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Created October 10, 2023 14:41
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travail sur les données du médialab en vue de faire un bilan de l'empreinte écologique du médialab sur
# convertit le fichier tenu par Benjamin sur le matériel du médialab en un fichier utilisable par l'outil
import csv
input_path = "./inputs/inventaire-ordis-medialab-noID.csv"
# Modele;Fabricant;Type
results = []
with open(input_path, newline="") as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=";")
for row in reader:
# print(dict(row))
if row["Modèle [Réf article]"] == "":
matos_type = "laptop"
if "ECR" in row["identifiant"]:
matos_type = "monitor"
elif "PAD" in row["identifiant"]:
matos_type = "Tablette"
elif "PST" in row["identifiant"]:
matos_type = "fixe"
elif "disque dur" in row["Modèle [Réf article]"].lower():
matos_type = "Disque dur"
clean = {
"Modele": row["Modèle [Réf article]"],
"Fabricant": row["Marque [Réf article]"],
"Type": matos_type
with open('./outputs/inventaire_utilisable.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
columns = results[0].keys()
entries = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=columns)
# convertit un fichier issu de cytric au format demandé par l'outil pour les transports
import csv
import re
input = "./outputs/cytric_dedoublonne.csv";
mode_map = {
"RAIL": "train",
"AIR": "avion"
converted_data = []
with open(input, "r", newline="") as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for i, row in enumerate(reader):
depart = row["Destination Depart"].replace("CEDEX", "")
(ville_depart, pays_depart) = re.match("(.*)\((.*)\)", depart).groups()
arrivee = row["Destination Arrivee"].replace("CEDEX", "")
(ville_arrivee, pays_arrivee) = re.match("(.*)\((.*)\)", arrivee).groups()
converted_row = {
"# mission": str(i + 1),
"Date de départ": row["Date de Debut/Depart"],
"Ville de départ": ville_depart.strip(),
"Pays de départ": pays_depart.strip(),
"Ville de destination": ville_arrivee.strip(),
"Pays de destination": pays_arrivee.strip(),
"Mode de déplacement": mode_map[row["Activite Type"]],
"Nb de personnes dans la voiture": "1",
"Aller Retour (OUI si identiques, NON si différents)": "NON",
"Motif du déplacement (optionnel)": row["TYPE DE MISSION (CC3)"],
"Statut de l'agent (optionnel)": ""
with open('./outputs/cytric_utilisable.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
columns = converted_data[0].keys()
entries = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=columns)
# dédoublonne des exports issus de Cytric
import csv
f1_path = "./inputs/Mission2023_9RA9-noID.csv"
f2_path = "./inputs/Missions2023_Division Medialab-noID.csv"
output_path = "./outputs/cytric_dedoublonne.csv";
def footprint(entry):
return entry['Date de Debut/Depart'] + entry['Destination Depart'] + entry['UID (MATRI)'] + entry['NUMERO ORDRE DE MISSION (CC1)']
def csv_to_map(f_path):
with open(f_path, 'r', newline='') as f1:
str = f1.readlines()
str = '\n'.join(str).replace('\ufeff', '').split('\n')
entries = csv.DictReader(str, delimiter=";")
output = {}
for e in entries:
fp = footprint(e)
output[fp] = dict(e)
return output
map_1 = csv_to_map(f1_path)
map_2 = csv_to_map (f2_path)
merged = {**map_1, **map_2}
merged = list(merged.values())
with open(output_path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
columns = merged[0].keys()
entries = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=columns)
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