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Created December 23, 2021 19:40
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import re
from rtree import index
p = index.Property()
p.dimension = 3
ix = index.Index(properties=p)
def volume(cuboids):
return sum((
for (x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2) in cuboids
def is_empty(c):
(x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2) = c
return x1 == x2 or y1 == y2 or z1 == z2
def intersects1d(c, d):
(c1, c2), (d1, d2) = c, d
return (c2 > d1 and d2 > c1)
def intersects(c, d):
(cx1,cy1,cz1, cx2,cy2,cz2) = c
(dx1,dy1,dz1, dx2,dy2,dz2) = d
return (
intersects1d((cx1,cx2), (dx1,dx2))
and intersects1d((cy1,cy2), (dy1,dy2))
and intersects1d((cz1,cz2), (dz1,dz2))
# Return a list of up to six cuboids representing
# the difference (c - d)
def subtract(c, d):
(cx1,cy1,cz1, cx2,cy2,cz2) = c
(dx1,dy1,dz1, dx2,dy2,dz2) = d
if not intersects(c, d):
return [c]
# Clip d to the bounds of c
(dx1,dy1,dz1, dx2,dy2,dz2) = (
max(cx1,dx1), max(cy1,dy1), max(cz1,dz1),
min(cx2,dx2), min(cy2,dy2), min(cz2,dz2)
cuboids = [
(cx1,cy1,cz1, cx2,cy2,dz1),
(cx1,cy1,dz2, cx2,cy2,cz2),
(dx1,cy1,dz1, cx2,dy1,dz2),
(dx2,dy1,dz1, cx2,cy2,dz2),
(cx1,dy2,dz1, dx2,cy2,dz2),
(cx1,cy1,dz1, dx1,dy2,dz2),
return [
cuboid for cuboid in cuboids if not is_empty(cuboid)
def difference(cs, ds):
for d in ds:
cs = sum([ subtract(c, d) for c in cs ], [])
return cs
total = 0
cuboids = []
for line in reversed(list(open(0))):
mo = re.match(r"^(on|off) x=(-?\d+)\.\.(-?\d+),y=(-?\d+)\.\.(-?\d+),z=(-?\d+)\.\.(-?\d+)", line)
on_off, *coords = mo.groups()
x1,x2, y1,y2, z1,z2 = map(int, coords)
cuboid = (x1,y1,z1, x2+1,y2+1,z2+1)
if on_off == "on":
total += volume(difference([cuboid], [ cuboids[i] for i in ix.intersection(cuboid) ]))
ix.insert(len(cuboids), cuboid)
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