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Last active October 16, 2024 06:11
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three-letter-word problem
# Load necessary library
# Step 1: List most common three-letter English words
three_letter_words <- sw_fry_1000[nchar(sw_fry_1000) == 3]
# Ensure all words are lowercase
three_letter_words <- tolower(three_letter_words)
# add other words as you like
three_letter_words = c(three_letter_words, c("rat", "not", "bag", "hag", "bet", "bum", "web", "its", "day", "two", "sex", "set", "map", "way", "off", "did", "car", "dvd", "per", "usa", "non", "why", "gay", "air", "hot", "say", "tax", "got", "act", "red", "key", "far", "win", "bed", "ass", "sea", "cut", "kit", "boy", "son", "bug", "mid", "lcd", "hiv", "kim", "lie", "eve", "rod", "sad", "ban", "rid", "rip", "pub", "dna", "eat", "gun", "sam", "tie", "ron", "rob", "gap", "sms", "cow", "lip", "sap", "dis", "fwd", "mud", "cop", "sir", "wet", "ram", "fox", "hop", "kid", "nfl", "sum", "vat", "hat", "ray", "ice", "yet", "sow", "bow", "low"))
#from ChatGPT
additional_words <- c(
"and", "the", "for", "are", "but", "you", "all", "can", "was", "her", "she",
"him", "had", "his", "out", "get", "man", "old", "now", "use", "how", "our",
"may", "see", "big", "end", "any", "let", "put", "own", "yes", "too", "bad",
"dog", "cat", "pig", "ant", "bee", "fly", "owl", "bat", "sun", "sky", "dry",
"top", "pay", "buy", "ask", "dig", "fix", "mix", "row", "hit", "fit", "sit",
"has", "nor", "mom", "sis", "fun", "joy", "box", "cup", "pen", "rug", "bus",
"van", "cab", "gas", "oil", "add", "sum", "law", "art", "god", "pie", "egg",
"elf", "fan", "fat", "fog", "gel", "gig", "gym", "hip", "hug", "ink", "jam",
"jar", "jet", "jog", "jug", "lap", "log", "mad", "mat", "nap", "nod", "nut",
"pad", "pan", "pat", "peg", "pet", "pin", "pit", "pop", "pot", "rag", "ran",
"rap", "rig", "rim", "rot", "row", "rub", "sat", "set", "sew", "shy", "sip",
"six", "ski", "sob", "tan", "tap", "tea", "ten", "tin", "tip", "toe", "ton",
"top", "toy", "try", "tub", "tug", "vet", "via", "vow", "war", "wax", "wig",
"wow", "yak", "yam", "zip", "zoo"
three_letter_words = c(three_letter_words, additional_words)
# Create a set for quick lookup
word_set <- unique(three_letter_words)
# Step 2: For each possible pair of words, check if the shifted concatenation produces valid words
results <- data.frame(Word1 = character(),
Word2 = character(),
ShiftedWords = character(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Iterate over all ordered pairs of words
for (w1 in three_letter_words) {
for (w2 in three_letter_words) {
concat_word <- paste0(w1, w2, sep = "") # This is a 6-letter string
shifted_word <- substr(concat_word, 3, 5)
# Check if shifted words are valid three-letter words
if (shifted_word %in% word_set) {
# Add to results
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Word1 = w1,
Word2 = w2,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
# Step 3: Print the table of valid pairs
# Make a tibble of which words can follow any other word
follow_on_df <- results %>%
group_by(Word1) %>%
follow_on = (paste(unique(Word2), collapse = ", ")),
fN = length(unique(Word2))
# crazy graph
# Assuming follow_on_df is already created
# Example:
# follow_on_df <- data.frame(
# Word1 = c("cat", "dog"),
# follow_on = c("and, bat, mat", "cat, bat"),
# fN = c(3, 2),
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# )
# Prepare your data
unique_words <- unique(c(
unlist(strsplit(follow_on_df$follow_on, ", "))
# Sample 'follow_on_df' data frame
# Replace this with your actual data
# Example:
# follow_on_df <- data.frame(
# Word1 = c("tea", "and", "cat"),
# follow_on = c("and, the, bag", "cat, dog", "hat, run"),
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# )
# Define your nodes based on 'follow_on_df'
nodes <- data.frame(
id = unique(c(follow_on_df$Word1, unlist(strsplit(follow_on_df$follow_on, ", ")))),
label = unique(c(follow_on_df$Word1, unlist(strsplit(follow_on_df$follow_on, ", ")))),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Initialize empty edges data frame
edges <- data.frame(
from = character(),
to = character(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Loop through 'follow_on_df' to create edges pointing from Word1 to its follow-on words
for (i in 1:nrow(follow_on_df)) {
from_word <- follow_on_df$Word1[i]
to_words <- unlist(strsplit(follow_on_df$follow_on[i], ", "))
# Create edges from 'from_word' to each 'to_word'
edges_temp <- data.frame(
from = from_word,
to = to_words,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
edges <- rbind(edges, edges_temp)
# Assign default color to all edges
edges$color <- "grey" # Default edge color
# Optionally, assign unique IDs to edges if you have multiple identical edges
# edges$id <- 1:nrow(edges)
# Build the visNetwork graph
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>%
visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout_with_fr") %>% # Apply layout algorithm
arrows = "to",
color = list(
inherit = FALSE # Allow individual edge colors to be used
) %>%
visPhysics(enabled = TRUE) %>% # Enable physics for node movement
visNodes( # Set node properties
shape = "circle",
font = list(
color = "black",
size = 20,
face = "arial",
align = "center",
vadjust = 0
color = list(
background = "lightblue",
border = "darkblue",
highlight = "orange"
) %>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE, nodesIdSelection = TRUE) %>%
selectNode = "function(properties) {
var nodeId = properties.nodes[0];
// Get all edges connected to the selected node
var allEdges =;
// Iterate through all edges
allEdges.forEach(function(edge) {
if(edge.from === nodeId) {
// Highlight outgoing edges in green
edge.color = 'green';
} else {
// Reset other edges to default color
edge.color = 'grey';
// Update the edge in the network;
// Optionally, you can focus on the selected node{
nodes: [nodeId],
animation: {duration: 500, easingFunction: 'easeInOutQuad'}
deselectNode = "function(properties) {
// Reset all edges to default color when no node is selected
var allEdges =;
allEdges.forEach(function(edge) {
edge.color = 'grey';;
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roblanf commented Oct 16, 2024

added some more words and a graph layout. Thanks ChatGPT

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