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Created November 17, 2023 14:26
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Using fzf to fuzzy-find OpenFOAM features

Fuzzy finding 'FOAM features

Accompanies OnCFD Newsletter #173

A couple of code snippets that use fzf to mine your install & extract the answers to everyday OpenFOAM questions, like...

  • How do I use a particular feature?
  • What does so-and-so dictionary look like?
  • Does this need a semi-colon? 🤦‍♂️

It looks like this...


Here are the code snippets...

fzf + grep + less version

grep \
--line-buffered --line-number --color=never \
--recursive --binary-files=without-match '' $FOAM_TUTORIALS |
fzf \
--delimiter : \
--preview 'less {1}' \
--preview-window 'up,75%,border,+{2}/3'

fzf + ripgrep + bat version

rg \
--color=always --line-number --no-heading \
--smart-case '' $FOAM_TUTORIALS |
fzf --ansi \
--color 'hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:underline:reverse' \
--delimiter : \
--preview 'bat -lcpp --color=always {1} --highlight-line {2}' \
--preview-window 'up,75%,border,+{2}+3/3,~3'

That should save you some typing, but make sure you check out the original article for more info 👋

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It's not working, at least for me, on macOS.

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I'll check 'em out again on my Mac - any error messages?

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Thanks for response, I just alias this :

rg \
--color=always --line-number --no-heading \
--smart-case '' $FOAM_TUTORIALS |
fzf --ansi \
--color 'hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:underline:reverse' \
--delimiter : \
--preview 'bat -lcpp --color=always {1} --highlight-line {2}' \
--preview-window 'up,75%,border,+{2}+3/3,~3'

to something, for example command, then when i execute command, I see lots of permission denied messages, you can see some in the following image.
Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 00 08 29

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rg seems to be looking in some odd places - perhaps you don't have the $FOAM_TUTORIALS environment variable set

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abzrg commented Jun 12, 2024

Thanks for sharing!

I tweaked it a bit:

function gtfo() {
  test -z "$WM_PROJECT_DIR" \
  && { echo "OpenFOAM environment is not loaded." && return 1 ;}

  ( cd $FOAM_TUTORIALS || exit # Assert

    # [ 1st version: grep ]
    # ggrep                                                                  \
    #   --no-messages                                                        \
    #   --line-buffered --line-number --color=never                          \
    #   --binary-files=without-match ''                                      \
    #   --recursive                                                          \
    #   --exclude={'*.m4','*.inp','*.sh','*.py','*plot*','*All*','*Test*'}   \
    #   --exclude={'*otape17*','*list-worlds*','*.schema','*validation'}     \
    #   --exclude={'*README*'}                                               \
    #   --exclude-dir={'*geometry*','*polyMesh*','*dataset*','*triSurface*'} \

    # [ 2nd version: find, xargs, grep ]
    # find . -type f                                                   \
    #   -not \( -path '*.m4*' -o -path "*.csv" \)                      \
    #   -not \( -path '*geometry*' -prune -o -path "dataset" -prune \) \
    #   -type f -print0                                                \

    find . -type f                                \
      -not \(                                     \
          -path "*polyMesh*" -prune               \
          -o -path '*triSurface*' -prune          \
          -o -path '*geometry*' -prune            \
          -o -path "*dataset*" -prune             \
          -o -path '*validation*' -prune          \
          -o -path "*All*"                        \
          -o -path '*.sh'                         \
          -o -path "*.py"                         \
          -o -path '*README*'                     \
          -o -path '*.m4*'                        \
          -o -path "*plot*"                       \
          -o -path "*list-worlds*"                \
          -o -path "*.schema"                     \
          -o -path "*.csv"                        \
          -o -path '*otape17*'                    \
          -o -path "*Test*"                       \
      \) -type f -print0                          \
    | xargs -0 --max-procs 0  --no-run-if-empty   \
        ggrep --line-buffered --line-number       \
          --binary-files=without-match --color "" \
    | sk --ansi                                     \
      --query "$1"                                  \
      --delimiter ':' --nth=3                       \
      --preview '                                   \
          test -n {} && zless {1}                   \
          | nl -ba                                  \
          | perl -pe "s/"{2}"/>/g if "{2}" .. "{2}' \
      --preview-window 'up:70%:+{2}-/3'

I was trying to use GNU parallel instead of xargs to concurrently grep for the query, but wasn't successful.

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Nice work @abzrg - much better than mine 😉

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rg seems to be looking in some odd places - perhaps you don't have the $FOAM_TUTORIALS environment variable set

Sorry for the late reply on this; I solved the problem by migrating to lazyVim, I believe its possible to integrate yours into lazyVim too :D

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Glad it was the start of something useful @cloner0110 🙌

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abzrg commented Jun 14, 2024

All credit to you 🙏

Well, thanks to this idea, I thought about something similar: quickly looking at the OpenFOAM source code as well. Not like greping in all the source code, but let's say I want to look at the createFields.H in the icoFoam solver, Or I want to know how sphereDrag force in lagrangian/intermediate library is implemented. Basically I want to quickly get access to certain files.

I wrote a script for that, which is available in this gist.
Although it works well, It's a bit hacky at the moment :)

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Doesn't look hacky to me - nice work @abzrg

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