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Created August 4, 2010 13:45
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" buftabs (C) 2006 Ico Doornekamp
" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
" under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
" Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
" any later version.
" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
" FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
" more details.
" Introduction
" ------------
" This is a simple script that shows a tabs-like list of buffers in the bottom
" of the window. The biggest advantage of this script over various others is
" that it does not take any lines away from your terminal, leaving more space
" for the document you're editing. The tabs are only visible when you need
" them - when you are switchin between buffers.
" Usage
" -----
" This script draws buffer tabs on vim startup, when a new buffer is created
" and when switching between buffers.
" It might be handy to create a few maps for easy switching of buffers in your
" .vimrc file. For example, using F1 and F2 keys:
" noremap <f1> :bprev<CR>
" noremap <f2> :bnext<CR>
" or using control-left and control-right keys:
" :noremap <C-left> :bprev<CR>
" :noremap <C-right> :bnext<CR>
" The following extra configuration variables are availabe:
" * g:buftabs_only_basename
" Define this variable to make buftabs only print the filename of each buffer,
" omitting the preceding directory name. Add to your .vimrc:
" :let g:buftabs_only_basename=1
" * g:buftabs_in_statusline
" Define this variable to make the plugin show the buftabs in the statusline
" instead of the command line. It is a good idea to configure vim to show
" the statusline as well when only one window is open. Add to your .vimrc:
" set laststatus=2
" :let g:buftabs_in_statusline=1
" * g:buftabs_active_highlight_group
" * g:buftabs_inactive_highlight_group
" The name of a highlight group (:help highligh-groups) which is used to
" show the name of the current active buffer and of all other inactive
" buffers. If these variables are not defined, no highlighting is used.
" (Highlighting is only functional when g:buftabs_in_statusline is enabled)
" :let g:buftabs_active_highlight_group="Visual"
" * g:buftabs_marker_start [
" * g:buftabs_marker_end ]
" * g:buftabs_separator -
" These strings are drawn around each tab as separators.
" :let g:buftabs_separator = "."
" :let g:buftabs_marker_start = "("
" :let g:buftabs_marker_end = ")"
" Changelog
" ---------
" 0.1 2006-09-22 Initial version
" 0.2 2006-09-22 Better handling when the list of buffers is longer then the
" window width.
" 0.3 2006-09-27 Some cleanups, set 'hidden' mode by default
" 0.4 2007-02-26 Don't draw buftabs until VimEnter event to avoid clutter at
" startup in some circumstances
" 0.5 2007-02-26 Added option for showing only filenames without directories
" in tabs
" 0.6 2007-03-04 'only_basename' changed to a global variable. Removed
" functions and add event handlers instead. 'hidden' mode
" broke some things, so is disabled now. Fixed documentation
" 0.7 2007-03-07 Added configuration option to show tabs in statusline
" instead of cmdline
" 0.8 2007-04-02 Update buftabs when leaving insertmode
" 0.9 2007-08-22 Now compatible with older Vim versions < 7.0
" 0.10 2008-01-26 Added GPL license
" 0.11 2008-02-29 Added optional syntax highlighting to active buffer name
" 0.12 2009-03-18 Fixed support for split windows
" 0.13 2009-05-07 Store and reuse right-aligned part of original statusline
" 0.14 2010-01-28 Fixed bug that caused buftabs in command line being
" overwritten when 'hidden' mode is enabled.
" 0.15 2010-02-16 Fixed window width handling bug which caused strange
" behaviour in combination with the bufferlist plugin.
" Fixed wrong buffer display when deleting last window.
" Added extra options for tabs style and highlighting.
" 0.16 2010-02-28 Fixed bug causing errors when using buftabs in vim
" diff mode.
let g:buftabs_enabled = 0
let g:original_statusline = matchstr(&statusline, "%=.*")
" Don't bother when in diff mode
if &diff
" Called on VimEnter event
function! Buftabs_enable()
let g:buftabs_enabled = 1
" Persistent echo to avoid overwriting of status line when 'hidden' is enabled
function! Pecho(msg)
let s:hold_ut=&ut|let &ut=1
let s:Pecho=a:msg
aug Pecho
au CursorHold * ec s:Pecho
\|let &ut=s:hold_ut
\|aug Pecho|exe 'au!'|aug END|aug! Pecho
aug END
" Draw the buftabs
function! Buftabs_show(deleted_buf)
let l:i = 1
let l:list = ''
let l:start = 0
let l:end = 0
let l:count = 1
if ! exists("w:from")
let w:from = 0
if ! exists("g:buftabs_enabled")
" Walk the list of buffers
while(l:i <= bufnr('$'))
" Only show buffers in the list, and omit help screens
if buflisted(l:i) && getbufvar(l:i, "&modifiable") && a:deleted_buf != l:i
" Get the name of the current buffer, and escape characters that might
" mess up the statusline
if exists("g:buftabs_only_basename")
let l:name = fnamemodify(bufname(l:i), ":t")
let l:name = bufname(l:i)
let l:name = substitute(l:name, "%", "%%", "g")
" Append the current buffer number and name to the list. If the buffer
" is the active buffer, enclose it in some magick characters which will
" be replaced by markers later. If it is modified, it is appended with
" an exclaimation mark
if winbufnr(winnr()) == l:i
let l:start = strlen(l:list)
let l:list = l:list . "\x01"
let l:list = l:list . ' '
let l:buftabs_separator = "-"
if exists("g:buftabs_separator")
let l:buftabs_separator = g:buftabs_separator
"let l:list = l:list . l:i . l:buftabs_separator
let l:list = l:list . l:count . l:buftabs_separator
let l:list = l:list . l:name
let l:count = l:count + 1
if getbufvar(l:i, "&modified") == 1
let l:list = l:list . "+"
if winbufnr(winnr()) == l:i
let l:list = l:list . "\x02"
let l:end = strlen(l:list)
let l:list = l:list . ' '
let l:i = l:i + 1
" If the resulting list is too long to fit on the screen, chop
" out the appropriate part
let l:width = winwidth(0) - 12
if(l:start < w:from)
let w:from = l:start - 1
if l:end > w:from + l:width
let w:from = l:end - l:width
let l:list = strpart(l:list, w:from, l:width)
" Replace the magic characters by visible markers for highlighting the
" current buffer. The markers can be simple characters like square brackets,
" but can also be special codes with highlight groups
let l:buftabs_marker_start = "["
if exists("g:buftabs_marker_start")
let l:buftabs_marker_start = g:buftabs_marker_start
let l:buftabs_marker_end = "]"
if exists("g:buftabs_marker_end")
let l:buftabs_marker_end = g:buftabs_marker_end
if exists("g:buftabs_active_highlight_group")
if exists("g:buftabs_in_statusline")
let l:buftabs_marker_start = "%#" . g:buftabs_active_highlight_group . "#" . l:buftabs_marker_start
let l:buftabs_marker_end = l:buftabs_marker_end . "%##"
if exists("g:buftabs_inactive_highlight_group")
if exists("g:buftabs_in_statusline")
let l:list = '%#' . g:buftabs_inactive_highlight_group . '#' . l:list
let l:list .= '%##'
let l:buftabs_marker_end = l:buftabs_marker_end . '%#' . g:buftabs_inactive_highlight_group . '#'
let l:list = substitute(l:list, "\x01", l:buftabs_marker_start, 'g')
let l:list = substitute(l:list, "\x02", l:buftabs_marker_end, 'g')
" Show the list. The buftabs_in_statusline variable determines of the list
" is displayed in the command line (volatile) or in the statusline
" (persistent)
if exists("g:buftabs_in_statusline")
let &l:statusline = l:list . g:original_statusline
call Pecho(l:list)
" Hook to events to show buftabs at startup, when creating and when switching
" buffers
autocmd VimEnter * call Buftabs_enable()
autocmd VimEnter,BufNew,BufEnter,BufWritePost * call Buftabs_show(-1)
autocmd BufDelete * call Buftabs_show(expand('<abuf>'))
if version >= 700
autocmd InsertLeave,VimResized * call Buftabs_show(-1)
" vi: ts=2 sw=2
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