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SuperSide Me readme
=== SuperSide Me ===
Contributors: littler.chicken
Donate link:
Tags: mobile menu, navigation, sidr
Requires at least: 4.4
Requires PHP 5.6.20
Tested up to: 5.5
Stable tag: 2.7.3
License: GPL-2.0+
License URI:
SuperSide Me is a super app-style mobile navigation plugin for WordPress.
== Description ==
SuperSide Me adds an awesome mobile menu panel to your website. It automagically builds the panel from your existing registered menus. All you have to do, if you want to, is pick the colors you want to use and you're ready to go!
Optionally, you can add a small widget or two to your panel as well, but this widget area is best suited for small/minor widgets, such as a search box.
== Installation ==
1. Upload the entire `superside-me` folder to your `/wp-content/plugins` directory.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
1. Optionally, visit the Settings > Media page to change the default behavior of the plugin.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= I activate the plugin and I get a warning about not having anything to work with. What gives? =
This is likely because your site is using a custom menu in a widget area for your main navigation. The plugin scans the theme's registered menu locations and uses whatever menus are assigned there--if you don't have one assigned, then there is nothing for the plugin to grab on to.
There are two ways to work with this kind of setup: 1) _SuperSide Me_ registers a new menu location, which shows only in the side panel. So you can assign any menu to that, and it will work as your mobile menu, either in addition to other registered menus, or alone if you are not using them at all. 2) You can add a custom menu widget to the _SuperSide Me_ widget area.
= How can I add a widget to my SuperSide Me navigation panel? =
There is a new _SuperSide Me_ widget area under Appearance > Widgets. You can add any widget you like there, but it helps to be reasonable about it, and keep it small.
= Can I change the icons used by the plugin? =
Yes! As of version 2.4.0, the easiest way to do this is to use SVG icons (on by default for new users, disabled by default for previous users). When SVG icons are enabled, you can change the icons on the Appearance tab of the SuperSide Me settings page.
If you are not using SVG, use this filter to change the glyphs, or icons, used for the _SuperSide_ panel. You might change the icons like this (the plugin uses Font Awesome for icons, so use any of those you like):
add_filter( 'supersideme_default_glyphs', 'prefix_change_superside_glyphs', 10, 2 );
function prefix_change_superside_glyphs( $glyphs ) {
$glyphs['slide-nav-link'] = '\f100';
$glyphs['slide-nav-link-open'] = '\f101';
$glyphs['menu-close'] = '\f00d';
$glyphs['sub-menu-toggle'] = '\f107';
$glyphs['sub-menu-toggle-open'] = '\f106';
return $glyphs;
= I want to change things about how the menu behaves or is output. =
As of version 2.0, it is likely that most of what you want is now available as a settings option. So check there first. If the settings don't go far enough, though, you have some filters available to modify the output (whatever you add to these filters will override what's on your settings page:
add_filter( 'supersideme_panel_options', 'prefix_modify_panel_options' );
* Demo function to show how to modify any panel options.
* @param $panel_options
* @return mixed
function prefix_modify_panel_options( $panel_options ) {
$panel_options['background'] = '#000';
$panel_options['close'] = ''; // removes the close button from the SuperSide panel
$panel_options['closeevent'] = '.menu-close, .menu-item'; // change what causes the SuperSide Me panel to close (useful mostly if you have on page anchor links in your menu)
$panel_options['displace'] = false; // change if the menu pushes the site over
$panel_options['link_color'] = '#fff'; // panel link colors
$panel_options['maxwidth'] = '50em'; // screen width at which SuperSide Me starts working
$panel_options['outline'] = 'dashed'; // outline style
$panel_options['panel_width'] = '100%'; // width of the menu panel
$panel_options['side'] = 'left'; // side for the menu
$panel_options['speed'] = 400; // speed at which the menu slides out
return $panel_options;
To modify the main menu button options:
add_filter( 'supersideme_button_options', 'prefix_modify_button_options' );
* Demo function to show how to modify main menu button options.
* @param $panel_options
* @return mixed
function prefix_modify_button_options( $button ) {
$button['button_color'] = ''; // style the button independently of the menu panel
$button['function'] = 'prepend'; // change the jQuery function used to add the button (use caution)
$button['location'] = '.site-header'; // change the CSS selector used to place the button
$button['position'] = 'absolute'; // CSS position for the button
$button['width'] = 'auto'; // CSS width for the button
return $button;
The plugin does come with its own CSS styles, but I've tried to keep them low key and easy to override.
= My theme has a responsive menu script in it already. How can I make sure that only one script loads? =
SuperSide Me has a function which lets you easily check whether the plugin is active and can create a menu. Here's how a theme might handle this:
function leaven_load_scripts() {
// Google Fonts
wp_enqueue_style( 'google-fonts', '//,400,700|Lora:400italic,700italic', array(), PARENT_THEME_VERSION );
// Responsive Navigation
wp_enqueue_script( 'leaven-globaljs', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/global.js', array( 'jquery' ), false, PARENT_THEME_VERSION );
if ( function_exists( 'supersideme_has_content' ) && supersideme_has_content() ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'leaven-responsive-menu', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/responsive-menu.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.0.0', true );
$output = array(
'mainMenu' => __( 'Menu', 'leaven' ),
'subMenu' => __( 'Menu', 'leaven' ),
wp_localize_script( 'leaven-responsive-menu', 'LeavenL10n', $output );
Basically, set the theme responsive menu as the last script to load, and do an early return if SuperSide Me is running. If it's not, then the theme menu loads.
= Is it possible to deactivate the menu entirely, say, on a landing page template? =
Yes, you can just add this to your template file:
// Remove Mobile Menu
add_filter( 'supersideme_disable', '__return_true' );
= What if my theme's menu still displays? How can I hide it? =
Since theme authors can name their menus and site elements anything they want, it's not possible to account for every single theme in the plugin. As of SuperSide Me 2.0, there are two CSS settings: one for hiding elements, and one for displaying elements which might otherwise be hidden.
Alternatively, there is a filter to hide your specific menus/elements. Here's how you might hide the navigation toggle button for the WordPress default theme Twenty Fourteen:
add_filter( 'supersideme_hide_elements', 'twentyfourteen_hide_button' );
function twentyfourteen_hide_button( $hidden ) {
$hidden[] = '.menu-toggle'; // append your specific element to an array of general navigation elements
return $hidden;
If you want even more control over SuperSide Me's inline CSS, which hides other navigation elements and displays the main menu button, here's a filter for you:
add_filter( 'supersideme_modify_display_css', 'altitude_full_width_supersideme', 10, 3 );
function altitude_full_width_supersideme( $display_css, $side_tweaks, $hidden ) {
$display_css =
$hidden . ' { display: none; }
.slide-nav-link { display: block; }';
return $display_css;
`$side_tweaks` are the navigation options passed by the settings page and `supersideme_navigation_options` filter; `$hidden` is the pre-existing array of hidden [navigation] elements.
== Upgrade Notice ==
2.7.3: fixed main menu button ID, updated sticky/bottom button(s)
== Changelog ==
= 2.7.3 =
* updated: plugin updater class
* changed: sticky/bottom button(s) positioning
* fixed: main menu button ID
= 2.7.2 =
* fixed: custom icons not loading in some instances
* fixed: no-js/js classes for themes which don't include the wp_body_open hook
= 2.7.1 =
* updated: Font Awesome 5.11.2
* improved: how the no-js/js classes are replaced
* fixed: submenu toggle icons on non-mobile screens
= 2.7.0 =
* added: filter to modify the display CSS before the media query is applied
* added: facebook-f to minimal icon set
* improved: settings pages behavior, output
* improved: customizer behavior
* updated: Font Awesome 5.10.2
* changed: now uses remote Font Awesome CSS if that option is selected
* removed: unneeded menu modification for Genesis Simple Menus
= 2.6.1 =
* changed: close button creation is now in line with all other buttons (allows for second panel to have a custom close button)
* fixed: custom second panel opens on initial click
= 2.6.0 =
* added: minimal SVG icon set to reduce unnecessary loads
* added: information about the license expiration on the settings page
* improved: custom menu bar settings page save
* improved: SVG icon styling
* fixed: custom menu buttons location
* updated: Font Awesome 5.8.1 (SVG only)
* updated: licensing class
= 2.5.1 =
* fixed: empty link (no href) behavior
* fixed: class names for SVG icons
= 2.5.0 =
* added: filters on SVG xlink, icons
* updated: CSS autoprefixes
* updated: Font Awesome SVG 5.0.12
* changed: Font Awesome webfont CSS has been moved to a separate class
* improved: licensing messages, checks
* improved: SVG build
* improved: access to settings/customizer filters
* fixed: customizer preview when SuperSide Me panel is disabled
* removed: redundant role from buttons
* removed: redundant content checks
= 2.4.1 =
* fixed: settings updater for weekly license check
= 2.4.0 =
* added: use SVG instead of font icons
* added: when using SVG, customize buttons via settings
* added: setting to stick menu button(s) to the bottom of the screen
* added: optionally, add custom button(s) with the menu/search buttons (menu bar)
* updated: settings page/customizer fields
* improved: JavaScript for building menu
= 2.3.2 =
* tweaked: licensing update checks, activation
* tweaked: removed CSS header
= 2.3.1 =
* improved: licensing settings page efficiency
* fixed: keyboard navigation trap when menu is opened and then closed
= 2.3.0 =
* added: setting to move the panel widget above the menus
* improved: settings page is a bit more restricted
* updated: touchswipe script to 1.6.18
* fixed: panel item focus on open and close (accessibility)
* fixed: issues with optional second panel behavior
= 2.2.3 =
* updated: software licensing update class
* updated: minimum supported WordPress version is now 4.4
* fixed: duplicated multiple menu buttons if a location isn't unique
* fixed: duplicated div for intrepid second panel builders
= 2.2.2 =
* updated: software licensing update class
* fixed: fallback markup for XHTML themes
= 2.2.1 =
* updated: Font Awesome 4.7
* improved: licensing options efficiency
* fixed: overly aggressive closing panels/search inputs (Android)
* fixed: search button container fallback
* fixed: submenu toggle width
= 2.2.0 =
* added: setting to add a search button/input next to the menu button, outside of the panel
* added: ability for advanced users to create and add a second panel
* updated: licensing options to use new EDD licensing class
* changed: submenu toggle buttons enlarged to be consistent with recommended mobile sizes
* changed: menu button width setting now a radio option
* fixed: menu toggles in newer Genesis themes not hiding properly
= 2.1.0 =
* added: setting to easily enable SuperSide Me at all widths
* added: key to change JS function to attach menu button
* changed: license key is a password field
* changed: use Genesis Simple Menus' own logic instead of recreating
* updated: store URL for updates changed to https
* fixed: early return on settings sanitization
= 2.0.1 =
* bugfix: overly aggressive escaping removed the widget
= 2.0.0 =
* added: settings previously only accessible via PHP filters have been added to the plugin settings page (push setting, panel transparency, outline style, and more)
* improved: settings page separated into tabbed sections
* improved: better plugin licensing management
* improved: minor CSS updates to fix search form and ensure even padding on main menu button with or without text
* updated: Font Awesome 4.6.2
* updated: ready for Genesis 2.3 (Genesis Simple Menus users)
* reverted: TouchSwipe 1.6.12 due to breaking things
* removed: (breaking change) old SuperSidr filters, deprecated since forever anyway. If it affects anyone, it's only my very first beta testers
= 1.9.0 =
* added: plugin setting to automatically size the menu button
* updated: Font Awesome 4.5.0
* updated: Sidr 2.1.0 (menu script)
* updated: TouchSwipe 1.6.15
* bugfix: some server configurations not recognizing we're in the Customizer
= 1.8.2 =
* bugfix: fixed javascript to check for customizer (again)
= 1.8.1 =
* bugfix: fixed javascript to check for customizer
= 1.8.0 =
* added: plugin settings are now available in the customizer! (developers, you can disable this)
* added: panel width as a plugin setting
* added: developer friendly filters to disable customizer/settings
* fixed: overactive submenu opening/closing (thanks David Kenzik for reporting)
= 1.7.2 =
* added: filter to retrieve menus for panel
* fixed: inconveniently closing panel on android
= 1.7.1 =
* added: filter to modify just the list of hidden [navigation] elements
* added: filter to force search input to display
* improved: moved navigation options filter to a central location, made DRY
* improved: on multisite, plugin activation shows only on main site
= 1.7.0 =
* added: filter to modify rules for menus (specifically for Genesis Simple Menus)
* added: ability to modify the speed of the side panel open/close (thanks to Mike Z for requesting)
* added: ability to change the panel source (for @jivedig). use at your own risk
* changed: optional menu sidebar build/output improved--can handle more robust widgets
* updated: EDD software licensing update script
* improved: panel source--no more duplicate divs
* improved: check for whether panel can be successfully output (thanks to David W for reporting)
* bugfix: if Genesis Simple Menus is active, correctly uses that menu
* bugfix: no longer hides Woo breadcrumbs
* deprecated: panel builder. search, menus, and sidebar all added separately now due to errors from complex widgets
= 1.6.1 =
* added: support for changing Genesis skip links to point to mobile menu button
= 1.6.0 =
* added: optionally add support for swiping the menu open/closed
* bettered: SuperSide Me now pays attention to whether it's "enabled"
* updated: now sporting Font Awesome 4.4
* improved: theme navigation is not hidden (unless the theme has hidden it), menu button does not show, if js is disabled
* bugfix: improve helper function `supersideme_has_content`
* bugfix: CSS for mysteriously hidden menu items
* cleaned up js
= 1.5.0 =
* Add search input option!
* bug fixes for settings
= 1.4.2 =
* Added link to the settings page to the plugins table
* Fix validation of settings before localization
= 1.4.1 =
* Added checkmark for valid license
* bugfix: fixed settings check for pre PHP5.5
= 1.4.0 =
* Renamed plugin.
* Implemented licensing.
* Implemented checks and warnings to avoid an empty menu panel.
* Mapped deprecated filters
= 1.3.2 =
* bugfix: side panel still works even with zero registered menus
* bugfix: side panel compiled only on front end
= 1.3.0 =
* add maxwidth as a plugin setting, instead of limiting to filter
= 1.2.2 =
* close menu on window resize
* tweak CSS for theme capability and Mike
= 1.2.1 =
* Added CSS filters
= 1.2.0 =
* Registered a new optional menu location for the widget to use.
= 1.1.0 =
* A11y work on focus, etc.
= 1.0.0 =
* Initial commit.
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