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Last active March 1, 2016 15:26
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Batch file for cmd.exe for signing an existing Java archive (.jar file)
@echo off
set startdir=%cd%
set tmpdir="C:\Temp\signjar.tmp"
set notepadpp="C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
set veracrypt="C:\Program Files\VeraCrypt\VeraCrypt.exe"
set vc_volume="\\nas\company\kunder\Fagbokforlaget V&B AS\code-signing\FVB.hc"
set vc_drive="K"
set timestamp_url=""
set keystore="K:\FVB.pfx"
set keystore_alias="FVB"
set arg=%~1
IF "%arg%"=="" (
echo Please specify a .jar file
exit /B 1
IF EXIST %tmpdir% (
rmdir /S /Q %tmpdir%
IF EXIST %tmpdir% (
echo Unable to remove %tmpdir%
exit /B 1
mkdir %tmpdir%
IF NOT EXIST %keystore% (
echo Please ensure %keystore% is readable. Running VeraCrypt now...
%veracrypt% /q /l %vc_drive% /v %vc_volume%
exit /B 1
pushd %tmpdir%
IF EXIST "%arg%" (
set jarfile=%arg%
) ELSE (
IF EXIST "%startdir%\%arg%" (
set jarfile=%startdir%\%arg%
) ELSE (
echo Please specify a valid .jar file
exit /B 1
echo Unpacking "%jarfile%" into %tmpdir%...
jar xf "%jarfile%"
set manifest="%jarfile%.manifest"
IF EXIST %manifest% (
echo Using JAR manifest %manifest%
) ELSE (
COPY /-Y %tmpdir%\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF %manifest%
echo Edit %manifest% and add at least the following settings:
echo ############################################################################
echo #
echo Main-Class: MyEntryPointClass
echo Permissions: sandbox # for regular applets
echo Permissions: all-permissions # or for full access applets
echo Codebase: * # which FQDNs the applet can run on
echo Caller-Allowable-Codebase: * # if you need to call it from JavaScript
echo #
echo #
echo ############################################################################
%notepadpp% %manifest%
exit /B 1
echo Packing %tmpdir% into "%jarfile%.packed"
jar cfm "%jarfile%.packed" %manifest% -C %tmpdir% .
IF NOT EXIST "%jarfile%.packed" (
echo Packing .jar file failed
exit /B 1
echo Signing "%jarfile%.packed" into "%jarfile%.signed"
jarsigner -tsa %timestamp_url% -keystore %keystore% -signedjar "%jarfile%.signed" "%jarfile%.packed" %keystore_alias%
del /Q /F "%jarfile%.packed"
IF EXIST "%jarfile%.signed" (
move /Y "%jarfile%.signed" "%jarfile%"
) ELSE (
echo JAR signing failed
exit /B 1
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