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Created January 27, 2019 10:24
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Potential optimization
module Main exposing (main)
So I just went over my projects at work, and my hobby project.
This gist is an example of a common way for me, and my colleagues at work, to structure progrograms:
src/Main.elm <-- Top-level model-view-update
src/VippsModal.elm <-- Popup modal, for paying with a norwegian payment solution, has its own model-view-update
src/Data/UserInfo.elm <-- The UserInfo alias, and methods for working on that data
src/Backend.elm <-- For communicating with the backend
import Html
import UserInfo exposing (UserInfo)
import VippsModal
type alias Model =
{ userInfo : UserInfo
, vippsModalModel : VippsModal.Model
type Msg
= EnterUserName String
| EnterPhoneNumber String
| VippsModalMsg VippsModal.Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
EnterUserName name ->
-- Even if `UserInfo` returns the same object here, because the user tried to have a # in the name or something,
-- we'll allocate a new object with different identity than the last.
( { model | userInfo = UserInfo.updateName name model.userInfo }
, Cmd.none
EnterPhoneNumber number ->
-- Even if `UserInfo` returns the same object here, because the user made a bad input or something,
-- we'll allocate a new object with different identity than the last.
( { model | userInfo = UserInfo.updatePhone number model.userInfo }
, Cmd.none
VippsMsg vippsMsg ->
( updatedVippsModal, vippsCmd ) =
VippsModal.update vippsMsg model.vippsModalModel
-- Even if `VippsModal.update` returns the same object as it was passed in, because it only wanted to perform a
-- side-effect or something, we'll still allocate a new modal with different identity than the last.
( { model | vippsModalModel = updatedVippsModal }
, VippsMsg vippsCmd
-- And then comes the view and main functions, which aren't of much interest to this example
/* Today, update is implemented as:
function update(original, patch) {
var updated = {};
for (var key in original) {
updated[key] = original[key];
for (var key in patch) {
updated[key] = patch[key]
return updated;
// Alternatively, we could do:
function copyObj(original) {
var copy = {};
for (var key in original) {
copy[key] = original[key];
return copy;
function update(original, patch) {
var updated = copyObj(original);
for (var key in patch) {
updated[key] = patch[key]
return updated;
function update1(key, value, original) {
if (original[key] === value) {
return original;
var updated = copyObj(original);
updated[key] = value;
return updated;
// and then something similar for update2
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