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Last active January 29, 2019 15:38
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Modeling the Maybe monad in TypeScript
* Tag
* These are used to create the Tagged Union
const enum Tag {
None = "None",
Some = "Some"
* None and Some are Maybe Members
interface None { tag: Tag.None }
interface Some<A> { tag: Tag.Some, data: A }
* Maybe is the Union of None and Some.
* It is parameterized by a generic type.
type Maybe<A> = None | Some<A>
* Maybe Constructors
* None is constant while Some is parameterized (function)
const None: None = { tag: Tag.None }
const Some = <A>(x: A): Some<A> => ({ tag: Tag.Some, data: x })
* Below are some examples of how to use Maybe
const either = <A>(x: Maybe<A>, y: A): A => {
switch (x.tag) {
case Tag.Some:
case Tag.None:
return y
return assertNever(x, y)
const assertNever = <A>(x: never, y: A) => y
const thing = either(Some("hi"), "bye")
interface User {
name: string
const head = <A>(xs: A[]): Maybe<A> => xs[0] === undefined ? None : Some(xs[0])
const users: User[] = []
const firstUser = head(users)
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