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Last active December 20, 2015 23:48
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Save robinmonjo/6214729 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tls = require 'tls'
fs = require 'fs'
Connection = require('./connection').Connection
class Rendezvous
@unPairedConnections = []
connectionFindOutSecret: (connection, cb) =>
#check if a connection with the same secret exists in the unPairedConnections list
for co in @unPairedConnections
if co.secret == connection.secret
cb co #telling connection we have found his peer
#remove co and connection from the array they both have met
#Launch server
options =
key: fs.readFileSync 'private-key.pem'
cert: fs.readFileSync 'public-cert.pem'
server = tls.createServer options, (socket) ->
#new connection incoming, creating the object and adding it to the list of un paired connection
connection = new Connection socket, this
unPairedConnections.push connection
server.listen 1237, () ->
console.log "Listening on 1237"
module.exports.Rendezvous = Rendezvous
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