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Created December 19, 2021 11:45
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import Control.Monad.State
( MonadState(put, get), runState, State )
import System.IO (isEOF)
import Text.Parsec ( char, digit, (<|>), parse )
data Snailfish = Leaf Int | Branch Snailfish Snailfish
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Snailfish where
show (Leaf n) = show n
show (Branch a b) = "[" ++ show a ++ "," ++ show b ++ "]"
isLeaf (Leaf n) = True
isLeaf (Branch a b) = False
-- Input parser
pSnailfish = pLeaf <|> pBranch
pLeaf = do
n <- digit
return (Leaf (read [n]))
pBranch = do
char '['
left <- pSnailfish
char ','
right <- pSnailfish
char ']'
return (Branch left right)
parseLine :: String -> Snailfish
parseLine s = case parse pSnailfish "(input)" s of
Left e -> error ("Parse error: " ++ show e)
Right snailfish -> snailfish
-- Input/output
getLines :: IO [String]
getLines = do
eof <- isEOF
if eof
then return []
else do
line <- getLine
remaining_lines <- getLines
return (line : remaining_lines)
-- Snailfish arithmetic
add a b = reduce $ Branch a b
reduce s = reduce' (s, True)
reduce' (s, continue) = if continue
then reduce' (reduceOnce s)
else s
reduceOnce s = let
(exploded, done) = explode s
in if done
then (exploded, True)
else split s
data ExplodeState = ExplodeState {
leaves :: [Int],
addend :: Int,
done :: Bool
} deriving (Show)
explode' :: Int -> Snailfish -> State ExplodeState Snailfish
explode' depth (Leaf n) = do
s <- get
let a = addend s
put s { leaves = (n + a):leaves s, addend = 0 }
return (Leaf (n + a))
explode' depth (Branch a b) = do
s <- get
if not (done s) && depth > 3 && isLeaf a && isLeaf b
then do
let (l:ls) = leaves s
let (Leaf va) = a
let (Leaf vb) = b
put s { leaves = 0:(l + va):ls, addend = vb, done = True }
return (Leaf 0)
else do
ra <- explode' (depth + 1) a
rb <- explode' (depth + 1) b
return (Branch ra rb)
explode :: Snailfish -> (Snailfish, Bool)
explode s = let (tree, state) = runState (explode' 0 s) (ExplodeState [] 0 False)
in (fst $ replaceLeaves tree (leaves state), done state)
replaceLeaves s [] = error "Not enough numbers"
replaceLeaves (Leaf n) (x:xs) = (Leaf x, xs)
replaceLeaves (Branch a b) xs = let
(t, ys) = replaceLeaves b xs
(s, zs) = replaceLeaves a ys
in (Branch s t, zs)
split (Leaf n)
| n > 9 = (Branch (Leaf (n `div` 2)) (Leaf (n `div` 2 + n `mod` 2)), True)
| otherwise = (Leaf n, False)
split (Branch a b) = let
(a', done) = split a
in if done
then (Branch a' b, True)
else let
(b', b_done) = split b
in (Branch a' b', b_done)
magnitude (Leaf n) = toInteger n
magnitude (Branch a b) = 3 * magnitude a + 2 * magnitude b
-- Main program
main = do
lines <- getLines
let fishes = map parseLine lines
-- Part 1
print $ magnitude $ foldl1 add $ fishes
-- Part 2
print $ maximum [ magnitude (add a b) | a <- fishes, b <- fishes, a /= b ]
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