f,
use (epi_mono.epi_component_is_epi f),
exact epi_mono_factorization_is_factorization f,
{intro e_1, simp},
{intro m_1,simp},
intro e_2, simp,
intros mono_m_f epi_e_2 hyp,
have comp_eg : e_2 ≫ (mono_component f) = (epi_component f) ≫ (mono_component f) := by{
rw ←epi_mono_factorization_is_factorization f,
conv_rhs {rw hyp},
apply mono_m_f.right_cancellation,
exact comp_eg,
intro m_2,
intro hyp,
cases hyp with e H,
simp at H,
cases H, cases H_left, cases H_left_right,
rename H_left_left mono_m_2,
rename H_left_right_left epi_e,
rename H_left_right_right hyp_comp_1,
rename H_right unicity_e,
apply hom.ext,
apply preorder_hom.ext,
apply fin.strict_mono_unique,
exact strict_mono_of_monotone_of_injective ((hom.to_preorder_hom m_2).monotone) (mono_iff_function_is_injective.elim_left mono_m_2),
have aux := strict_mono_of_monotone_of_injective ((hom.to_preorder_hom (mono_component f)).monotone) (mono_iff_function_is_injective.elim_left (epi_mono.mono_component_is_mono f)),
exact aux, -- for some reason, a direct exact did not work.
-- Basically a whole block to prove that the range of m_2 is the range of f
apply_fun hom.to_preorder_hom at hyp_comp_1,
apply_fun preorder_hom.to_fun at hyp_comp_1,
rw [preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe] at hyp_comp_1,
rw hom.to_preorder_hom_mk at hyp_comp_1,
rw preorder_hom.comp_coe at hyp_comp_1,
apply_fun set.range at hyp_comp_1,
conv at hyp_comp_1 {to_rhs, rw set.range_comp},
rw function.surjective.range_eq (epi_iff_function_is_surjective.elim_left epi_e) at hyp_comp_1,
rw set.image_univ at hyp_comp_1,
-- Now the same to prove that the range of mono_component f is the range of f
have hyp_comp_2 := epi_mono_factorization_is_factorization f,
apply_fun hom.to_preorder_hom at hyp_comp_2,
apply_fun preorder_hom.to_fun at hyp_comp_2,
rw [preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe] at hyp_comp_2,
dsimp at hyp_comp_2,
rw hom.to_preorder_hom_mk at hyp_comp_2,
rw preorder_hom.comp_coe at hyp_comp_2,
apply_fun set.range at hyp_comp_2,
conv at hyp_comp_2 {to_rhs, rw set.range_comp},
rw function.surjective.range_eq (epi_iff_function_is_surjective.elim_left (epi_mono.epi_component_is_epi f)) at hyp_comp_2,
rw set.image_univ at hyp_comp_2,
-- Now just to piece it together
rw ←hyp_comp_1,
rw ←hyp_comp_2,
intros z h_z,
cases h_z with m H,
cases H with H_1 unicity_m,
cases H_1 with e H_e,
cases H_e with H_3 unicity_e,
cases H_3 with m_mono H_4,
cases H_4 with H_5 unicity_mono_m,
cases H_5 with epi_e H_6,
cases H_6 with hyp_comp unicity_epi_e,
suffices H : z.len = image.range_nb f, rw [← mk_len z, H],
-- On prouve encore que la range de la mono_comp de f est la range de f...
have hyp_comp_1 := hyp_comp,
apply_fun hom.to_preorder_hom at hyp_comp_1,
apply_fun preorder_hom.to_fun at hyp_comp_1,
rw [preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe] at hyp_comp_1,
dsimp at hyp_comp_1,
rw hom.to_preorder_hom_mk at hyp_comp_1,
rw preorder_hom.comp_coe at hyp_comp_1,
apply_fun set.range at hyp_comp_1,
conv at hyp_comp_1 {to_rhs, rw set.range_comp},
rw function.surjective.range_eq (epi_iff_function_is_surjective.elim_left epi_e) at hyp_comp_1,
rw set.image_univ at hyp_comp_1,
set m_range := set.range_factorization ⇑(hom.to_preorder_hom m) with def_m_range,
have m_range_surj : function.surjective m_range := by {
rw def_m_range,
exact set.surjective_onto_range,
have m_inj := mono_iff_function_is_injective.elim_left m_mono,
have m_range_inj : function.injective m_range := by {
intros a b h,
rw def_m_range at h,
rw set.range_factorization at h,
dsimp at h,
rw subtype.ext_iff_val at h,
dsimp at h,
refine m_inj h,
have m_range_bij : function.bijective m_range := ⟨m_range_inj, m_range_surj⟩,
have card_eq := ((fintype.bijective_iff_surjective_and_card m_range).elim_left m_range_bij).right,
apply_fun (λ n: ℕ, n-1) at card_eq,
conv at card_eq {
have eq_image_nb : (image.range_nb f = image.range_nb m) := image.same_range_implies_same_range_nb hyp_comp_1,
rw eq_image_nb,
rw image.range_nb,
rw preorder_hom.to_fun_eq_coe,
exact card_eq,
end epi_mono
end simplex_category
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