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Created September 24, 2022 14:11
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“even faster” maze counter (which is actually slower)
/* efmc.c - Even Faster Maze Counter
(which actually turns out to be slower, lol)
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gmp.h>
#include "fmc.h"
/** Small helper functions **/
/* The largest power of two less than or equal to n
(A bit annoying, because finding the MSB is a single instruction
on x86 – BSR – but we only do this once so it doesn't matter.)
inline static int msb(int n)
int p = 1;
while (p <= n) p <<= 1;
return p >> 1;
inline static void swap(mpz_t **x, mpz_t **y)
mpz_t *t = *x; *x = *y; *y = t;
/** Vector operations **/
static mpz_t *vec_init(int n) {
mpz_t *vec = malloc(n * sizeof(mpz_t));
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
return vec;
static void vec_clear(int n, mpz_t *vec)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
static void vec_set(int n, mpz_t *dest, mpz_t *src)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mpz_set(dest[i], src[i]);
static void vec_set_ui(int n, mpz_t *dest, unsigned int c)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mpz_set_ui(dest[i], c);
static void vec_set_si(int n, mpz_t *dest, int c)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mpz_set_si(dest[i], c);
static void vec_add(int n, mpz_t *dest, mpz_t *a, mpz_t *b, mpz_t p)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mpz_add(dest[i], a[i], b[i]);
mpz_fdiv_r(dest[i], dest[i], p);
static void vec_sub(int n, mpz_t *dest, mpz_t *a, mpz_t *b, mpz_t p)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mpz_sub(dest[i], a[i], b[i]);
mpz_fdiv_r(dest[i], dest[i], p);
static void vec_mul(int n, mpz_t *dest, mpz_t *a, mpz_t *b, mpz_t p)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mpz_mul(dest[i], a[i], b[i]);
mpz_fdiv_r(dest[i], dest[i], p);
static void vec_product(mpz_t result, int n, mpz_t *vec, mpz_t p)
mpz_set_ui(result, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mpz_mul(result, result, vec[i]);
mpz_fdiv_r(result, result, p);
static void vec_print(char *label, int n, mpz_t *vec)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
gmp_printf("%s[%d] = %Zd\n", label, i, vec[i]);
/** Main **/
/* We want a finite field ℤ/pℤ that contains a (2 width)'th
root of unity, which means the order of the multiplicative
group, p-1, needs to be a multiple of (2 width).
We also want p to be greater than the final answer; obviously
we don’t yet know the answer, but we know it will be
≤ 4^((width - 1) (height - 1)).
inline static void find_modulus(mpz_t p, int width, int height)
mpz_ui_pow_ui(p, 4, (width - 1) * (height - 1));
mpz_cdiv_q_ui(p, p, 2*width);
mpz_mul_ui(p, p, 2*width);
mpz_add_ui(p, p, 1);
while (!mpz_probab_prime_p(p, 15)) {
mpz_add_ui(p, p, 2*width);
/* Find a primitive 'n'th root of unity in ℤ/pℤ, assuming
that (p - 1) is a multiple of n.
inline static void find_primitive_root(mpz_t u, int n, mpz_t p)
mpz_t pmo, power, x, y;
bool primitive_root_found;
// pmo := p - 1
mpz_sub_ui(pmo, p, 1);
// power := pmo / n
mpz_divexact_ui(power, pmo, n);
// initialise the RNG
gmp_randstate_t randstate;
do {
// Let u be random in the range 1 .. p-1
mpz_urandomm(u, randstate, pmo);
mpz_add_ui(u, u, 1);
// u := u^power
mpz_powm(u, u, power, p);
/* Now u is an n'th root of unity, but it may not be
a primitive root. Check by brute force, since we may
assume that n is small. */
primitive_root_found = true;
for (int i = 2; i < n; ++i)
mpz_powm_ui(x, u, i, p);
if (mpz_cmp_ui(x, 1) == 0)
primitive_root_found = false;
while (!primitive_root_found);
inline static void find_initial_eigenvalues(int n, mpz_t v[], mpz_t u, mpz_t p)
mpz_t temp;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// v[i] := u^i + u^-i + 4
mpz_powm_ui(v[i], u, i+1, p);
mpz_invert(temp, v[i], p);
mpz_add(v[i], v[i], temp);
mpz_add_ui(v[i], v[i], 4);
mpz_fdiv_r(v[i], v[i], p);
static void find_eigenvalues(mpz_t *ret, int width, int height, mpz_t *m, mpz_t p)
int n = width - 1;
mpz_t *a, *b, *c, *temp, *new_a, *new_b;
a = vec_init(n);
b = vec_init(n);
c = vec_init(n);
temp = vec_init(n);
new_a = vec_init(n);
new_b = vec_init(n);
vec_set_si(n, a, -1);
vec_set_ui(n, b, 0);
vec_set_ui(n, c, +1);
for (int bit = msb(height); bit > 0; bit >>= 1)
/* a, b := b^2 - a^2, bc - ab */
vec_mul(n, new_a, b, b, p);
vec_mul(n, temp, a, a, p);
vec_sub(n, new_a, new_a, temp, p);
vec_mul(n, new_b, b, c, p);
vec_mul(n, temp, a, b, p);
vec_sub(n, new_b, new_b, temp, p);
swap(&a, &new_a);
swap(&b, &new_b);
if ((height & bit) > 0)
/* a, b := b, bM - a */
vec_set(n, new_a, b);
vec_mul(n, new_b, b, m, p);
vec_sub(n, new_b, new_b, a, p);
swap(&a, &new_a);
swap(&b, &new_b);
/* c := bM - a */
vec_mul(n, c, b, m, p);
vec_sub(n, c, c, a, p);
vec_set(n, ret, b);
vec_clear(n, a);
vec_clear(n, b);
vec_clear(n, c);
vec_clear(n, temp);
vec_clear(n, new_a);
vec_clear(n, new_b);
/* Fast Maze Counter.
Count the number of mazes on a 'width'x'height grid,
and store the result in 'out'.
void fmc(mpz_t *out, int width, int height)
int n = width - 1;
mpz_t p, u;
mpz_t *initial_eigenvalues, *eigenvalues;
initial_eigenvalues = vec_init(n);
eigenvalues = vec_init(n);
find_modulus(p, width, height);
gmp_printf("p = %Zd\n", p);
find_primitive_root(u, 2*width, p);
gmp_printf("u = %Zd\n", u);
find_initial_eigenvalues(n, initial_eigenvalues, u, p);
find_eigenvalues(eigenvalues, width, height, initial_eigenvalues, p);
// vec_print("initial_eigenvalues", n, initial_eigenvalues);
// vec_print("eigenvalues", n, eigenvalues);
vec_product(*out, n, eigenvalues, p);
vec_clear(n, initial_eigenvalues);
vec_clear(n, eigenvalues);
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