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Last active March 5, 2019 20:08
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_Util_eq optimization
/* SETUP */
var Benchmark = require('benchmark');
function _Utils_Tuple2(x,y) {
return {
$: '#2',
a: x,
b: y
function _Make_List(size, list) {
if (!list) {
list = { $: '[]' };
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
list = {
$: '::',
a: 0,
b: list
return list;
function _Utils_eq(x, y)
/* Add this for 8x performance improvement when two primitives (non-objects) are equal
if (x === y) return true;
/* Add this for 8x performance improvement when two primitives (non-objects) are inequal
if (typeof x !== 'object' || x === null || y === null)
//if (typeof x === 'function') throw new Error("function not supported");
return false;
for (
var pair, stack = [], isEqual = _Utils_eqHelp(x, y, 0, stack);
isEqual && (pair = stack.pop());
isEqual = _Utils_eqHelp(pair.a, pair.b, 0, stack)
return isEqual;
function _Utils_eqHelp(x, y, depth, stack)
if (depth > 100)
return true;
if (x === y)
return true;
if (typeof x !== 'object' || x === null || y === null)
//if (typeof x === 'function') throw new Error("function not supported");
return false;
if (x.$ === 'Set_elm_builtin')
x = __Set_toList(x);
y = __Set_toList(y);
if (x.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin' || x.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin')
x = __Dict_toList(x);
y = __Dict_toList(y);
if (x.$ < 0)
x = __Dict_toList(x);
y = __Dict_toList(y);
for (var key in x)
if (!_Utils_eqHelp(x[key], y[key], depth + 1, stack))
return false;
return true;
var _Eq_Stack_Empty = _Eq_Stack_Cons(null, null, null, null);
function _Eq_Stack_Cons(key, x, y, stack) {
return {
a: stack,
b: key,
c: x,
d: y,
function _Opt_Utils_eq(x, y)
for (
var stack = _Opt_Utils_eqHelp(x, y, _Eq_Stack_Empty);
stack && stack !== _Eq_Stack_Empty;
stack = _Opt_Utils_eqHelp(stack.c[stack.b], stack.d[stack.b], stack.a)
return stack === _Eq_Stack_Empty;
function _Opt_Utils_eqHelp(x, y, stack)
if (x === y)
return stack;
var xType = typeof x;
if (xType !== 'object' || xType !== typeof y || x === null || y === null)
//if (xType === 'function') throw new Error("function not supported");
return null;
if (x.$ === 'Set_elm_builtin')
x = __Set_toList(x);
y = __Set_toList(y);
if (x.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin' || x.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin')
x = __Dict_toList(x);
y = __Dict_toList(y);
if (x.$ < 0)
x = __Dict_toList(x);
y = __Dict_toList(y);
for (var key in x)
stack = _Eq_Stack_Cons(key, x, y, stack);
return stack;
function test(message, a, b) {
if (_Utils_eq(a, b) !== _Opt_Utils_eq(a, b)) {
throw new Error(message);
test("Equal primitives doesn't work", "same", "same");
test("Inequal primitives doesn't work", 5, 6)
test("Equal lists doesn't work", _Make_List(1000), _Make_List(1000));
test("Inequal lists doesn't work", _Make_List(1000), _Make_List(800));
var shared = _Make_List(500);
test("Equal (average case) doesn't work", _Make_List(500, shared), _Make_List(500, shared));
var prepSuite = new Benchmark.Suite;
prepSuite.add('Preperation', function() {
// Call eq with a bunch of different inputs to make sure the JIT doesn't optimize
// the function specifically for the provided inputs.
var fns = [_Utils_eq, _Opt_Utils_eq];
for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
var fn = fns[i];
fn(5, 10);
fn("test", "test");
fn([1,2,3], [4,5,6]);
fn({a: 2}, {b: 3});
fn(true, false)
fn(new Number(6), new Number(6));
}).run({ 'async': false });
function runBenchmark(name, a, b) {
var suite = new Benchmark.Suite;
suite.add(name + "#Original", function() {
_Utils_eq(a, b);
}).add(name + "#Optimized", function() {
_Opt_Utils_eq(a, b);
}).on('cycle', function(event) {
}).on('complete', function() {
console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name'));
}).run({ 'async': false });
runBenchmark("equalPrimitives", "same", "same")
runBenchmark("nonEqualPrimitives", 5, 6);
runBenchmark("equalLists", _Make_List(1000), _Make_List(1000));
runBenchmark("inequalLists", _Make_List(1000), _Make_List(800));
runBenchmark("equalAvgLists", _Make_List(500, shared), _Make_List(500, shared));
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