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Last active November 5, 2015 11:35
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Language extension for wisp in the nesh Node.js REPL
Wisp homoiconic Clojure-like to JavaScript transpiler
language component for Nesh, the Node.js enhanced shell.
require 'colors'
wisp = require 'wisp'
compiler = require 'wisp/compiler'
log = require '../log'
path = require 'path'
vm = require 'vm'
exports.setup = ({nesh}) ->
log.debug 'Loading Wisp, Homoiconic JavaScript with Node.js'
# Set the compile function to convert Wisp -> bare Javascript
nesh.compile = (data) ->
compiler.compile data
# Import the REPL, which handles individual line commands
nesh.repl =
start: (opts) ->
opts.eval = (code, context, filename, callback) ->
if code[0] is '(' and code[code.length - 1] is ')'
code = code.slice 1, -1
err = null
output = null
result = compiler.compile code
global.exports = module.exports
output = vm.runInThisContext(result.code, {filename})
catch e
err = e
# Sometimes this is the only output... in that case just ignore
if output is 'use strict' then output = undefined
callback err, output
repl = require('repl').start opts
# Set the default welcome message to include the CoffeeScript version
nesh.defaults.welcome = "Wondereous " + "wisp".cyan + " REPL"
# Set the Wisp prompt value
nesh.defaults.prompt = 'wisp> '
nesh.defaults.useGlobal = true
# Save history in ~/.wisp_history
nesh.defaults.historyFile = path.join(nesh.config.home, '.wisp_history')
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